Yeah, it's pretty much EXACTLY as before. Except I might take your pick and edit your original pick post to keep things tidy for collating, now.
Good call Hut, I honestly didn't even consider that, because although Ortiz looked big at 140, he wasn't huge at the weight, and didn't realise he was having trouble making it etc. I feel stupid for not even straddling Ortiz. So as not to fall behind in points, I tend to feel compelled to always double pick. Like I said, Ortiz is a much better fighter than Berto, I just thought he'd fall apart mentally again. He proved me wrong and reminded me why I thought he was the best prospect/contender in boxing.
:: In the immortal words of Alan Arkin in Glengarry Glen Ross........: "The board? I'm fucked on the board"
Unbelievable. In the Khan fight I get the round AND outcome correct, but will only get - what, 8 pts? - for my actual picks rather than would could've been double. In JuanMa-Salido, my straddle pick turns out to be the exact outcome (even if "controversial" is a slight exaggeration) but for the wrong friggin' fighter. So close... and all that bullshit.
It was a technical decision. How is that getting the outcome correct? This looked like it would go 12 without the cut.
Aye yi yi, why does everything around here require a detailed explanation? Just re-read my post and realize why your response not only misses my point but is a complete buzzkill. Thanks.
In the spirit of being anti German, can me and Jake get extra points for our Khan TKO 5/6 picks please?
Nah, because it'd look like I was giving them for myself. On that note, Im gonna make a scoring rules edit, which would have given me more points this week but i won't adjust my scores. The difference in what a SD pick vs a UD pick scores you if the other man wins a decision is too little. Kaizen, the scoring rules!
People shouldn't get too up in this thing.....over the course of the year, we will get all the weirdo results possible, techD's, split D's Maj D's, NC's you name it, and we will slowly develop a pattern for scoring the fights accordingly. Its early days yet and as long as we can all agree to some basic element of reason, it should be OK. Now fuck off and give me full points for calling Khan TKO11 McCloskey ::
Jake, ElTerriblee just messaged me saying you're a whiney douche, and if you don't shut up, he's going to find you and slap you down like a "schlampe", whatever that means. Just thought I'd give you a heads up.
sounds about right. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't schlampe an old, old wooden ship used during the Civil War era?
A Schlampe is German for a slut or a tart. It appears that most German, and German derived Yiddish, relies heavily on the Sch sound to insult people. Schmuck Schmatta Schlampe etc.
Nothing "know it all" about either know how to treat these bitches or you don't :nono: This is basic, entry level stuff. You wouldn't last, man. ::
Hut*Hut, great job on getting the scores updated as quickly as you did. Well done, sir :bears: Question, though - and the answer only results in a one-half point difference, but I just want to see where my error is. Here are my picks, and scores in parenthesis. Just let me know which one I have incorrect so I know to get it right for the future. Gracias!