he hasnt fought at 122lbs in a decade. and if you come to the conclusion that he is shot after watching saturdays fight then you are a dolt.
Are you a retard? "122 pound legend". He's not a legend from his epic battles at 140 with Jose Alfaro, his prime weight was 122 pounds, thus he's a 122 pound legend. If you come to the conclusion he's NOT shot after saturday, you're the real dolt. He's not Roy shot, but not many people are. He's still shot. But even a shot Morales can give as good as he gets to most world class fighters. Only Pacquiao has blown him out.
i guess we have different definitions of what the term shot means. If you can give as good as you get against world class fighters then you are NOT shot. Shot means done, finished, cant fight any more.
Morales is a 122lb legend. I disagree with Neil- Its like walking up to Ali and asking him when the last time he weighed 215, and then striking his name from the record books because he's way past his best and fat. Morales did more good work at 122 than he did at 140. However, is he shot? Probably not. He's damaged goods and I suspect he may never fight again.
I'd be shocked if this went the distance. Ortiz can't slip or block a straight right hand and Berto hasn't fought punchers for a reason. I REALLY want Ortiz to clip Berto and put us out of our misery but I think he will get over aggressive then get caught with a counter he doesn't see.
Ortiz has as much shot of winning here as Burton, Harris, O'Toole, and Reed had of becoming teetotalers.
:: :: Fair play Karl at least you recognized them, that sets you apart from most. O'Toole is still going, still drinking. :laughing:
Look I've kept really quiet, but Andre's still gotta go to Ortiz and get something....and you can tell him - I'd Love it just love it if Victor beat him.ray:
Damn you KNOW Berto is hated, but ppl are rooting for a puta like Ortiz to beat him. Berto is overrated, overpaid, and a cherry picker, but outside the ring he seems like a nice enough guy. Ortiz is a prick, and deserves the ass whuppin he's gonna get.
Good match-up and looking forward to the fight. I think Berto wins and can get the stoppage around the 7th.
O'Toole must have an invincible liver. I had to stop a few months back myself. I really think Oritz can win this fight. Berto is a clutch artist though, and he's strong. When he gets nailed, he will grab and hold like a python to clear his head. I just don't like fighters like Berto that hold, never liked Benvenuti or Joey Maxim for that same reason.
O'Toole's liver is in his face. His face does all the absorbing. Berto didn't look too good against the Southpaw Collazo. Ortiz better be relying on more than single shots this time around.
if ortiz wins here at welter he aint going back down to super lightweight. thus, a rios fight aint happenin
I think theres enough personal hatred there for him and if there is a financial incentive there for him than it's even more likely. He can't be making more than 500k per fight right now.
Yeah out of the ring Berto is more likeable. But ultimately I place more importance on their overall being as fighters, therefore I am rooting for Berto to lose. Even if he quits, or wilts or whatever, at least Ortiz is prepared to actually fight legit fighters who are at least his size, unlike Berto.
To be fair, I do agree the word shot gets bandied around too much. Morales isn't SHOT like Roy etc, just washed up. He can still fight to some extent, he's just very dimished from the prime Morales. But yeah, I agree he is not completely shot. Even Mosley is not completely shot. I can't believe some people actually call Cotto shot too.
Objectively speaking, if we were academics for example, studying and comparing the performances of both fighters, there's no question but that Ortiz is superior. Berto is basically a hack with fast hands and he's anxious to hold. That isn't skill. And it won't get him far. Even if he beats a top 5 140 pounder in Ortiz, his challenges will still have fallen short of the likes of Cintron, Clottey, Margarito and of course Mosley. His debatable win over Collazo is probably the main reason DiBella, that bald ugly fucker, is trying to shove Berto down our throats the way he did Taylor, with one meaningless vicory after another against guys from a smaller weight class. What's stupid is that Berto's a boring fighter. If DiBella were smart, he'd sign a guy who can actually fight to beat Berto up before someone under another banner does it. It wil happen. And it will be before Berto is a legitimate attraction.
I agree with the hit and hold style it can get ugly at times. Taylor fought the best something that Berto hasn't done yet.