Floyd is basically an overgrown lightweight Now Shane is a lightweight who grew into a real welter Floyd is really a lightweight IMO and Hatton is really a 140 lbder
Once again, both Floyd and Hatton weighed exactly the same for the 147 lb fight as they would have if the fight had been at 140. The size is literally a non-issue for everyone except a) Hatton nuthuggers b) Pacquiao nuthuggers trying to discount the fact that Floyd kicked Hatton's ass first
7lbs apart weight divisions with 4 belts per division, are 'talent makers' - 'resume enhancers' ,.. it's a joke, especially for a sport absolutely rife with performance enhancers. I'm pretty suprised they haven't made 5 or 6 divisions between cruiserweight and heavyweight yet.
Nearly three years on and people are still arguing about Hatton being as good at 147 as he was at 140... MTF :doh:
Feebles,.. I'm hurt,.. I am truelly hurt,.. you need not have had to ask, to put my name on that bandwagon,..I thought I had developed enough notoriety to naturally be there,.. if I'm not the most scathing, relentless Hopkins hater you've ever seen, then who is? issed:
His comp at 140 was terrible for the most part. Out of the 4 best fighters he fought against 2 was at 147 and 2 was at 140 aka May, Pac, Collazo and Zoo.
Yeah, people forget that before he fought Tszyu, Hatton was one of the most protected fighters in the history of boxing.
If he was "protected" then it had more to do with Warren then it had to do with Hatton. He wasn't "protected" quite as much as he was milked.
He had the opportunity to fight Floyd at 140, remember? He claimed he "wasn't ready yet." Hatton could've had a whole lifetime of getting ready, the fight at 140, and you in the ring as the referee. Floyd still knocks him out. That's what happens when a B level fighter meets an A+ level fighter.
It seems unlikely.......Floyd fought and beat former 130lbr Gatti at 140 later that same Summer, then jumped up to 147 to fight and beat former 140lbr Sharmba Mitchell. Effectively, Floyd, the natural light-welter, spent all of 3 fights at 140 and was gone out of the division shortly after Hatton had beaten Tszyu. In Floyds defence, Gatti was really a Welter, as evidenced by his fights with Oscar and with Baldomir.
Are you seriously arguing that Gatti wasn't bigger than Floyd? Come on, there's a limit to a nuthugging agenda. Gatti was weighing in at 165 for fights at 140, and he was absolutely ripped at that weight. Kinda hilarious how you also forget that Floyd is a former 130 lber as well, and that when they fought, Gatti hadn't fought at 130 for a decade.
Gatti came in the ring at 165 lbs and Floyd came in the ring at 145 lbs. Your nuthugging agenda gets more and more creative every day, I can't wait to hear what metric you're using to determine that Floyd was bigger.
at this Gatti was MUCH bigger and i remember people HERE saying "gatti is TOO big and TOO strong, he is going to just rough up pretty boy and hurt him"
I think the funniest and most imaginative nuthugging justification is when Irish et al mention Floyd Jr's height. Diego Corrales had a couple of inches on Mike Tyson, he would obviously have had an unfair size advantage if they'd fought.
I'll do that if you humor me by telling me what metric you're using to determine that Floyd was bigger than Gatti.
I really dont know what to make of this, it is confusing to see somebody of a smaller physical dimension weigh heavier than somebody of a clearly larger one, but it does happen, like Arabham, unable to make middleweight as a dwarf, and subsequently well undersized as a supermiddleweight. Litmus this ^ if you will..
Gatti had a history of ballooning. Perversely, we see this being used as proof that he "was the bigger man" Nonsense. He was merely a less disciplined fighter He would have killed himself to make 147, and then immediately, as he had done his whole career, swelled back up like a bone-dry sponge thrown into a bath of water. Floyd, younger, and better disciplined, as he has been all his career, would have put on less weight in the interim, having slashed less weight in the first place. Did he slash less weight because he was a naturally smaller man? Or a more disciplined, younger man, with better out-of-the-ring habits.??? The mere weight alone is not conclusive.
I'll throw in another bone about the weight....I remember reading a report on a fight between one of the Ruelas brothers and Troy Dorsey where the sports-writer in question stated that despite both of them weighing in at the same weight, one of them, Ruelas, looked "much stronger at the weight". In other words, he was a naturally bigger, stronger guy, despite the fact that both men weighed the same. Fist size, neck size, forearm, biceps, all little things which need to be taken into account. As it happens, I asked "loadedgloves" to show me instances of nuthugging, given that I mentioned, as the primary cause of Hattons loss, Floyds greater innate talent.
We hear all the time, so and so is a 'big welterweight' .. 'big featherweight' ..etc,.. divisions are always full of seemingly larger fighters appearance wise,.. do you reckon that same day weigh in's ..would clear out alot of these puffer-fish?,.. ..for I wonder wether there will still be whales in the koi trough,..given alot of the 'weights on the night' don't usually reveal too much of a difference between 'small man' and 'large man' even though the eyes see an anvil on the see-saw in the ring.
Same day weigh-ins will almost definitely see guys like Gatti start their career at 135, minimum, if not 140 proper. Ironically, it might have lead to a longer, more fruitful career, as he learned to box sooner and didn't hurt his body with the crazy dieting and re-hydration. As you know, that was the cause of Riddicks problems with Golota.:Lok:
Others use the Imperial "BALLZDEEP". They are trying currently to introduce a UNIVERSAL "BALLZDEEP", but those fucking Europeans won't cooperate.
Would be interesting to see wether same day weigh-ins would solve the geometrical warp on each floor, each floor being 2 foot tall and filled full of resume enriching paper straps one could adequately describe them, but it'll happen directly after proper drug testing I predict Irishman. What do you reckon about 6 extra divisions to fill the cruiserweight/ heavyweight gap?.. that'll give the top brass a bit of confetti.. it'll probably happen,.. salivating sanctioning fees to be had, with ordinary 'bum mandatory fodder' being made into multi-weight superstars...
Yep. Its inevitable. They have already flown a few kites...."Super Heavyweight" you see, "Super Heavyweight". :Chainsaw: I can dig it, Southpaw Jones, the Pride of 208lb class :bears: All that money flowing in, sold out events, more HBO dates, it might even deprive the Cage Gang of a few of their stalwarts....