I didn't realize it, but according to Filthy, I am the biggest F-Bomb offender. Which is kind of odd, because I did a search and could only find 2 times I've used the word in searchable history. Maybe he meant F-Bomb as in Fedor, because I do use his name, a lot.
I couldn't. I wanted to slip the Fedor (F-Bomb) joke in. I was waiting to do it in the other thread but it was closed. Come on, that was a little funny.
:atu:Thats not bashing. Thats actually an opinion thats shared by many. He's a monster with great stand-up. :die: and low end opposition. He's also 1 dimensional. Again not bashing.
Double digit submission wins, ADCC Grappler, but he's one dimensional. K. Also, Igor is a can crusher is bashing, even though it is probably the truest of all truths, but Overeem is a can crusher is not. K
Try being objective once. You call Herring mediocre because he lost to every top guy he faced. The same is true about Overeem. Sure he's on a tear now, but the best names on his resume all beat him. Belfort might be the exception, but Vitor was done at that point after back-to-back loses to Couture and Ortiz. All I'm saying is apply the same logic to Overeem that you applied to Herring. Beating Buentello and Duffee for belts doesn't make him better than EVEN Heath Herring. A prime Herring beats those guys as well. Just be objective dude.
He also beat Kharitonov and most people would say he beat CC too even though that was a NC. He has more wins than just Belfort, who beat Herring btw.
Crocop win means nothing, we was shot to shit. Any you neglect to include that Kharitonov anenges that loss with a brutal knockout.
Be clear. He split fights with Kharitonov. And Kharitonov isn't in the Top 10 now nor was he in 2006 or 2007. Overeem has beaten many guys, but the biggest names on his resume equated to loses. Right?
I was at the Overeem vs Belfort fight and I was so bummed about that fight. It figured to be a great stand up fight, what a dissapointment it was.
Let me be clear about something else though. I think this roided up version of Overeem will walk through the Strikeforce Tourney if it isn't derailed. I also think he will end up being a guy that everyone wants to see the UFC Champion fight. Of course this is all contingent with Reem not getting busted for juicing in the meantime.
Only in terms of applying the same critical eye to Overeem that you properly applied to Herring. That's all I'm asking.
Why are we even talking about this? It is irrelevant. Overeem had nothing to do with Heath Herring. -TLC You bringing up old, irrelevant shit, as usual. "Stand up skills aside, what else does he do? Oh yeah....Not much." - GoldGlover
My guess is this: 1) He never gets busted but avoids fighting in places requiring testing 2) Gets busted within the next year. Either way he can never achieve MMA greatness. And personally I don't want to see it. I wish he was 100% clean. I hate thinking he got a win over any dedicated fighter by cheating.
I didn't bring that up. Get off my back. You're becoming a bit of a douche toward me for some reason.