If you have an issue about someone posting about a fight that happened 30 years ago then stay out of the thread. No one will miss your "contributions." you unpleasant ass
Hey, that is all good and well; but since some of these posters are so passionate about ancient history concerning a fight between two guys that are now probably in their sixties: go for it and show us what you have got, folks. Lobby to the commission, but be forewarned: you are most likely going to be stretched by a couple of cops if you don't high tail it out of there after stating your case.
Hegman is looking to start trouble, yet again. When has talking about old fights become a bad thing here? Fuck you Karl
Man, being a boxing fan is 90% talking about historic fights. If I'm going to get my ass kicked by the NSAC, a Vegas cop, Dan Tana, or a hooker every time I reminisce about a classic fight, hell I might become a fan of needle point or something instead.
I just dont understand what talking with the commission has to do with discussing old fights. Am i missing something?
especially considering i agree with the verdict of the fight in question. Hegman can remember how many Mimosas he had at some gin joint in Geezers Palace afterward but not how he scored the match. go figure
The judges were too generous to Duran here IMO (as they also were in his fight against Benitez). The fight was competitive, but not nearly as close as the judges had it. Duran would've gotten the decision if he had won the last round. I had Hagler ahead by 5.
Mugabi was my favorite boxer growing up. My dad took me to watch this fight live. My very first live event. I got to meet Mugabi after the fight. He was pretty to cool to a young kid, even in defeat.
Karl, you're a good guy, I like your input man. What's happening with Chris Henry? Has he got an eye on the Cleverley-Brahmer winner?
Number One I haven't spoken with Henry lately, bro. Brahmer ducked the guy, that much is a fact. As for Cleverly; he's all wrong for Chris. Cleverly can really fight, and should do a paint job on Brahmer; perhaps finishing him off with a left hook to the liver or floating rib. I am extremely impressed with Nathan, and he trains all the time and is a clean living athlete who is in too good condition for Henry right now. In my honest opinion: Nathan Cleverly is the best Light Heavyweight in the world presently. Karl
No, not at all. He is currently involved in some production projects that have taken him out of the area. He's working out, in fact he has put on muscle and will be back in training next month. I always thought he should fight Cruiser weight as he would be more effective with his strength and would not have to kill himself to make weight. As it is, he is fighting Kostecki next.
Well to my shame, outside of truncated highlights, I haven't seen Hagler Duran and was going to set aside some time this weekend to do so. Is this a good start? Maybe I should find a fight that has split the board in the past.
It's a decent fight, but at least this thread has prepared you for it. Given the styles and reputations of both, the public surely was expecting more toe to toe action. Even in hindsight given the names of Hagler and Duran you'd think so too. Just expect more of a boxing match than a war.
You serious???... I thought Cotto was CLEARLY winning most of the rounds for sure. Phony was competitive sure, but he was getting outlanded consistently throughout most of the rounds.
what the fuck does that have to do with anything? It's a GENERAL DISCUSSION, you fucking asshole It's not a Mythical Matchup, it's a DISCUSSION about a FIGHT Why don't you go die in a fire, you useless piece of fucking garbage? you are the most awful piece of shit in the history of the internet, a useless old fart... I hope you fall into a vat of hydrochloric acid