Are you serious? You rag on Manny's competition and attempt to justify Floyd fighting a lightweight who was only barely relevant 8 years ago? Please tell me you're joking.
its a shitty fight, but most here will watch it one way or another. and mayweather jr will make another easy 8 figure payday.
If you're not joking, you have no right to criticize any fight Manny has or shall take in his entire career. This would mark an all time low for Floyd. Personally I find this fight hard to believe, even for Floyd. It's too absurd.
It seems crazy to me that HBO would sign off on this. It is not a quality matchup. Do you guys really think it would do good PPV numbers? I don't. Better than what Pacquiao used to put up before he started fighting Mayweather leftovers, but overall I don't think it would sell very good to the public. The American public certainly has plenty of other options in terms of their combat sports now to waste on Mayweather fighting a non-entity, non-mexican, non-pacquiao fighter.
Selling well isn't the same as losing money, and it's not like HBO would lose money on the fight. I can't imagine HBO wants a year in which they get one or fewer ppv's involving Mayweather and Pacquiao.
You're absolutely right, but I think his point was why Spadafora when another opponent on the same date would surely sell better? Surely even Floyd against Oh Boy Oh Berto would sell better than this farce. I don't believe it though, I think it's just a rumour. I'm giving Floyd the benefit of the doubt.
if this was on hbo, everyone who has hbo would watch. shit, everyone would tune in if mayweather fought chuck t.
Still seems strange to me they would approve Spadafora. I think Neil has a point about the southpaw thing.... but I still can't believe HBO approves of the opponent unless Floyd is hinting at it being a prep for southpaw Pacquiao in the very near future.
I honestly don't know if I would watch. And I am one of the few Mayweather fans left. It's pointless to watch him beat an insignificant no-hoper who isn't going to make a great fight of it.
i wouldnt go out of my way to watch it, that's for sure. if i'm sitting at home though i'm sure i'll watch. but you're right. it's a shitty fight. honestly, the last time i actually turned off an hbo fight was de la hoya vs. forbes. i turned that garbage off after the 3rd round.
If Mayweather and whoever the promoter is for this fight (who is it, btw, Golden Boy or someone else?) decide it's going to be this fight and it's going to be on PPV, then HBO can always let it go to Showtime. ::
You probably should chill on Floyds comp. Since Pac likes to fight Floyds leftovers Pac could end up fighting Spaddy after Floyd beats his ass.
Pacquaio would never reach so low as Paul Spadafora.... Mayweather should take a page from Pac book again...and fight fighting some of his leftovers. But knowing Mayweather he would go for Morales or Barrera instead of Cotto, Margarito or Clottey...
Manny has more experience of fighting leftovers than Floyd does so he already is taking a page out of Manny's book. Don't act like you would give Floyd credit for fighting Cotto, Clottey or Toni now because i know like you do that you wouldn't.
I and most boxing fans would give him more credit for fighting those guys than fighting BUM ass Spadafora or ancient Morales...
Brian Nielson once had a similar record, and he was a scrub. Spadafora would represent the worst opponent Floyd has faced since becoming a champion of any weight division. Not exactly an appropriate fight for a guy as established as Floyd and considered one of the best fighters in the world P4P. It's an absurd fight, and like I said, I can't see it happening, it's too insane.
HBO lost the Klitschkos and the heavyweight division, lost everybody to the Super Six, lost Pavblik to the bottle, lost Pacquiao for now, lost Marquez to Pacquiao, and Floyd sat on his ass just waiting for HBO to get star desperate. Gotta give it to Floyd. Well played. Not sure if he knows it, but whatever. :: I can´t wait for the 24/7 about the legendary sparring. :wack:
Not one to pull the age card, but I'm pretty sure you were seven the last time Spaddy was in a real fight. ::