I think it might be a different angle for those concerned here Mex,.. I seem to remember a very favourable agenda for 'lil Floyd' being waaaaay up in a weightclass he doesn't belong in, as to 'enhance his legacy' ,..by insisting Hatton, and as many others opponents as possible are the larger fighters, and Floyd is constantly against the odds. In other words, they want another slice of cake ontop of him being naturally the better fighter.
This is funny. This whole conversation started because Irish said he could "still see Hatton having trouble with Floyd at 140 if Joe Cortez was the ref."
these goofballs claiming hatton wouldve done so much better if he was able to cut and have a weight advantage also fail to acknowledge how the guy wanted no part of the matchup when both were at super lightweight.
Word. The natural size difference between Duran and Hagler was far more significant than between Floyd and Hatton (even debatable whether there actually is a natural size difference) yet I don't see people suggesting that Hagler's victory over Duran was irrelevant because Duran was "out of his element/Depth". Biased fuckers...
i dont care if Floyd and Hatton were both 120!! or if Floyd was 126 and HAtton was 140 floyd is his daddy and dominated him like a two bit hoe!!!
Well it clearly wasn't about gaining a size advantage, since Floyd only came in at 148. Knowing Floyd lets take some guesses. A) moving to 140 would be to move divisions to accommodate Hatton. That didn't give away any material sporting advantage, but it would have been a concession at the negotiating table. Which I think most of us will agree, means more to Floyd than any advantage in weight. It'd mean Floyd being the challenger, coming to the ring first, Ricky being referred to as the champ in poster & press conferences etc. People come to Floyd, al roads lead to Mayweather, Floyd decides, blah blah. B) Why go through the process of (both men) draining out and rehydrating when he held the cards at the negotiating table and didn't need to? It was pointless for him and he was never going to.
I'm just posting news I read. Why woudn't Floyd take 50 million to fight out of the country? Is he Roy Jones now? Afraid to go over seas?
I don't like being critical, but what's with the writer of this article? Is English his second language? If so, that might explain his neglecting to write in complete sentences.
It's not just about putting on weight Hut, it's about losing it. For starters at that point, quite simply Floyd could not have made 140. He'd been a welter for 2 years, and had grown into a proper welterweight by that point. And why do you think he moved up 2 years earlier? For those big fights with junior welterweights? No, because he was outgrowing 140. I'm similar to Floyd in the sense that I naturally stay very lean, I'm energetic, have a high metabolism etc, and when I boxed, I didn't walk around dramatically heavier than my fighting weight. If I turned pro right now, I would probably fight at 140, which only mean losing around 10 pounds. At a push I could make 135, but those extra 5 pounds would be hard to shed, and there's no doubt I would be weaker and less effective Just like Floyd would have done if he had to make 140, he would have been a weaker fighter. Where as guess what, Hatton wouldn't, because he continued to make 140 even after fighting Floyd. In fact he never weighed a pound over 140 again. So again, it's not just about what weight you can baloon up to, it's actually what you can get down to, which is the concept of weight classes in the first place. Quite simply, Floyd was a weight class above Hatton at that point in his career, just like right now, Pacquiao would be a weight class above Marquez and the fight would not mean as much as a result.
the concept of weight classes was invented to pit men the same size against each other. not to give a guy an advantage because despite his lesser skill and ability he is able/willing to cut weight more effectively to gain a size/strength advantage.
Floyd is a bit bigger than I often expect him to be at 147+. I thought Mosley would look bigger than him, and Oscar much bigger, but the truth is him and Shane looked the same size, and Oscar didn't exactly dwarf him.
You know.. I always thought of "Lil" Floyd as a 130 lbder and I did expect Shane to be quite a bit bigger and stronger than him but Floyd looked good size in their matchup But Hatton got dominated like a bitch and weight had NOTHING to do with it
As for your first point, I agree. Despite him being a BIG 130 pounder and lightweight, even I sometimes see him as a 130/135 pounder. But the fact is, he's grown into a welterweight, and doesn't even look small at the weight. Him and Shane looked exactly the same size. I did expect Shane to have a clear size advantage, but that wasn't the case. As for weight, again, I pick Floyd at any weight you can name, but that's not the point.
And to stay on topic, I can't help but think Paulie is a more realistic opponent than Spadafora. Still an awful opponent, but better than Spadafora. I can't see HBO ok'ing that bout.
This is another of our pointless arguments since we can't possibly prove shit either way. I'd just say that, if Floyd as a guy who weighed 148lb in the ring 36 hours later, couldn't have dryed out long enough to make 140lb for the couple hours it takes, he'd be nearly unique in modern boxing. Floyd had no inclination to go through the hassle of it, but I don't personally think he'd have struggled particularly to do so, if he'd had a mind to. 4 years on he's grown into the weight ad that situations now different, I think.