And by the way, I do NOT think Floyd is a big welterweight. I think he is a big 140 pounder/smallish 147 pounder. But he is solid enough at 147, no question. Didn't even look out of his depth at 154 against Oscar. Hatton is a very small welterweight, clear as day he didn't belong at the weight.
your analogy is preposterous. how much more did hatton weigh IN THE RING against mayweather jr. than he did IN THE RING against kostya tsyzu?
No, he was "too small" after everyone saw him look obviously undersized against an average world level welterweight like Collazo.
hatton vs tszyu Hatton Sho2.jpg "porked up" hatton vs mayweather jr.
Hatton's SHORTER than Floyd for Sure, but REED ISN'T All that Sure about Hatton Being "Smaller" than Floyd... REED:hammert:
He is thicker in the legs, but his chest, bicep, shoulder width, fist etc are smaller, IIRC Floyd was more comfortable at 147 than he was at 140, Hatton was more comfortable at 140 than he was at 147, and Hatton was not at his best fighting men who were more comfortable at the weight than he himself was. That said, Hatton lost because of Floyds greater innate talent, his own flawed game-plan, and Joe Cortez didn't do him any favours either.
Excuses, Excuses... Ricky Hatton ROUTINELY BLEW UP to Nearly 200 lbs btwn Fights....He was STRONG, QUICK & Awkwardly AFFECTIVE Even @ 147...For All the Talk of how "Bad" Hatton Looked in 2 Fights @ '47, Consider How "Bad" he Looked in 1 Fight Against a LEGIT Feather/Lightweight Named Pacquiao, @ 140???:dunno:... Floyd Beat Hatton Because he was BETTER, Period...He Beat JM Marquez Under the SAME Premise... REED:hammert:
Look, it wouldn't have made much difference, Floyd is simply a better fighter. But no how, no way is Hatton bigger or even as big as Floyd. Simply watch the fight. Floyd is a man with a significantly larger frame, a frame that is suited just fine to welterweight. Hatton is fucking small at welterweight, and looked downright ineffective against Collazo, let alone Floyd. Hatton is significantly smaller than Berto, and most of you guys think he is a small welterweight. Look at these shots Floyd has a noticably bigger, broader torso, just an overall larger frame. He is also at least 2 inches taller. Again, Floyd would have won at 140 too, but Floyd is far, far more of a welterweight than Hatton. I can't believe this is even being argued, it's the most absurd thing I've read on here for a while. It's like saying Pacquiao is bigger than Mosley because he has chunkier calves. Just preposterous.
based on what? hatton couldve had the fight at 140 back when there was significantly less money involved.
So Even Though Floyd Began his Pro Career @ a LOWER WEIGHT than Hatton, U REALLY Equate Hatton to Pac & Floyd to Sugar Shane???::...BOTH Hatton & Floyd Turned Pro Around the SAME Time, Only Floyd Spent like 1/3rd of his Career @ 130 (a Weight that Hatton Could NEVER EVER Even Begin to APPROACH as a Pro)... Hatton was SHORTER, but All this Other Nonsense about Floyd Being "Bigger" Is Hindsight BULLSHIT...NOBODY was Bringing this Up PRIOR to the Fight, so SPARE REED this Presposterous Angle NOW... Mayweather's More TOP Heavy & Hatton's More BOTTOM Heavy...But Hips, Ass & Thighs R Typically HEAVIER than Upper Body Muscle Anyways... Besides All that, U're Referencing WEIGH-IN Photo's...How Bout Some FIGHTNIGHT Pics???...U Know, After Hatton has REPLENISHED Himself to his NORMAL Weight???...Hatton OUTWEIGHED Floyd on Fightnight, as Floyd RARELY Gains Much Weight @ All, Post-Weigh In.... REED:hammert:
your post is hilarious. "you can still see Ricky having a hard time?" wow, it must take a lot of imagination to see a vastly inferior fighter having a hard time with a vastly superior fighter. that's topped by the complaint about hatton not having a ref who allowed him to cheat and excessively hold/armbar like he did against tszyu. unless you're going by the irish 2002/2003 skin tone rating system, hatton is a B level fighter and floyd is an A+ level fighter.
it's hilarious that people think hatton went and put on another 7 lbs of muscle and fat. all the 147 limit meant was that he wasn't draining the extra 7 lbs of water weight, which could only help him. does anyone really think that drying out HELPS a fighter?
apparently it was unfair to hatton since the fight was not at super lightweight where he'd be able to cut weight and gain a dozen pounds, instead of having to cut less weight at welter. fighting in the lower division would have been a more fair measure of who the better fighter is.hno:
Who's bigger, Tommy Hearns or Marvin Hagler? Could Hagler have ever made welter? No. But could he ever have been effective with his style and 5'8 frame at 175 either? Likely not as good a light heavyweight as Tommy was. It's really not a simple question of 'who's bigger'. That question interacts with other stuff. For the record I regard Hatton-Floyd as having been, to all intents and purposes, a junior welter fight. Both men weighed 148 in the ring which was both mens standard in ring weight at 140. Hatton was under no size disadvantage in that fight.
Yep. Everyone else is on stilts or has had a hearty breakfast or something. Floyd could do 6 months in Belsen and come out ready to roll :nono:
:goingmad: You are ruining the forum!!!...come hither friends,.. attack!! :: Nah, listen lad,..with boxing the way it is, you'd actually be mad not to fester into the 'nutrition' of sorts Irishman, it's actually a perverse safety net in itself. The clause does make a little sense to you,..but I know how hard it is to push the accumulative weight away, of, well,.. let's just say, a prawn trawler worth of 'nippies' from 2002 onwards,.. I understand your resentment for the suspect, but as I told you, this sport is a rats nest,..where something is better than nothing.
Not you as well Hut, no :: Hut, Floyd is bigger than Hatton. He doesn't dwarf Hatton, but he is a naturally bigger man with a larger frame, not out of place at 147. He looked AND seemed the bigger, stronger man when they fought. So did Collazo for that matter, not exactly a huge welter himself. It's not just about what weight you come in as, it's about what weight you can get down to and your overall frame that determines how big you are. I used to fight at lightweight, but I am always very lean, and 5'9. I lost no more than 10 pounds to get down to that weight, and it would have been a push to get down anymore. I've known pro FEATHERWEIGHTS who walk around heavier than me, who to look at next to me, you would say they are smaller. Floyd has grown into a welterweight, he obviously can't make 140 anymore, and he is a bigger, larger framed man than Hatton.
I can't find any good fight night pics with full framed shots of both, but all you have to do is watch the fight. And actually, before the fight people were saying Hatton was a 140 pounder unsuited to welter because of the Collazo fight. I remember clearly, because I gave Hatton a much better shot against Floyd BEFORE the Collazo fight, when I realised he is simply not a welterweight, as did most other people. There is no hindsight about it. Again, there is no agenda here, I'm not even a big fan of Hatton, and Floyd would have won at any weight, but Floyd IS bigger, no doubt about it. The difference between Floyd's upper body and Hatton's upperbody is bigger than the difference between their legs, plus Floyd is at least 2 inches taller. Floyd turned pro at 130, but like Manny at flyweight, he was very lean. He looked fucking big at 130 too by the way, bigger than most of his opponents. Floyd grew into his physique around mid twenties, Hatton's physique hasn't changed since he was 21 really. He is more or less exactly the same size. Again, it would be like saying if Manny enters the ring in his fight against Mosley the same weight, that they are the same size. It's simply not true, Shane is a bigger man, you only need to look at them side by side, just like Hatton and Floyd.
Im not disagreeing. Im just saying 'size' itself's more complicated than is being acknowledged here and the way it interacts with other factors even more so. Bottom line, they both weighed in 140 and then came in at 148 on the night. Floyd has rarely weighed above 150. But with his style and length he can be much more effective whilst being outweighed than a guy who's style relies on being able to push guys back. Floyd is much more effective at welter, much more comfortable there, that's not exactly the same as 'bigger'.
Cortez has a crippled daughter, and he takes money from promoters to pay for his exorbitant medical fees. A different referee would not have saved Hatton. Any more than a different referee could have made life any easier for Hopkins vs Calzaghe. It seems Joe Cortez is Infirm and Unfair when it suits him.
Cortez was too quick to break up the action in the early going, but when he did let them work in and out of the clinches, Mayweather was getting the better of it. He was landing the cleaner blows, out-dirtying the dirty Hatton with his elbows, and repeatedly getting in that right uppercut to the body with his free hand, which I think helped wear down Hatton a bit. Hatton (and some of his fans) claim that he "lost his head" when he got a point deducted in the 6th and it caused him to get desperate. No, he was getting his ass kicked in the 8th round when Mayweather decided to open up more. Hatton always threw that wild leaping left hook. He knocked out Maussa with it and decided he'd try it in seemingly every fight. He was doing it in the early going against Floyd, and later Floyd made him pay for it. He did it against Lazcano and got hurt with a left hook. He did it against Malignaggi and got hit, but Paulie can't punch. He did it against Pacquiao and got dropped on his face. Cortez sucks nowadays, but all his over-officiating did that night was give Ricky an excuse for losing.
Comrade Erratic Has Spoken!!! Bravo, Tovarich!!!!:bow::bow::bow: Joe Cortez is not on the make. I retract my earlier statement.:boring::boring:
Hut I'm not sure if this is a typo, but Floyd weighed 147, and Hatton weighed in at least a couple of pounds lighter. I agree there is more to size than is being acknowledged. And a lot more than just what you weigh. If Marquez drank a few gallons of piss after the weigh in and came to the ring weighing more than Floyd (which is certainly possible), would he be the bigger man? Of course he fucking wouldn't. I used this as an example in a Fedor thread in the MMA forum, but would you consider James Toney to be bigger than Vitali? Of course you wouldn't, despite him weighing more than Vitali in their most recent fights. Yes it's an extreme example, but the point is obvious, there's more to it than just weight.
Precisely. Whats maddening is that the size is listed as a tertiary or secondary factor. Yet even at that, nobody wants to accept it as being pertinent.