It was a fairly low key fight and around a not so impressive period of Manny's career. Larios, Solis and Barrera 2 are probably the 3 least impressive performances from Manny at featherweight and above.
Gamboa made that look easy but i didn't find it to be an entertaining fight. Found the post fight stuff with Juan Ma a lot more entertaining. Time to get this on.
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Fair enough. I guess I just don't view Hispanics in terms of black and white. For example, Trinidad is "just" Puerto Rican to me, I don't classify him as Black Puerto Rican. Yet and still, I stand corrected on my earlier post. steve_dave, I agree, now is the time. I really don't see Gamboa-JuanMa being the big major event that Top Rank envisions. In fact, given both of their styles and vulnerabilities, I can see them fucking the dog long enough to where one (or both) loses during the extended marination period. What I also don't like is that even if their plan works, it only means that it will wind up as a pay-per-view event.
Yeah, when they write reports on the decline of "black" players in MLB, they're not saying there's fewer Cubans, Dominicans, etc. in the league. :: I don't see Arum making the fight until he thinks he can make money on a ppv from it...but honestly, that's a fight I'd be willing to pay for. And like some others, I've favored Gamboa in it for a while.
What is your pick for that fight Jake? Lopez is hittable and offensively Gamboa is in another league to Lopez. I'll be surprised if Lopez sees round 7.
agREED. The thing is...making the fight for either at this point can make both careers...say it's a great fight...what's the issue with a trilogy between two young fighters? It didn't hurt Barrera and Morales any by scrapping when they did.
Exactly. Just make the fucking fight. I guess Arum probably knows in all probability Lopez loses. But so what? He's not exactly Tito JR in the money he brings in is he? Or even Cotto JR. And like you say, if it's a good scrap, there'll be more money in a rematch etc.
Really liked Roy's commentating last night. Really good analysis, spoke clearly, not self absorbed. Just thought I'd mention that.
Juanma hits hard enough and Gamboa is easy enough to hit flush that Lopez will have a very real chance to win. Gamboa will be the pick, though, and it may be a massacre. Gamboa reminds me a bit of Tszyu when Tszyu would go all out. But Tszyu rarely went all out, especially once titles were on the line. P4P, Gamboa might be the best boxer in the world right now. Obviously his resume is weaker than the top 4 right now.
MY pick from jump has been Gamboa by knockout and that he and Donaire will eventually be battling for P4P supremacy in a couple of years. Then again, I'm a Gamboa fan to the point of being an apologist, and have never really gravitated towards JuanMa. I like the fact that JuanMa is more vocal than Cotto, but he really has yet to fight any of the guys he's calling out, so that's pretty much a moot point.
Gamboa is awfully reckless and vulnerable to be the best boxer in the world, tbh. He's more like a quicker Tito, who's exciting and will look great when he has the better of somebody but is cruising to come unstuck at some point or another. But count me as a fan. :Thumbs:
There is every chance that Gamboa stretches him without allowing it to get to that stage. There is a hint of a young Wlad or a young Barrera in JuanMa, a talented but vulnerable fighter who is in love with his own power.
HBO Boxing: Yuriorkis Gamboa vs. Jorge Solis Highlights (HBO) <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> HBO Boxing: Yuriorkis Gamboa vs. Jorge Solis - After The Bell (HBO) <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> HBO Boxing: Miguel Garcia vs. Matt Remillard Highlights (HBO) <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Gamboa will bitch up against Juan Ma. I just don't think he has the toughness to go along with Juan Ma.
He may not even need toughness depending on how it plays out. It could be a great great fight, or the end might be decided by a single blow by either.
I don't mind calling Gamboa reckless and vulnerable, but I don't like following that with the Tito comparison. They really fight nothing alike. Tito wasn't reckless or vulnerable...not like Gamboa is. Gamboa is more vulnerable like Judah, Berto, Reid, Freitas... I do think Gamboa can be the best boxer in the world, but we'll see.
'(somebody) who's exciting and will look great when he has the better of somebody but is cruising to come unstuck at some point or another.' And probably come unstuck royally when he does, like Tito.
:: You're fickle as a mofo. Only a year or so ago you had a Gamboa sig with "boxing's future" written under it. You also had a Pacquiao sig, then removed it and started talking shit about him. Lopez is nothing special. He's an average world level fighter. Gamboa is a budding elite fighter. He's in another league offensively, and defensively no worse than Lopez. Gamboa by KO.
:: You're fickle as a mofo. Only a year or so ago you had a Gamboa sig with "boxing's future" written under it. You also had a Pacquiao sig, then removed it and started talking shit about him. Lopez is nothing special. He's an average world level fighter. Gamboa is a budding elite fighter. He's in another league offensively, and defensively no worse than Lopez. Gamboa by KO.