Duddy is exciting, and Lee has decent pop. Both will fight with pride. I see a good fight worth watching.
I think I'll probably pick Lee. Duddy was ALWAYS mediocre at best, but he's actually REGRESSED from the fighter he was a few years ago.
Duddy hasn't regressed- he's fought more often and thus, according to his style, has taken more punishment and what you see now is the basic wear and tear of a no-defence fighter. His win over Campas and his loss to Julio Steroid Boy Jr more than trump anything Lee has achieved. Fuck Lee.
couldn't happen, Lee isn't durable enough. If Duddy isn't aggressive enough, he gets outboxed; he needs to rough up Lee like Vera did, Lee doesn't have the skills to keep aggressive busy fighters with solid chins away.
Fightnews says Duddy's retired. Fight off. http://www.fightnews.com/Boxing/duddy-retires-lee-fight-off-72708
Don't hold any hope for the lad then?... I thought he looked like a nice pale scyther early, then he went and got himself exposed like a typical white hype,..hahahahahahahaha!!! an impact that reflects on all white people, still,.. I figured he might be able to be resurrected into some sort of kit?
Exposed as Ketchel was yes,.. but aslong as Lee stays well clear of the coloured title,.. can he atleast not become part of the mix?... Korobov is glass chinned white scum aswell,.. but nobody has jumped overboard yet,.. so what's Lee's problem by comparison?... he cant be any worse than St Bernard Dunne,..
Blame Dan Bermingham. He had Jeff Lacy, who would look good stuffed into skin-tight lycra back in 1905, and he took Jeff Lacy, and so badly trained him that Calzaghe , eh, won a decision.
I like that matchup better, anyway. Lee-Duddy was strictly to sell a few extra tickers. McEwan is a credible enough prosect to where a win over him looks better on Lee's resume.
Not sure it'll be a more entertaining fight, though..and that was supposedly the premise of Lee-Duddy. But maybe it will be, who knows. I havent been very impressed with some of the fights I've seen of McEwan. But whatever, Dibella's still got his in-ring "White Out" in tact.
Oh I agree, Lee-Duddy was going to be fun, but a one-sided slaughter. But even that wasn't its main motivation - DiBella himself will tell you that the fight was there to sell tickets, though with the WaMu Theatre as the originally intended location. I'm not big on McEwan, either. But he's an undefeated fighter with ties to Golden Boy, which means he's good enough for HBO, which means Lee has a legit shot at resuscitating his once-promising career.
I wouldn't be so sure about the slaughter part, anyone who has followed Lee since the Vera fight might think that he's a fighter who cannot deal with sustained pressure and a smidgen of power, I could conceivably see a beat up Duddy getting to an exhaused Lee (think Wlad against Brewster) around the 9th
I agree with the overall premise: talented boxer gets overwhelmed by determined brawler- but Duddy doesn't seem to come on in fights like he used to, and Lee undoubtedly has more power than Chavez Jr. I think it would have been a slice job unless John got something big off very early. Lee is a guy who, like Bernard Dunne, I just cannot warm to.
Cannot warm to it, like the independence of Kernow, and the recognition of the Cork county for that matter. :flip:opcorn:
:crafty: You need a soothing cup of tea amongst friends,... or maybe not come to think of it. What does it read when the litmus paper bursts into flames?..