but... 1. Do you know how to box? 2. Do you have average strength (for a man)? 3. Do you have decent athleticism? If so...all you need do is train with manny Stewart for a year...and you'll EASILY kick Ann Wolfe's female ass with your 6'2", 200+ pound frame. EASY. She's a woman.
Outside of goofin around a bit with the heavy bag and the speed bag, I don't have a clue how to box I'm a pretty big guy, 6'2 235 so I'm definitely strong athleticism?? , not exactly... I'm not what anyone would mistake for "fast" If Anne Wolfe could keep me away from her, I think she'd chop me up to shreds... but if I can grab her, I'd obviously kill her... but who knows? she might be too quick for me to do that all I am saying is that in a pure boxing match, I think I'd have too much trouble trying to land anything on her
Fair enough. If you can't land on her you can't win. I get that. But if you had the athletic ability and the basical boxing skills hat would allow you to land reasonably consistently...you'd overpower her.
Any man should kick a woman's ass I don't care who the fuck you are or who the fuck she is . If you can't then you should just jump off a cliff because you're an emberassment to the male species.
i was choked out by a woman during a time when i was handling 180 LBS athletic powerful men all the time. so you never know. although grappling is much more about what you know than boxing...which is much more athleticism based. vic probably wins in a couple rounds.
Seeing is BELIEVING, that's for Sure...Ann Wolfe is an IMPRESSIVE Physical Specimen...She's as Big as an AVERAGE Sized Male & She's MUSCULAR...She'd Probably Whip 7 Out of 10 Same Sized REGULAR Guys, on the Street...So is it THAT Faaaaaaar Fetched to Imagine Ann Wolfe Beating a Pint Sized Guy, Nearly 50lbs SMALLER???... REED:dunno:
Unless U have Some Semblance of an AMMY Boxing Career, that's Doubtful, Brother Sly...Ann Wolfe's a TOUGH Broad...She's Endured LABOR, HOMELESSNESS & Other Shit...She's Not Some Dainty, Prissy Miss that U Could BITCHSLAP Into Behaving... REED:hammert:
They were of SIMILAR Size Though, if REED's Not Mistaken...REED Would Expect Size to B Ann Wolfe's GREATEST Asset vs. Darchinyan... REED:Lok:
From what REED Recalls, that was a STAMINA Loss, in Wolfe's 7th Pro Fight, to the Ultra TOUGH Valerie Mahfood...A Better Conditioned Wolfe AVENGED that Loss Years Later (via 10 round UD), on the Laila Ali-Christy Martin Undercard... REED:kidcool:
Ann Wolfe would Easily WHIP YOUR Ass, EMPLOYEE...Then She'd Make YOU Perform Fellatio on her Strap-On Dildo.... REED:shit:
Exactly... They Make it Seem as if Wolfe's Gonna Come Straight from the Nail Salon to the Ring, Wearing a Thong, Stilleto's, Make-Up & an $80 Hairdo....That Bitch is HARDCORE... REED:kidcool:
U're Also the SAME Dumbfuck that's IGNORANT Enough to Think he Can Beat Any "Midget" Boxer Too...Referring to Yourself as 'Boss" is like a FAT Guy Calling Himself "Tiny"....Nice Work, EMPLOYEE... REED:dancingBaby:
You Talk Waaaaaaaaaaay Toooooooooo MUCH Shit & U're Faaaaaaaaaaaar Toooooooooooo IGNORANT about Boxing History to have Any REDEEMING Boxing Talent, EMPLOYEE...Even in an OLD FOLK'S Home, REED Doubts that YOU'RE EVER the "Baddest" Guy in the Room.... REED:kidcool:
Dude just because you can't beat a girl up doesn't mean the rest of us can't. It's okay you don't have to be like me just be happy with yourself. Some man are masculine and manly and strong and proudly can say they could whip any woman out there just like a man should and some are just wimpy scrawny whipped REETARDS. Now go beg your wife for permission to order UFC 129 and have a great night