You meet Houston based Argentinians, probably evading their heritage to fit in with the lowest common denominator brown person such as yourself. Either that or you're lying, like the way you lied about working as a prison guard 3 years ago, instead of the cold, depressing reality that you were actually giving handjobs to old men in order to feed your brown babies.
Incidentally Tex, you do realise that in this thread you've demonstrated yourself to be one of fightbeat's village idiots, alongside qwerty and Esk right? I'm letting you know because you're clearly too stupid to recognise the feat yourself. But yes, you really are that stupid. Congraturation my chinky, brown, retarded acquaintance.
It's not just Argentinians. Hell if you call a Puerto Rican a Columbian that might get you fucked up, but they are going to be cool with whatever you feel like calling them right? Like I said, I didn't lie about shit. You claim I said that 3 years ago, you must be able to quote me right? I'm still waiting for that quote.......
As far as I've seen,.. South Western Regions of England including Wales ofcourse, have common mediterranean looks,.. :crafty: 'Cork County', South Western Irish are the same,.. the indigineous people of the entire British Islands were completely Basques and Gallicians once who merged up the atlantic coastline and became the natives of Britain. To this day most English, Welsh, Irish, Scottish, Cornwallese, and the western french spike of Brittany, have extremely close genetical ties with the Spaniards. Which makes this 'Martinez is an amerindian!!!" all the more funnier, not only is Martinez white, but he's WHITER than the Klitschko's who are EASTERN Europeans. After the ice age where all Europeans were huddled in the mediterranean regions, spain - Italy and Greece,.. the genetical trail followed the migration northwards,.. therefore genetic distance are not northern band vs southern band,.. but the western regions to the eastern regions.
If you want to get technical and go back far enough, we are all from the same "race." Every "race" we have now are merely labels. Am I white also? No one in the USA would call me a white man, but it appears I just might be, according to you, Irish, and MWS. Shit! I'm going to start applying for credit cards tomorrow and cussing out cops whenever I want! I'm going to attend KKK rallys! I'll show up in my lowrider blasting some Tejano! I'll bring some tamales and some tortillas for my new amigos! It's going to be a fun day tomorrow. The only downside to my newfound whiteness is when I'm at the club I will have to start dancing more like this :Ramonza:and less like this:hammert: MWS, Irish, Kauki, thank you for showing me the light, I sure hope those guys from the Banks, KKK rallys, and law enforcement feel the same way you guys do!
No I'm talking about a very, very small area of western Europe, on a continent full of closely related caucasians. See, caucasians seem to be the most split up race in the world compared to Asians and blacks. Nobody would batter an eye-lid comparing a Japanese fighter to a phillipino fighter,.. Japanese people can have very white skin, thailanders, phillipinos, and indonesians can be brown,.. All the tribes in sub-saharan Africa where humanity began, and where genetics are the most diverese, to the east, west and south, are allll still considered the same race,.. but,..Europeans, Arabs, iranians, afghans, berbers, there's already so much emphasis placed on splitting these groups up, but in reality they're all caucasian. With that reality, you've got a hell of a job to do splitting a couple of western european countries up into different racial categories. ::
It's all very simple according to MWS and Irish. According to them, "if it looks white, it is." Thus, if they believe Sergio Martinez to be white and since my skin tone is the same as Sergio Martinez's, I'm white also. I'm throwing out all my Menudo as we speak. I don't know why I ever liked eating that stuff.:doh:
Have you got crystal blue amerindian eyes aswell?..:: ,.. I've realise what your core concern is, and Illuminati's for that matter,.... but, atleast sleep easy knowing, Margarito, put that cracker arsed white-punk in his place by 7th round TKO,... alright,.. no need to get hysterical.
And Sturm is Bosnian, and Katsidis is Greek. What exactly qualifies as "white?" I actually find the idea of a white supremacist Irishman to be hilarious, since up until the middle of the 20th century nobody considered Irish people to be white, either
Leave Muhammad Ali out of this. He looked a bit brown, but his lineage was Irish, and he called Joe Frazier a Gorilla, and robbed the Congolese people of $5m of their money. Sounds very white once you get passed the deceptive pigmentation. Usually, if something looks non-white, it is, but I think this case proves Tex-Mex point. 100% Irish Racist Cracker- Mohammad Cassius Doyle Ali.
Hah.. I'll concede that you do have the most entertaining non-sequiturs. I would say Sergio Martinez is white, btw. Spanish Europeans are considered white. Many South Americans still have 100% European ancestry, Martinez being one of them.
'White' virtually means European,.. however I have read some claim,.. 'White people are from England, Germany and Sweden' a few there you go, depends on a persons intelligence,.. still,.. as I said, if we had always applied the same western view-point we currently do for mongol-Asians and black Africans in grouping them far and wide together so easily,.. who knows,.. maybe you'd be joining your fellow caucasians in cheering the Klitschko's on.. :crafty: ,...
Angel Manfredy was white. Golota and Manfredy were two white fighters who got repeated title shots in from the late 1990's on to the early 2000's Yet when the matter of white fighters getting breaks they didn't deserve was raised, Golota got mentioned, but Manfredy did not. Its a classic example of the Pseudo-Science and Sham that is race, especially in America. A man can be as pale as a sheet and blue-eyed, but if he has a "Spanish" name, then his whiteness can be overlooked, especially if it is convenient. Then again, when you have a Vice-President who thinks that they speak Latin in Latin America, then, well.....figure it out.
Yep. But he is called Nathan, doesn't live in the Bronx, doesn't have an Aunt in San Juan, and will lose soon, so he is safely white.
Give and take, snared about button firm with that swift little under arm Irishman, plenty of seed to fertility ratio when I planted that on ya. :bears:
Most Indians & Pakistanis are a mix of Aryan and Dravidian ancestry, so with the possible exception of Pathans, I don't think we would qualify as "white" by any metric.. Persians would, though
Most Iranians and Armenians are two Winters away from being classed as "White". That fucking moron Tyra Banks thought that Paula Abdul was "Black". This is why I said that American interpretation of Race was a sham and the preserve of thicko's. Abdul is Assyrian. Apparently, having brown skin and hair/facial features which tend towards being straight make you "Black" in the eyes of idiots like Tyra Banks. Race is to the Americans what petrol and matches is to small children. They should not be allowed anywhere near it.
I didn't know 'most' of India or especially Pakistan was mixed with Dravidian/ Australoids,.. I thought it was only the southern tip of india virtually,.. I'm not saying you're wrong though, I'm just a bit suprised that the admixture is so strong to as far as Pakistan. This would be an example of a Dravidian correct?..
That's the gist of it. A guy like Tex arguing otherwise and comparing Martinez to the average Puerto Rican or Columbian is proving just how fucking retarded he is.
People from Goa have Aboriginal traits. People from Afghanistan can look like Europeans, or look like Ahmadinejad.
I came to notice,..^that pace bowler pictured really stood out because he looked like an aborigine wandering around amongst a team of indians verses Australia at the SCG,.. :jaw: huh?... "how did he get in there, he musta jumped the fence?,..ahhhh, well it is Sydney, Redfern musnt be far"..
Some are though, for example,.. I had noticed Illuminati and Panchyprss, taking a rather strange interest in this guy, when ordinarily they'd be praying for him to be put in his place. :crafty: ...I got an erection when the agenda driven 'black fighters list' was popped up, (not in the same way Lok would) but knowing all too well the white list was coming, and that Martinez would be there,..and it would cause a controlled explosion,.. :crafty: a planned accident, and it didn't dissapoint, it's been great, made me miss fightbeat in my bitter, seething absence about boxing in general.