dunno why you're talking about a rematch...the first fight it what counts it's like failing an exam and being allowed to take it over and over again till you pass...shouldn't happen it's a mixture of both sides in the first fight Leonard was a little keener to brawl than usual....but what else was he going to do against a smaller fighter who isn't a huge puncher even at lower weights? treat him like a poinsonous snake? but there are also many instances where Leonard tries to box and keep plenty of distance, but fails....like when Duran catches him and staggers him from the outside either way it's one of the best wins of all time
Again, Prior to the FIRST Fight, Duran KNEW Leonard Had a Rematch Clause....Duran had the WIN, the Title & ALL of the Leverage...If Duran Wasn't FULLY Prepared to Fight, he Could've Conveniently Gotten "Cut" in Sparring, "Pulled a Muscle" or ANYTHING...There's All Kind of Ways to Get OUT of &/or POSTPONE a Fight & Ray Would've had NO Recourse...So REED Ain't Buying the Duran-Leonard II Pre-Fight Excuses.... As is, Duran Waited Until he was IN THE RING, Being Made a FOOL Of, Before the Excuses Started Flying...REED has the UTMOST RESPECT for You AND Brother Hut, Mex (U ALREADY Know that), but U Guys R Completely UNREASONABLE as it Pertains to Roberto Duran... Being a CERTIFIED RJ Nuthugger, REED RECOGNIZES the Symptoms, Bro::.... REED Won't Pretend that Leonard was "Whipping" Duran or Anything, but he was CLEARLY IN CONTROL of the Fight, for Most of the 8 Rounds...Even w/the Dead Spot in the Ring, Duran Could Do NATHAN to Offset Leonard's Footwork AND Whenever Leonard WANTED to Hit Duran, he Did... No, he NEVER Hurt Duran, but he was CLEARLY OUTPOINTING him, Bro...& Duran Could Do NATHAN to Conquer Leonard's Mobility, Other than QUIT... As Leonard Said, "Duran INTRODUCED Me to Psychological Warfare"....Well, Leonard CLEARLY TRUMPED Duran in the RE.... REED:hammert:
I don't think Duran was a great fighter in the 80s. He was an occasionally excellent one, but neither his style or his body allowed a seamless passage through age and weight classes, and that he had the patchy success he did is a testimony to his skill. No other come forward,swarming style fighter replicated Duran's longevity or was expected to and that the bad nights became as frequent as the good ones, especially as his commitment to the sport ebbed and waned hardly strikes me as a big knock against him. By far the most relevant part of any fighters careers are his prime ones, as I argued in the Hagler-Hops thread. But Laing was also a supremely gifted under achiever who had a beautiful stars-align 'Buster Douglas' night against Duran & deserves to be remembered for it.
Well yeah that's what I mean. He's very fast and people get overly excited when they see a fast fighter. He has a LOT of work to do with his skills.
I agree that in the beginning Hearns slugged too much (Hearns did say though that he had to in order to get Hagler's respect or else he'd get run over), but I think Hearns later on tried to box. Hagler was all over him and didn't let him use his height & reach.
I'm drunk as shit right now and just turned 31, however I look younger so hopefully I can continue to pull much younger girls (no r. Kelly). Drunk thoughts: Mosley fiught like a scared bitch and I want my money back, or at least a grope of his gfs voluptuous ass. The fight was utter basura...I felt bad about supporting such trash. It's because of consumers like me that we r not getting Mayweather-Pacquiao. Arum figures he and Manny can get a ton of money in safe fights. Arum can milk Pac, Pac can make a lot facing non-threats, and Floyd can keep his 0 and hope Manny adds wear and tear to his body. Floyd wins a 8-4 type decision over Pac. He's still a guy who could have and should have beaten better opponents. Mosley lost but he still won. He gets millions and gets to pound that fine ass. I'd let her sit on my face for a long time. And ynlike Frochs girl, she doesn't make too much noise when we are trying to watch boxing