I don't think you should be allowed to make any remarks regarding anyone's intelligence ever again. Need I remind you why? You and your "Manny Pac Rage" can fuck off.::
Have I spoken to you disrespectfully? I think not. You have given me no reason to. I've already been called "browny" and accused of having "Brown rage":giggle:
1) They're White 2) No they aren't, they're hispanic 3) So the 'implication' (which was a politeness on my part) is you think there's an incompatibility? 2) hey if you infer that, it's your problem In fairness, Mex also made the distinction first, then just flat out refused to admit it. Mainly because you started swearing at him and calling him an idiot. I might easily have made it first, it's slippery language. Race, religion and politics. The 3 worst forum topics ever.
:::::: You see......we are both white, and our primary hatred is reserved for.....other white people. If only the Brownies knew this, they would feel so much safer.
If a large group of people consider themselves something other than white, I'm going to respect their wishes. I have not done any scientific testing to determine their racial makeup. :nono: I have yet to call them white and have called them "not white" due to their own wishes, and I made that point very clear. I can quote that directly, unlike yourself who has to "piece together" an argument. I called Mex and idiot, because he is one. He actually believes Hispanics to be a group of people of a certain color, if that's not an idiot, I don't know what is.:dunno:
Listen, the first test is the look-test. If he looks white, he probably is, and so on. I mean, nobody is looking at the Klitschkos and wondering if two men born in Central Asia might actually be descendants of Genghis Khan.
Look Irish, you don't understand. Determining a man's race by sight is ignorant, mmmkay? It's politicially incorrect. For example, I look like Martinez but I am actually Japanese, a direct descendant of the Shinto Gods.
Lets see, the last time I actually worked as a Correctional Officer, was about 10 years ago. I'll bet that about 95% of those prisoners would know what the term Hispanic meant.:scratcher:
Tex, I have a considerably higher intellect than you. Being an American with the IQ of a fencepost this is going to come as quite a shock but, wait for it, there is actually no correlation between intelligence and the amount of politically correct fibres in your possession.
Probably. That the problem. You dorks were on here "Probablying" the Probables of the Probably and trying to pass them off as fact. Genetically, it is possible for the Klits to be 90% black and look exactly the same as they do now. Do you want to argue otherwise Irish?
I would have to say that everything you have spouted here proves otherwise. See sig. Your here trying to determine people's racial makeup by skin tone, that also proves otherwise.:nana:
I agree with Irish, I think Corrie Sanders is actually black. Something about him gives it away, perhaps the moustache.
All I said is that it was possible. I agree that it's not very likely at all. It's not a weak example, just an example with not much of a probability. You can't look at someone and say "he kind of looks more like this guy than that guy I think and since we are pretty sure this guy is white, than this other guy that must be white also because we are kind of sure he looks more like this guy than that guy."
You think to be a Hispanic you must be brown. You think Manny Pac entered the ring at 108 lbs in his last fight. Your opinion = :shit:
Lets put all this quasi, pseudo scientific shit to one side. In 2000, when Ring Magazine fucked themselves with that article, 9-11 had not even happened, America felt very sure about how things were in the World, and the Klitschkos weren't regarded as being a threat at all. Its incredible looking back at it, that the Ring Magazine decided to write an article questioning White fighters. Amazing. Bronco McKart and Gatti were being mentioned in the article as the standout White fighters. Them and Vitali. Shit changed in the meantime, and now we have the used-to-be-smart Americans replacing their reason and logic with Glen-Beckisms and tea-parties and nonsense. Basketball. Football. All manner of shit is invoked to explain things. When the shiteness of American Welterweights is presented, and the basketball/football excuse goes out the window, they press ahead regardless with some other shit. Its a fucking joke.
Nah, he's from Africa, thats how I know he is Black. Same as Canelo, he is from Mexico, so it is impossible for him to be white. And everyone from Louisiana is a Francophone Alligator.
I'm just glad Micheal Jackson wasn't a fighter. A lot of you would be all kinds of fucked up.:giggle: