Jones - Hall, Jones-Toney, Calzaghe-Lacy, Mayweather-Gatti, Mayweather-Corrales, Ali-Williams, Clay-Liston
MAB vs Prince Naseem Hamed Castillo vs Corrales 1 (1 of the greattest of alltimes) Jones vs Ruiz Hopkins vs Tito Mayweather vs Corrales I'll Holla 5000
Love threads like this, gives me ideas of that to watch on youtube when I'm bored. I have to go with Duran vs Moore. Prior to this fight everyone had forgotten how great and charismatic Roberto's ring prowess really was in light of "No Mas", the losses to Benitez and Lang. Cuevas got the eyes of the Panamanian people on Roberto but there were still many doubters that he had anything left. Duran not only won this fight in specatular and dominant fashion, he won back the status he lost in the eyes of his people when he quit against Leonard. Roberto fell hard and redemeed himself, there are few if any redemption stories of this magnitude in sports history.. Also I get tired of people who don't like Duran's unsportsman like conduct at time blaming the victory on the thumb. Moore was a power puncher with lighting fast hands and the reason Duran dominated him was because he dogged, rolled and stuffed everything Moore threw at him and wore him down and stopped him with clean, solid power shots mostly to the body. It was a masterful display of boxing.
Then you should take that up with Duran & his appalling, disgusting treatment of Moore, which flagrantly broke the rules of Boxing, not the people who rightly gripe about it. It was a masterful display...just not of Boxing.
Wah wah wah. Duran was Moore's daddy, end of. He threw in some cheating because he was so dominant he could take the time to factor in the refs position and give Davey some thumbing on the blind side with impunity. Rough stuff was Duran's show boating. Not one illegal tactic changed the course of that fight one degree, just accelerated it slightly. The rough stuff is wildly overstated too. If you can link me to 5 instances of 'cheating' in it, I'd be impressed. Through the first 3 the only man throwing foul blows is Moore.
Salvador Sanchez vs Wilfredo Gomez is another good one. I guess we all have our opinions at the end of the day but Roberto is actually an very nice guy outside the ring. He gave almost all his money to the poor, always opened his doors and his shared his table with those of the lowest social and economic standing. It's rare you have a guy who one day hanging out and eating with Robert Deniro in his penthouse sweet and then the next day dinning with the poorest people of a 2nd world country. Almost all people who become and a star quickly fall in with the prestigious and exclusive things associated with being one. They shun and no longer have time for the people who were there with them at the beginning. We all know how country clubs and the social elite are. Roberto is one of the few who never forgot where he came from and refused to turn his back on the people who were there with him in the beginning. Although he did have to stop letting some of them come with him to fights in the U.S. because they didn't know how to act in bars and caused trouble LOL (learned all this from Hands of Stone by Christian Guidence) This is just my opinion but I believe that is why he was blessed in the ring for so long.
man, Duran took Moore apart... if one thumb at some point during the fight being removed could make Moore the winner of that bout or even competetive in it, that's the story of the century. Duran kicked his head in, thumbs or no thumbs
No your Duran hatred is an embarrassment. Duran fighting is the most beautiful sight this side of a woman stripping.
As with women, eye of the beholder, I suppose. Duran-Moore is just about the prettiest thing this side of tits to me. Louis never used angling and upper body movement like Duran, never blended offence and defence until it was all one colour like Duran. Louis' sheer punching technique was beautiful too of course.
This is gonna open a can of UGO worms, but the amount of defensive elbowing Mayweather used is ugly to me. Duran cheated when the ref wasn't looking to hurt his guy more (though much less than Ramonza wants us to think). He was like some demonic child who just loved what he was doing too much, the means of hurting a guy within the rules just weren't enough for him. Mayweather uses his cheat moves to STOP the fight. Repeatedly. To me their different methods of cheating are kinda emblematic of why I like Duran more than Floyd. Floyd treats the match up like an accountant. He doesn't want to be there, he just wants to get the job done while getting hit as little as possible and collect his cheque. Duran at his best was like a puppy dog, bounding about with the joy of movement. His hair bouncing around is even kinda childlike.:: To me it's just a joyous thing to watch, to see a guy born to do what he does and IN LOVE with it. That's part of why I love that fight so much. For me a Mayweather fight doesn't bring that dimension of fun. Obviously people like things for different reasons. I can understand if somebody enjoyed watching cold, maximizing precision more than I do. That aside, Duran also just does so many more interesting things with his feet and angling that are endlessly fascinating. Much more combination punching and all the amazing things he does with his balance & rhythm during those combos. Floyd's just far more economical I suppose.... Anyway, that's why I think Duran's prettier :bears::TLC:
Duran is the superior fighter and more fun to watch, but that being said, Floyd Jr clearly loves to fight. Examples being Hatton, Castillo I, the way he punished Shane after Shane hurt him, etc.. Duran was truly a sublime fighter, though. I'm shocked that there are Duran haters here. I would go as far to say that if you hate Duran, your opinion on boxing is worthless. Anybody who can't appreciate what he did in the ring, doesn't know what the fuck they're watching.
Half his style is based on avoiding a fight, if we're honest. And allot of it is probably not within the rules. I don't wanna get onto a track of criticising Floyd though, he's a fantastic fighter and I like watching him.