"You think you can make it on your own??? You think you're gonna walk in here and become champion, on your own?You don't respect anything. I don't care how great you are, how colourful you are, You can pick all the Guerrero's and Johnsons in the World, but you ain't gonna get a shot at that Predo title, not without Hut you ain't!!!"
Jake, my whole deal on this has just been to try to get and keep as many people as possible playing. i wish everyone would do as they're asked rerovisional early picks like you have but it's clear by this point they won't. Frankly it's like herding cats and the number of PMs I have to send every single week just to make sure enough people submit picks to keep the thing viable is beyond a joke. So unless you either want this to turn into a 4, 5 man league or you have a suggestion as to how things might format better I don't really know what to tell you, mate. But I don't see how you've 'lost points' at all. The Huck fight was pulled well in advance with your knowledge and if anything you've gained 9 points on REED via the Hasegawa fight being pulled.
Here is how i see it......the league will evolve, and over time, everyone will become familiar with it and it will run smoothly. I am one of the guilty parties that Hut has had to PM to get my picks in.
And I don't enjoy prediction contests, I should have been up front about it. But I wanted to give this a try for my boy Hut. :kidcool:
I truly empathize with that part, and respect the fact that you're doing your best with the hand that's being dealt. It's one giant pain in the ass, and again I didn't mean to come across as ungrateful over the course of that post. I do appreciate the efforts that you make to keep it going. My earlier suggestion was for a cutoff on when predictions can be accepted, giving you enough time to tabulate. This will eliminate situations like last week, especially when fights are picked well after the fact, even if it was done so unintentionally. The guys that participate in this league post here every day. It's their problem if they forget, the way I see it. At the same time, if you lay down the law, I'm fairly certain we're all cool enough with one another to where it will be respected and (hopefully) acted upon.
That said, is it not possible for a mod to lend assistance to Hut*Hut? For example, verifying edited posts, and stuff like that. Or at least grant him the ability to do so.
Might be useful to keep the thread tidy. Already looks like we have a few drop outs and it'd be nice to get rid of the posts between the pick posts and ILLUMINATI's belated entry. If it's easier having me do those things than you or another mod keeping on top of it, go for it.
BTW guys, apologies with the delay in the full table add. I want to recount all the previous picks properly to make sure there weren't more mistakes with the tab, hence the procrastination. Im working tonight but I promise I'll add it tomorrow. Nobody edit any previous posts in the last thread, obviously. I will be checking edit dates.
UH!!! UHH!!! LOOK AT THIS SHIT!!!!! Start some fucking thread about predictions and wangle your way into the inner circle..:nono: How would you like some blue and white to go with your red, Grandmaster Hut??? :fightme:
If only TLC were still around he'd have felt the wrath so fast.... But anyway, to the covert purpose of my power grab - does anyone have any major objections to me deleting the posts between the last timely pick-post and ILLUMINATI's? (aka 22-67) I've gone through them and I don't see anything pivotal.
Delete everything that is not picks or results. Make another thread for discussion about the contest.
REED's Picks... Berto KO 8, Berto KO 10 Khan KO 3, Khan KO 5 JuanMa KO 10, JuanMa UD John UD, John UD REED:Lok:
To Salaco & REED, I've edited your original pick posts with the picks you've added here, hope you don't mind. PMs sent to the last minute holiday makers, hopefully they get them in time. WAR THE GUYS I'VE PICKED (APART FROM KHAN!).
I'm really, really unsure about Berto Vs Ortiz. I think Ortiz is clearly the better fighter, but mentally he is not all there, and has proved it against the best opponents he's faced. For that reason alone I'll have to pick Berto.
I've went back and forward on it. Part of me suspects Ortiz' capitulation against Peterson might have been connected to weight drain. If so, this is a real fight.