DLH knocked out Vargas. One thing about Feroz, he was very underrated in the skills dept. So if Vargas had been a a smaller and lesser fighter, you don't think he might've been schooled and clowned? In any case, I'm OK with you saying DLH never schooled or destroyed out an opponent of Margarito's caliber, because everyone he fought was either worse than Margarito, or a lot better. So Margarito would've been the first opponent of that caliber who DLH crushed at 147.
Margarito had very good stamina and work-rate at 147. Some people forget how ridiculous some of his punchstats were...and even against Paul Williams, where he was significantly out-thrown, he was still the one coming forward and did in fact win some of late rounds and get to Williams' chin to make it close. I can accept some of the talk about Margarito's mental state heading into to the ring that night, there were also reports before the fight that perhaps he enjoyed the Cotto win a little too much...but this guilty to the gallows/going through the motion talk seems a bit extreme. Margrito is a slow starter, and Mosley wasn't running in reverse the way Cotto was - if you want to make the case that's b/c Margarito was wrap-less, so be it, there might be somethign to it, but it's still speculation - and was making Margarito pay more for walking straight in. Even in the fourth and fifth rounds, when Margarito's output was increasing and he appeared to be getting more into the fight, Mosley had strong finishes to both rounds...especially in the last 30 seconds of the fourth but also in the fifth. It was late in the sixth when Margarito started looking like a beaten fighter, when Mosley battered him the last half of the round or so.
The only robbery was Pacquiao Vs Marquez 1. Pac won that by a mile. The second fight could have gone either way, no robbery. And good, we'll definitely make that bet then, regardless of what weight it's at right? Straight bet? I'll be fucking amazed if Marquez lasts the distance. Like I said, not only has Marquez regressed and Manny become more complete and polished, but Marquez looks somewhat out of his element against lightweights like Katsidis and Casamayor. He looks slightly fragile at lightweight. At 140 he is out of his depth, and yet Manny is a fighting machine at 140. Manny against Floyd? Honestly no I won't take any bets on that fight. I pick Manny by close decision, but I realise there is a big chance Floyd could stink out a win.
He knocked out Vargas...in a fight that alternated rounds until late in the tenth when he hit him witht he left hook...and the cracks in Vargas' chin were known going into the fight and perhaps a reason the fight was made.
It's impressive that he made a guy that gave Manny all he could handle look like a complete amatuer after a long layoff. People have no problems putting down Floyds wins with Manny done better with his advantages.
Straight bet on Marquez. I honestly believe Marquez has the skill to school Pac at any weight (though I do believe it will be harder at 147 than 140). There's a reason Pacquiao hasn't fought a guy with a right hand after he left 130 (Mosley will be the first, but obviously it doesn't mean much with him). Floyd has never needed to "stink out" a win, and as aggressive as Manny is, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Floyd stop him. The fact of the matter is that Floyd is plain and simple just much better than Pac. No nuthuggery, I recognize that Floyd is a moron outside of the ring and so on - but I've said it before and I'll say it again, we're privileged to be able to watch a fighter like Floyd ply his craft live.
He would. He has a decent style to trouble Floyd. He's aggressive, skilled, tough, mentally strong etc. Do I think he would win? Fuck no. But he'd give Floyd a better fight than any other names being mentioned, and better than some that are NOT being mentioned like Berto. Bradley is a good fighter.
No he isn't. The truth is, saying either one is "much" better than the other is preposterous. Floyd is a better defensive fighter, Manny is a considerably better offensive fighter. I believe Manny is the better fighter and has proved it in his career. Floyd's most impressive win since moving to welterweight is beating Hatton, a 140 pounder, and a guy that Manny iced in 2 rounds at Hatton's natural weight. Floyd has never needed to stink out a win? Did you miss the Oscar and Baldomir fights?
DLH dominating Vargas was awesome... that was a great peformance. He fought good in the chavez fights that i REALLY wanted JC to get him.. but to be fair JC as great as he was... was totally shot and washed up. I heard he was drunk before the fight Shane dominated him multiple times in great fights Pea dominated DLH in a way.. just not offensively enough. to me Pea schooled him like a young bitch but Pea sometimes plays too much and loses for clowing
Floyd is the much more complete fighter. Floyd's offense + Floyd's defense > Manny's offense + Manny's defense. That's inarguable. Can you picture Floyd getting outboxed by Erik Morales? Everyone was saying Manny had improved before the 2nd JMM fight, too. We all saw how that went. Hatton was naturally the bigger fighter against Floyd, I guarantee you he weighed more on fight night. By the time he fought Manny, he himself said he was killing himself to make 140, and his fights prior to Manny were against 2nd tier/totally shot guys who he looked like crap against. Manny's most impressive wins post 130 are all guys who suffered career altering losses, many against Floyd. He broke his hand against Baldomir and was giving up considerable size to Oscar. Also, it wasn't entirely his fault that Oscar decided he'd rather not fight than eat right hand counters. I don't think Shane dominated DLH in either of their fights, I thought he lost the second TBH. Pea beat DLH clearly.
Shane and DLH grew up not far from each other and met often in the gyms and even in the ammy's Shane basically has always been DLH's daddy and dominates him at will. even when they were 12 years old.. so it's no big deal. just that Shane had his number Pea really did whup him.. i just wish he would'a stepped up his punches a litte but
I have seen in he media this week that RJJ and Floyd jr. owe about 3,5 million a piece. This is not an reason to be alarmed. "the more you make; the more they take". you make a big pay day and anyone could say hey so and so owe's bukoo $$$. this will always be true. these guys are in the 47% tax bracket so in other words...." duh! winning!!!". hahaha:bow:
Floyd is taller and looked bigger in the shoulders and arms than Hatton. Hatton is more stocky and carried more weight in the lower body. His legs were considerably thicker than Mayweather's. They didn't do an unofficial weigh-in but I'm guessing that Hatton was slightly heavier on fight night. Floyd hasn't been one known to cut much weight. I do think that the time off helped him develop into a more solid sized WW though.
Floyd was heavier at the official weigh in. He's a naturally bigger guy. I think Floyd came in at 147 and Hatton was 145. Merely ask yourself one question: why did the fight take place at 147? Hatton was strong at 140. Floyd was stronger at 147, by dint of being the naturally larger man.
:: at the idea of Hatton being as big or bigger than Floyd. Hatton is properly undersized at 147. His frame is completely maximised at 140. It was evident against Collazo, and even more evident against Floyd. It's to take anyone's opinion regarding Floyd seriously if they think he is smaller than Hatton. Floyd isn't exactly a huge welter himself, but Hatton is a very small welterweight.
Floyd trained himself to be stronger/bigger than Hatton. Not anyone would've tought that the Floyd that beat Corrales was stronger/bigger than Hatton. His mad work ethic, gym work and ability to grow into divisions are some of his best attributes.
i dont understand some of you guys. mayweather jr simply doesnt cut weight. when he was fighting at 140 lbs he was coming into the ring at 140-145lbs. hatton cut weight and was coming into the ring in the 150s with a strength advantage over most if not all foes at super lightweight. yet you think things would have been more fair if they had fought in that lower division
Well if Joe Cortez reffed the fight at 140 I can still see Ricky having a hard time. opcorn: With Mayweathers frame, 140 was not as comfortable as 147.
Co-sign. Hatton weighed more for most of his fights at 140 than Floyd did for his fight with DLH at 154 (he came into the ring at 148).
hattons weight in the ring is basically the same at 140 or 147. if you dont understand this then maybe we should duke it out in Aptos, OK?
I'm 5'9 and fought amateur at lightweight. If I fought Pavlik and came into the ring a porky 175, let's say outweighing him by a few pounds, would I be bigger than him? Of course I fucking wouldn't. It's about frame as much as weight. Floyd has a frame that's suited to welter (but no higher, like Mosley). Hatton doesn't. At 147 he was out of his depth, and looked/seemed the significantly smaller man against both Luis and Floyd. His frame was maximised at 140. It's not even arguable. If you think Hatton is bigger than Floyd you're borderline retarded.