Its bad enough that Manny, Max, Lamps and Larry did their best impression of the Silent Order of Dopes {SODS} when Martinez landed that shot. It was like watching the USS Arizona slip beneath the waves, as USS Tall Paul rolled over onto his belly and was committed to the deep. BUT NOW THIS FUCKER IS WHITE TOO???? IT WILL NOT STAND:fightme::fightme::fightme:
When you were a little lad, did an American man kill your dad or steal away your mum? Or does all this rage fountain forth from Max Kellermen alone? I don't see "America's interpretation of race" as much different than anywhere else in the world, rife with a smattering of ignorance, some misplaced hatred, and the normal confusion that comes from a now mulatto world. I find that at least among the general populace, people care less and less wherever-the-fuck you say you are from or what you look like. Our president is now "black", voted in presumably by primarily "whites", and our esteemed popular entertainment paragons have an almost too good to be true judging panel of a "black", Puerto Rican, and a white dude "looks like a lady". And no one bats an eye. The only embarrassment America suffers in this regard is that the shitheads we elect are desperately clinging to the notion of minorities in order to preserve the power that said category grants them. That is it. In my state, "minority-owned" businesses got preferential treatment for state contracts until it got to the point that "white" fellows came in and applied under that guise much to the chagrin of Jesse Jackson. And sure enough, those white looking fellows were 23% black, etc. It then has to be designated (wait for it) WHAT PERCENTAGE "black" you were to take advantage of "minority" benefits in the state, which ultimately led to nullification since you can hardly get more idiotic that saying "the black dude ain't black because he is 24% black, but the white dude IS black because he is 26% black". I am married to a Puerto Rican, and when the U.S. Census bureau came to my door, I had no problem classifying my children. But she did. She said they could no longer be "Hispanic". They had to be white, black, indian, and maybe eskimo, I forget. Since technically Puerto Rico was settled by the Spanish while populated by Taino indians, I told her that I supposed you could say my children were part Taino, part white, and part black as my wife has some African heritage as well. But she wanted to check a box!! And the rules say one box only!! 15 minutes we spent on my porch as I explained there simply was no one box to check. Away she went, and I would suppose she eventually took a backward glance at me and checked "white". Americans have a much better understanding and acceptance of race than they will ever be given credit for, because their government FORCES them by law to check ONE BOX. And these antiquated notions will persist as long as someone can get up on a dirty soapbox and scream about "whitey", or "blacky", or "the wetbacks", and have a crowd gather and give their brains away to their new "racial leader" who is fully backed by government program infrastructure. I for one am curious how all of the "minority-driven" government programs will be administrated when we end up looking like Puerto Rico. We may have to get down to half-percents to tell who is "white" enough not to qualify and who is "black" enough to make the grade. Or maybe we will just give the "look test". Better grow that fro brother! When I look at all of the possible countries to scrutinize in terms of race relations, government, history, and frankly sheer idiocy, I see legions of them that make America look golden. Ireland is one of them. Why people who get satellite TV and watch CNN think they know what the fuck is going on here is beyond me. "Glenn-Beckisms". As if you know what the fuck you are even saying.
Actually, the biggest complaint of that broadcast was that Bob Papa was calling the fight instead of Lampley, and that he miserably failed to capture the moment. In fact, there seemed to be a greater debate over the actual landed punch than celebration/concern over the knockout itself. Papa called it correctly, but then foolishly let Steward talk him into believing it came from the opposite side before replays revealed otherwise. Pretty sure that Larry wasn't there as well.
The awful thing about that was, Paul is an amiable fighter who I love,..and the REED-like sellouts had all abandoned him like they did with Jermaine Taylor :crafty:,..and the forums were ablaze as a direct consequence of Bernard Hopkins awesome racial supremecist declarations still in memory post this fight,..and Paul didn't need it, nor was deserving of the reactionary shit splattered everywhere, laughing signature pictures,.. he was KO'd because he's a courageous, entertaining, highly aggressive fighter, and that'll happen to everybody who fights like him,... The 'hand of the colourless hue' weeped in the form of a sock puppet, it was Paul Williams,..and not Bernard Hopkins who was out cold. I'm sure you can respect that my lord.
co-sign on this entire post Yes, Malinga (who cheats) is 100% Dravidian, most South Indians probably are (except those who are mixed with Portuguese ancestry). IIt's true that a lot of Pakistanis are very fair, and you rarely encounter any who don't have very obviously Aryan features; but look at someone like Shoaib Akhtar, or for that matter myself (I'm not nearly as dark as Shoaib Akhtar, but I'm still by far the darkest person in my family). It would appear that the majority of us have at least a little bit of Dravidian ancestry. in fact, there are still Dravidian cultures as far north as Sindh, such as the Brahui. They have long since mixed with other ethnicities to the point where they no longer look very Dravidian at all, but their language is still 100% Dravidian and completely disparate from the other dialects of the region. disagree, the vast majority of Americans I've met are retarded. then again, most people in general are retarded. I guess it's just that many Americans seem to have a special brand of ignorance, which there is really no excuse for, given the educational and informational resources our populace has.
Tall Paul has always seemed pretty likeable to me, in fact I was really surprised to hear Musze say he is a bit of a cock in real life, and refused to give kids autographs etc.
I know. I actually like most of the Americans on this site, TexMex just happens to be exceptionally stupid, along with Panchy. They are certainly not good representatives.
I have to disagree about Malinga's bowling action being illegal (if that is what you meant) ,.. the sling action is alright so long as the arm doesn't snap like the conventional chuck, he seems to be pretty clean, like Jeff Thompson, ......his countryman on the otherhand, Muttiah Muralitharan....blatantly snaps the elbow into his spin bowling. Can't disagree with the rest of your post though, I asked simply for information, and subsequently thank you for the tutoring, this might even classify as a passive OWNAGE of sorts.
I never liked PWill, though that's primarily because I hate fighters of that style (Oscar Larios, PWill, Kassim Ouma, Juan Diaz, etc). I find them unbearably boring.
Yeah, as said above, most people in general are pretty stupid. More americans = more stupid americans. Panchy is on another level though.
This is coming from a guy who believed a Hispanic had to be "brown" even AFTER I fucking told him otherwise. Also, he keeps a diary of things I have supposedly said dating back 3 years ago. But everything is great because as of yesterday, I'm a white guy! Stupid fuckers here say if I look white, I am.:dunno:
America's interpretation of Race is more important though. Especially if you want to compare it's interpretation to the 95% white and irrelevant "country" such as Ireland.:dunno:
Thanks Whiskey, but I learned all of that during my KKK rally this morning! The tamales I brought were a big hit! They also loved the Tecate beer and Tejano music I jammed! I love being white.:rock1:
Oddly enough, my beef is primarily with White folk. And as an Irishman, I have my own fair share of ethnic-beefs. Agreed. As I said, Americans should be kept away from race issues. It was only a matter of time before the quotas were dragged down to the level of logic that they deserved, namely none. You cannot defeat bigotry via bigotry. I agree. One the wife gets involved shit usually gets complicated in a hurry. I don't know about that. Agreed. You wind up with unmanageable situations where one guy is blacker or whiter than the next. I didn't get my notions of America from CNN alone. America is full of shitheads, and I have been reading what they have had to say for some time. Ireland is full of cunts too, if it makes you feel any better.
Barack Obama is coming here............If he farts when he is here the Democrats will lose 20 million votes next time out. Ireland is pretty irrelevant, I never denied it. But America really is full of nonsense.
Argentina is where all of the Nazi fugitives sought refuge following WWII. Barrios could very well be a Hun.
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> :bears: :bears: :bears: Thuggy Atlas needs to see this.
Well it made logical sense, go to a place who's populace is filled full of WW2 allies,.. them self-hating amerindians of Europe... :crafty: as we've just learned, as we've just learned.
Sounds a bit communist to me,.. why do people always use left-wing philosiphies in a desperate attempt to encapsulate what is 'right', and what is 'wrong'?.. Should a lion playfully pounce ontop of a springbok and start licking it lovingly?............................sorry but predators have gotta eat boy,... and don't you fucken forget it. :nono:
The white liberals are the biggest racists of them all. Their attempts to, "level the playing field," do nothing more than expose their doubt about the ability of minorities to achieve based on their own merits. And to top if off, their "programs" actually interfere with the inclination and desire of minorities to reach their goals that is common to all human beings.
True enough. I saw a funny thing today. Bert Sugar was on the TV, in a documentary called "From Poverty Bay To Broadway", about the convergent paths of 193lb Gene Tunney and 203.5lb Tom Heeney. In the documentary, Sugar laments the passing of "Boxings Golden Age"- detroned as it was by the Wall Street Crash {another of Americas great success stories....} Sugar laments further the emergence of people like Primo Carnera, referring to them as "Circus Acts". Yet this is a guy who wanders around with his unlit cigar {lest he have to buy a new one} denouncing todays fighters, most of whom would have kicked the shit out of both Tunney and Heeney. Its a joke. One thing I have learned about the USA, and NYC in particular, is that if you are the last in line, if you are part of the last wave to hit those shores, you won't have any representation in the press, and you are about fucked, until you fight your way up and are replaced on that rung by the next wave.