asked B-Scene for permission to post my Top Rank Live article on their site, featuring Tommy Zbikowski (Baltimore Ravens safety). Pardon my self-congratulatory spamming. Happy ValenBirthEastOveraversary to all!
Ah man, that's so cool. Those motherfucks shoulda run your name though! I linked it up on my FB. Good shit man. Congrats.
CONGRATULATIONS, TWIN!!!... We Should ALL Take the Time to "Suck" OUR OWN Dicks Every Now & Then, when JUSTIFIED...This is Definitely 1 of those HAS to B Amongst THE BUSIEST Web Sites in the Friggin Wooooooorld & Ol' "JAKEindaBOX" from SecondsOut Now has a PUBLISHED NFL Related Piece...Good Shit Happens to Good People... DO the Damn Thing, Dog...There's Only UPSIDE for you to B Linked to Zbikowski, will Seek YOUR Tommy Z Writings 1st, Henceforth...Now REED Can Say "I Actually KNOW an NFL Writer".... REED:bears:
Good job, and I'm definitely not saying this in a slighting way but it's probably the most viewership for an article in your career. You hit the big time.
It's a cool accomplishment to get something on a big website, but it's hardly a Jake-worthy piece. It's just a simple recap article that any 1st year communications student could draft. If Jake is so inclined, I am curious how much they pay for an article of this type to publish on their site? How does this compare to a substantive article of similar size?
I didn't write it exclusively for They just asked our site for permission to run it on their site. If any payment was exchanged, it would've been between and the owner of Boxingscene. Was the same when our articles linked on and Fox Sports before that.
I get what you're saying, but it's not the first time I had an article published on a mainstream site. Pretty sure has greater viewership (I had an article about Manny as their lead story one day last summer).
Boxingscene used to feed all of its content to MSN Fox Sports (was up to them what they elected to post). That deal ended a couple of years ago, I think right around the time we temporarily merged with MaxBoxing. After that, we had a deal with Sports Illustrated, which I believe is still current.
Jake, you hear anything about Tommy Z being suspended following his last fight? Something about having to provide a negative test result? Did he piss dirty?
It was bullshit. Four other guys on the same card also tested positive for the same thing, but a second test cleared him. They said it had more to do with the test itself, that it wasn't in line with normal testing. Not surprising, being an independent commission.