No he shouldn´t, but he was put there for a reason: to lay out Ward.:crafty: I picked Froch against Abraham, but tonight I think Abraham will make it a fight. So in the spirit of the Eurovision Song Contest: Armenia twelve points. ::
While REED Agrees w/your Point WHOLEHEARTEDLY, he Thinks the Question of "Who is the BEST of the Super 6" has ALREADY Been Answered... It's Andre Ward... Other than ABYSMAL Punching Power, REED Doesn't See Anything about Ward that Should TURN OFF Fans the Way it Appears to Do w/Fightbeaters...Ward DOESN'T Run, he Throws a Good Bit of Punches & he's Actually TOUGHER than his RELIGIOUS/PRETTY BOY Exterior Insinuates... REED:hammert:
You are a funny dude. You called Kessler robotic and average at every opportunity. Now Ward has proven he is the best by beating who so far? That´s right. Green, Bika and Kessler all in his backyard with his personal referee and judges. ::
People bitch when the best fighters don't fight each other, and they bitch when they do fight each other. it's ridiculous
Too bad Dirrell was born with a vagina. He has the talent to have been the best at 168. Just not the balls.
Not bitching at all. Like I said it's a great idea and should happen more often. But through nothing but chance I guess, it HAS been a disappointment in a general sense. Hasn't exactly gone swimmingly has it?
i hadnt seen the ward bika fight until a few nights ago and it was somewhat entertaining but also hard to watch at times. ward is a fast, talented and gritty fighter but he has somewhat transformed himself into a ruiz-esque grappler
Yeah he's actually at least as much of a wrestler as Hatton. Ward could be the first boxing to MMA crossover star, with the wrestling and boxing pedigree he has.
I took it as bitching when you called the tournament a flop. I don't see it as a disappointment - i think we all would have preferred more KO's, no one dropping out and a perfectly clean tournament... but i am glad it happened as opposed to it not happening at all. As a result we have a clearer picture of who the best fighter(s) in the division are, certainly we will after the tourney is complete. Minus Bute, of course. The tournament as been an excellent event imo. :Hanzkiller:
Like I said, it was an exaggeration calling it a flop. It's just I had high expectations for the tournament, so I feel it's been somewhat disappointing. But yeah, I'm glad they did it too, like Hut said it definitely sheds light on the top fighters at 168. Plus it exposed Arabham, which is a good thing. There should be more tournaments like this. I just hope they generally go smoother. It could be a good way of diminishing the significance of a loss too, because if all the top fighters fight each other, they're obviously going to lose more often. BTW when does this fight start?
Yeah sadly they are replaying the Pacquiao Mosley fight first so an hour from now. Seems unnecessary to replay these fights when they are on demand now. As for the tournament... fair enough. I think the tournament has been structured the wrong way in terms of its length because it has caused so many issues... but as you said it diminishes the significance of a loss, whicch I think is excellent for boxing, too many times fighters try to protect an undefeated record and it doesn't matter if you lose a fight or two so long as you are fighting the best. That's what the sport needs. I have to say that while the tourney did not go perfectly, i think it's a form of bitching to talk about how it "didn't go swimmingly" or how disappointing it was or how it was a flop regardless of it being an exaggeration... it's focusing on the wrong aspect - the "bad" aspects when this was a good thing for boxing it got most of the best fighters in the division to fight each other. Seems like there is no pleasing some people.
What's Soooo "Funny"???...Calzaghe is Regarded the Greatest Supermiddle EVER on a Steady Diet of Guys like Bika & Green...Hell, Kessler was Quite Possibly Calzaghe's BEST & Most MEANINGFUL Title Defense (or Lacy)... Ward Beat Kessler (who was FAVORED to Win the Tourney, FYI) More IMPRESSIVELY than Calzaghe Did & He's Navigated the Super 6 Route w/Out Speedbumps... As for the Whole "Backyard" Thing, Name ONE Fight of Ward's that was Controversial???...He's DECISIVELY Beaten Everybody in the Tourney, to the Degree that Location was IRRELEVANT...So Keep Laughing if U Like; Not Really Sure WHY Though... REED:mj:
Jesus, Mosley looks surprisingly bashed up for such a lame fight, where Manny didn't even land that much really.
I don't like being negative, and the tournament is definitely a good thing, but you have to be honest, I'd be lying if I said it's been fantastic. It's more the concept that's good, but the fights themselves, plus retirements/injuries etc haven't. I'm partly disappointed because I wanted it to set more of a precedent for reasons we've both stated. If it went really well, and was just more hype than it is, with some exciting fights, no drop outs, etc etc they might happen more often, HBO might pick up on the idea and things like this might become more commonplace. One thing MMA has over boxing is all the top fighters fight each other, pretty much. It would be great if boxing got back to that.
Well, I guess it's a decent amount. At the time, Mosley was just running so much and being so negative, he didn't seem to take much damage at all.
I forget about Andre Ward until he is in the ring for his next fight.....I really want to like him every time I tune in to watch......but his C level imitation of Roy Jones Jr. piss me off...