Have there been noises that he might? He's pulled out of fights before without any hint that he might do so. As it happens I firmly believe this one is ON.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2011/apr/30/david-haye-wladimir-klitschko David Haye and Wladimir Klitschko have cancelled press conferences in Hamburg and London next week because "there are still issues to be resolved" – although a Haye source says the world heavyweight unification fight set for 2 July is "not in jeopardy". Texts from Hayemaker Promotions late on Saturday afternoon to Sky and their own operatives advising of the cancellation spread mild panic in the business, given the tortuous history between the two champions. Adam Booth, Haye's trainer and manager, did not return calls but the fighter's press officer, Elliott Worsell, said he doubted the contest would be called off. The fighters, who genuinely loathe each other attended a press conference in New York on Tuesday and there were hints that the biggest heavyweight fight in nearly a decade still relied on a lot of mutual goodwill. Klitschko, who holds the WBO and IBF versions of the title, said: "He signed the contract ... again," said Klitschko – a reference to Haye's withdrawing through injury from their first scheduled encounter nearly 18 months ago. "I will not believe the fight will happen until I see David Haye in the corner across from me. Thank God he's coming into the ring first." Haye, the WBA champion, then criticized Klitschko for twice pulling out of defences against Dereck Chisora. "I'm as worried about whether he's going to show up as he is about whether I'm going to show up," Haye said. But there was no indication that this amounted to anything more than pre-fight hype. A layer of mystery has been added to the melodrama now, whatever the assurances of the Haye camp.
I think Haye is being a cunt here. I think this is all one great big fucking charade, the guy reckons the next best thing to fighting Wlad is to pretend to want to fight him, then let the whole thing collapse, citing that he wanted it but it was impossible to make etc etc. None of this stop-start-stop-start is going to do Wlad any favours.......he needs to make a decision on this, I personally feel he should cut this bitch loose right now.
He should if he backs out again,.. Haye's monsterous press release team will convince most posters and nearly the entire population of the UK about him being denied his undisputed status by a pair of white communist cowards but that's just natural really, conservative media is a devastating global issue.
Haye supposedly flew to America to train in Miami, then it turned out he was shacked up in a Vegas hotel with some slut, now the press conferences have been canceled.....:wack: I could give a fuck what a bunch of old "I cried when Mandela was released" journalists could say about the Klitschkos now.......Wlad should forget this fool with his birthday retirements and his press-releases and his canceled press conferences and his weeping, wailing divorce-wanting wife. Tell Haye to fuck off, get Povetkin in the Ring for next July.
:crafty: ,... Equally in bold is 'get Povetkin in the ring' ....in a way, without a press army,.. we could say,.. 'Atleast Povetkin admits he's scared' ,... we'll have to see that one to believe it aswell Irishman,..:tick:
What's Hayes routine here? To wind Wlad up, piss him off, interrupt his schedule as much as possible?
If he pulls out, it was to simply remind everybody he really wanted to knock em' out, but Klitschko ducked him for the last damn time,.. so, write that down as history I guess,.. 'woulda knocked em' out, and they both knew it'... There are many things to dislike about Wlad,.. but ducking opposition has never, ever been one of them.
You think? I don't really give a shit about it. The only thing that excites me about it, is the general buzz of the big event. I don't think Haye is sufficiently proven as a heavyweight, and I expect Wlad to win in dominating, safety first fashion as per usual.
I just don't believe Haye really even wants to box any more. He knows this is the biggest possible payday and may well take it while it's on the table. Win or lose don't expect to see him around much longer.
Haye: "Wlad is a fraud". Haye: "Wlad never fought for the WBA title" Haye: "Wlad wears shoulder pads inside his gown on the way to the ring"
Yeah, pretty basic shit. I was watching him standing on the grass in the Velkins arena and he was just babbling and babbling to the SKY guy, after a while it dawned on me that I had stopped listening to Haye and was trying to see who was in the background. I did ID Gareth A Davies of the Telegraph and Bernd Bonte, but the other two were too out of focus for me to recognize. Haye is a desperately insecure guy.
The chap is a mental midget.........he refused to shake Wlad hand and then Wlad started to take the mickey out of his twitterings, Haye started to roll his head like a child waiting for a teacher to stop berating him. Also, Phil Brown does not approve of Haye's choice of dress :nono:
<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/gjmyityrZi4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Here you go Kauk's, first time I've seen it too. The guy is CACKING IT. Listen to his voice cracking! He knows hes bitten off more than he can chew.
Nah, he doesn't have the personality for it. Plus, both of them will most likely fight too safety first for either of them to wind up unconscious.
I'm no Haye fan or acolyte, but its something different to fear, as such. In a strange sort of a way I think Haye fancies his chances....its just Haye despises confrontations which are not on his own terms. He's quite happy charging up to somebody in a shopping mall when he has the element of surprise. He is far less fond of being sat down and made a mug of by somebody who, in that very moment, is not going to lay a single finger on one corn-row on his head. Haye is just an insecure guy. He needs you to think he is in control, that he dictates terms, that the other guy is a "fraud" and that he, Haye, is "for real". If he doesn't have this, it irks him something fierce. As I said before, Haye would rather make $1m and have you think he was making $2 than make $2m and have you think he was only getting $1m. Its all about "rep" and "cred" with Haye.