Yes sir. That ass was looking mighty nice. All I gotta say is that this super 6 has been damn good. I mean we have gotten the chance to see the best guys fight at 168. What more could we have asked for? Anyways people are already predicting a Froch/Ward finals but please don't sleep on the road warrior. Also I really can't see a guy that went life and death with a very limited Jermaine Taylor beating Andre Ward. I'll Holla 5000
ward won clean, and more impressively than his past few fights. i look forward to him thrashing froch
First three were close, last two were close. Thus, it is 115-113 and by 'German' standards that means Abraham was robbed:dancingBaby:
You have to admit, though, 120-108 was scoring on auto-pilot. I thought the 118-110/118-111 scores were fair.
Is it just me, or is there something about Ward's style that makes him hard to watch? I am seriously asking this since at this point he has chalked up some decent victories and deserves credit for that. But every time I watch him he bothers me. He is very tentative, loves to grapple, hold, head butt, etc., and works in spurts such that he rarely ever strings more than a few punches together. He does seem open to certain punches, especially the left hook, but nobody he fights seems to take much advantage of it. The fact that he always has this dumb look on his face may be biasing my opinion. I guess part of it is that when he does open up with some offense, he throws some decent combinations and accurate punches. He clearly has some talent. Maybe what I bristle at is that he is so tentative, and frankly all too happy to hack his way to a punch-and-hold type of decision victory when he could probably do more. Despite his status at this point, I am not excited to see Ward again at all, unless he is getting KO'd. Maybe a fight with Bute, or Martinez moving up. Ward would likely hack n' hold his way to a victory over Pavlik at this point. The guy just is not entertaining to me.
Just watched the fight now(missed it last night, but recorded it). I must admit, it was Ward's most impressive performance to date. He should beat Froch clearly.
It's an opinion....similar to your opinion that Chris Henry is a good fighter...most of us here think he is GARBAGE.....
If you read through the prediction thread, you'll see that my comments accompanying my pick on the fight echo these sentiments. That said, Ward was far more watchable last night than in several of his other perforamnces to date... although still a fight I don't need to watch more than once. He stepped it up at times when he could've simply coasted. He tried going that route early, but realized that AA would actually fight back when given the opportunity. When Ward turned it up, it ceased being competitve, but he wasn't anywhere nearly as complacent as in other fights.
I agree it's his most impressive performance to date, however I'm not sure why this fight would make you think he'd beat Frock clearly. Frock was even more dominant against Arabham.
yup was going to say I don't know of a single active super middleweight that would have an easy night's work with Froch.
I didnt say easily. I said clearly. Meaning by fights end, Ward will know he's been in a tough fight, but that there will be little doubt as to who the winner is. Ward, 8-4.
Yeah. And then Ward was much better vs. Kessler. Can't wait for the fight, hopefully my man Glen Johnson doesn't throw a wrench in the works.
Depends whether the referee will once again let Ward get away with everything. I didn´t see a change from the Kessler to the Abraham fight. He ducks below the beltline all the time, he punches after break commands, he low-blows, he holds, he leads with his head, and every time Pabon warned both fighters for it. It doesn´t matter to Abraham, who can´t beat Ward, and apparently wasn´t interested in trying anyway. For Froch it can make all the difference in the world as it might have for Kessler. It´s not easy to box, when you always have to worry about a 3rd fist and every time you try to punch the guy, he´s at your feet and/or holding you.
Fair enough... although I can see Froch making it as ugly as possible if that's what it takes to win - or at least frustrate Ward.
You could also say Abraham didn't try to win against Froch. I'd say Ward put more hurt on Abraham than Froch. I think a Ward-Froch fight would be interesting to watch. If Froch tries to box Ward I think he loses badly. I still think Dirrell beat Froch and Ward is far more polished than Dirrell.
which is what he'd have to do because he can't outbox Ward. Then again...Ward's pretty skilled at holding, grappling and fighting ugly. Not sure which guy would win credit for making an ugly fight.
Funny, but I think Froch-Johnson might end up being the best fight of the tournament. Either way I think Ward wins clearly against either guy.
I changed my mind....if Froch get by Johnson...he will fuck WARD you like me now kauki...:nana:
..and he tried yesterday? As soon as Ward stepped up the pace and punched back in round four, Abraham quit. Froch simply kept his distance from the beginning and punched back immediately. Abraham´s doesn´t have the stamina, or will to tough out a fight, despite or because of what happened in the first Miranda fight. It´s not his total lack of boxing skills, but a failure or/and willingness to see what he has, and what works and what doesn´t. He doesn´t listen to anything his corner says. He didn´t recognize that Ward was a bit uncomfortable in the first three rounds, so he can´t draw any confidence from it. As soon as Ward stepped it up, he gave up. That´s a battle of will. Ward was a bit uncomfortable, so he tried something different, now you have to answer and deny him his new comfort zone. I honestly think he´s not bright enough to make adjustments. His interview last night was the same stupid BS (waiting for a KO punch, because you can´t win on points away from home) he fed to the reporters after the Dirrell/Froch fights. I wish somebody would challenge him in an interview with something basic once to see what his reaction would be.
:laughing: Froch will DIE in that fight and you know it, he's as athletic as an orderly line of Egyption carvings, and he wont beat Johnson either, I'll be enjoying it as much as you will trust me. Having Froch fuck up Ward will be about as appealling as Vida's father watching his daughter shake her arse in every second man's signature.
abraham did ok at the start of the fight, but then he began to pace himself as he typically does early. the guy simply cant fight 12 hard rounds
Froch should insist on two things if he gets around to fighting Ward. 1. Neutral Territory- in this regard I would say Canada- as it is Neutral anways, cheap enough to get to, even for Froch fans, it is not Europe or the USA, and it just so happens to be the home of the best 168lbr not currently partaking in Super 6. 2. The referee. Froch should let Ward choose the judges, but not the referee. Oh, and you yank mothers have used up ALL your "never fight in Germany" free-cards, just through Super 6 ALONE.
I wouldn´t consider what Abraham did in the first three rounds hard fighting. That was an average pace. Sure fighters have different endurance potential, a different stress factor in the ring, but three rounds with 30 punches a round and your opponent has barely touched you? He needs to change trainers. Doesn´t matter who is to blame, but this relationship obviously doesn´t work at this level. Other Sauerland fighters have similar stamina issues. Sylvester was tired after eight rounds with Geale and he fought the same measured pace. Huck isn´t the best either.