These guys are from a gym in the Mocca neighbourhood of Sao Paolo, Brazil. I have reproduced the captions from the photos in the article and pasted them underneath the photos. The Cubans are alleged to be the true shoe-string trainers, even inventing the rubber tyre vs sledgehammer routine as a substitute for the traditional wood-chopping exercise Next time you lament having a puny physique like Jaws because you couldn't afford that "Super Abs in 10 seconds" device you saw on late night TV, spare a thought for these guys. Aspiring boxers train at a gymnasium under the Alcantara Machado viaduct as cars drive past in the Mooca neighborhood of São Paulo, Brazil. The Boxing Academy of Garrido, founded by Brazilian former pro-boxer Nilson Garrido, uses primitive training equipment that he developed himself during his years as a coach, in a project which aims to take the sport to the poor and marginalised population Chibata uses a truck shock absorber to strengthen his upper body Joilson Santos, left, (nicknamed Talent) and Valdir Aparecido (nicknamed Gorilla), use a rope during a training session Look closely at this next one, its not even a proper medicine ball, its an old leather soccer ball, probably filled with sand. Valdir Aparecido throws a ball at the torso of Joilson Santos, while training This one sealed the fucking deal for me. I plotzed when I saw this. Chibata, left, and Valdir Aparecido punch a discarded refrigerator during a training session Chibata uses a rock for abdominal exercises during training Joilson Santos picks up discarded truck parts converted into weights Look at the "punchbag" on the right- it looks like a 20 gallon drum.
Jaws shows them how its done. Check his right hand, nice and high....:laugh11: Laercio, left, trains with his coach Mauricio Cruz Jaws presses mad loads. Laercio's shadow is projected on a wall as he uses a discarded truck axle for weight training Barry Bonds post-retirement. Penniless and apparently incontinent as he relates to the dogs how he used to be the man up in that joint. Former pro-boxer Nilson Garrido slugs a discarded truck tyre with a baseball bat inside his boxing gymnasium Bonds tucks in. Former pro-boxer Nilson Garrido, right, has a meal with aspiring boxers Valdir Aparecido, left, and Joilson Santos struck a chord with me as I am one of the people out there who would say "Oh, I would punch like a mule if only I could afford a leather-clad, diamond encrusted bag"..:wack: There are guys out there achieving far more with far less.
I assume you are referring to the first photo of the 2nd post?? It does strike me as odd that the trainer would be wearing the gloves while the student pounds the bag bare-handed- then again, just look at that gym.......nothing is "usual".