Ok I'll concede there too. The poster I pulled up no spike and no other fighters. You're correct on that. I'm wrong. On that point alone though;)
Haha no I'm being condescending to a feeble brained person who likes to throw big words around and then back off when he gets called out on it. So no replies on your economic statements?? Or do you need pictures so you can understand and explain?? Lol
Alright so here's where I'm going to end on this argument. I don't think Bidping is worth more than BJ, Rampage, Coture, Evans, Silva, or any other past or current champion. He's definitely valuable in the UK but he fought there once in 2010 which is what this post was about. I'm all for you having your opinion, but if in order to prove your point you misuse terminologies and theories I'm gonna call you on it. So yes I am wrong that Bisping was on the card and the poster. Which you should call me on. But for our next banter perhaps we can actually deal with the process of point counter point? Then again though I'm sure part of getting to thousands of posts here has to be a display of your ability to divert. Peace
Feeble brained? I believe I just absolutely ridiculed you. So where's my answer? You said the UFC did "plenty well" without Bisping in England. So, show me the event without Bisping that did as well as with Bisping? And on the economic front, you still owe me answer from my first or second post... Do you support someone regulating the UFC and telling them what they should pay their fighters? Simple question even for someone with your complete lack of attention to detail. And you've yet to call me on anything. I'll be waiting there genius. :dancingBaby:
If I were you I would look to end this ass whooping as well. Actually you were wrong on: 1) UFC 75 not including Bisping 2) UFC 75 poster not including Bisping 3) UFC doing as well in England without Bisping 4) UFC having an MMA monopoly. And you've failed to answer a simple question about UFC salaries. Let's be honest, you should change your screen name to "JustPlainWrong" Man, too easy.