It's in the Mayweather's an all inclusive...I think even Wesley Snipes has made an appearance in there.
Be nice if the IRS chased up all rich people with the zeal they summon for boxers. I thought Roy was a bit smarter than this....
Come on, you're too smart for this. If ANYONE owes the IRS 3.5 million, they're going to come for you. It doesn't matter if you're a boxer or not.
It sure isn't that way in Britain at the moment. Vodaphone for instance recently had billions written off.
Roy owns real estate, prize bulls, he can work something out. He can pay a lump sum, and then work out a repayment schedule.
I really thought Roy was one of those boxers that was wise with his money. He's not known for a lavish lifestyle, and it's not like he has gazillion kids like Holyfield, not even a devastating divorce like Mosley. Very sad. He should beg HBO to get that announcer job back.
Damn Roy. Apologies to whoever I questioned about RJJ's financial problems. I didn't think he had any.
Just because he owes it, doesnt mean he doesnt have it. Usually when you make millions, this kind of stuff happens if not handled right.
I don't understand how he can be in debt. He has earned millions and millions. What has he spent his money on?
A lot of people with millions have debts. It doesn't mean they don't have the assets to cover those debts. What I don't get is this is supposedly from 7-8 years ago? I didn't think that IRS audits went back further than 5 years? Maybe this isn't the result of an audit, but instead is a tax debt for which he had a payment plan in place and has since defaulted on it?
most likely, the problem is ppv money that trickled in from the tarver and ruiz ppvs and wasnt originally accounted for when he filed taxes in those years.
Probably Floyd´s fault. Now the IRS is checking up on all fighters. Stay in Russia Roy. They´ll never catch you. :rock:
IRS has a long and storied history of fucking with boxers, whether it's deserved or not. They see those big purses and can't help themselves. As is normally the case, everybody around the boxer splits up the pie, takes their cut, and the boxer is left holding the bag for the full amount when the Feds come a calling. Wonder if Murad Muhammad got snagged by the IRS to, or if just Roy is taking the fall.
yes. And they took BILLIONS of American Tax Payers money. Personally, I blame those Japanese for making small efficient cars. If they had not done that the American car industry would have been OK.
He obviously didn't pay his taxes or at least the full amount, has nothing to do with being in debt or spending money.
I've seen this 'ppv revenue trickles in' claim recently, I think from a Jake post? Anyway, does anyone know why ppv revenue would 'trickle in'? I mean wtf, all orders are done electronically. I would think there might be a month long delay to let customers dispute, but well over 99% of the orders ought to be paid for a month after the event and the ppv providers should be distributing funds shortly thereafter, right? Further distributions to the boxers might not happen immediately at that point, but I don't see how or why there would be any trickling? What am I missing?
About 3 million people get audited every year. How many of them are boxers? You can bet that if someone, ANYONE, owes the IRS 3.5 million then they're going to come for it no matter what the persons profession. You only hear about boxers getting audited because many famous boxers, for some reason, either don't like paying their taxes or are just hiring shit accountants.