Is the arm triangle choke the toughest submission to survive/escape? I've seen people escape tight Triangle chokes, rnc's, leg locks, kimuras, arm bars etc. but I don't remember seeing anyone escape a properly locked in arm triangle.
Arm triangle isn't that hard. Hardest would probably be a modified guillotine. And if the heel hook is properly locked in, forget about it.
The Cody McKenzie guillotine is the hardest to escape. Len Bentley, the ginger bearded chap on the current TUF also got guillotined in the 1st by McKenzie :kidcool:
From my experience in BJJ, a completely locked in RNC is the toughest to escape, however, all of them are very difficult to get out of if they're really tight.
IF the criteria is "when it is fully/properly locked in" then heel hook is the answer to this topic. Period. You can't defend it. Once it's torqued it's over for your knee.
it's also very difficult to execute to perfection. rear naked choke usually happens when the guy is inflicting damage from dominant position and applies it when the opponent is fatigued and unable to defend. once it's locked, most of the time it's over. bj penn does it very well.
I prefer the reverse heel hook. Shamrock vs. Dijk should be the wikipedia visual dictionary definition, and it's not as hard to lock in place.
If the question is "when properly locked in", then surely the answer is all of them? Hence, why they're submissions :: If the question is more what attempt is hardest to escape from. Well a rear naked choke is still pretty fucking hard, even if not locked in. You're pretty limited when a guy has your back. Armbars on the ground seem hard too.
I did see it live, Len is a bitch if you guys haven't noticed so far on the show..:: I don't no who and when, but I do know he got a call from both Dana and Joe Silva. They like him alot, but told him he has to win. Said they will probably give him a couple very "winnable" fights on some undercards as long as he keeps winning and see how he does from there. But Dana actually told him its time to grow up and be more than a one trick pony. If he wants this as a career, he has to step up the training. He's actually contemplating on moving to 145.
That's great stuff Jarhead. Great advice from Dana. And I think that would be a smart move by Cody to move down. Didn't he fight at 145 before? Also, just as information, Cody was supposed to fight Bart Palaszewski at UFC 130 later this month. But Cody pulled out with an injury and Gleison Tibeau is filling in.
He did suffer an injury, he was helping Lyle train for Aoki and hurt himself. He fought alot at 145 until TUF.
RNC locked in properly... pretty much no escape. Whenever you see someone excape an RNC, 100% of the time it means that it wasn`t locked in properly. RNC can also be applied with a burst crank (which is how I teach it). This gives pain along with being put out. The sudden pain angle distracts trying to fight the choke part of the hold. They go out faster or tap almost instantly most of the times. Just my 2 cents.
From the MMA I've seen, I think more than anything armbars are the most effective submission. Dudes generally tap almost instantly from an armbar. Except for Silvia, who just waits until his arm breaks then still doesn't tap.
You can escape from an armbar if you see it coming. You just need to roll up with it. Also you can twist your elbows from side to side, to avoid getting it straight.
You have to be in position to get that body triangle. But a Neck Crank is always available if tought correctly.
If you are in position for a RNC, you are usually in position to get the body triangle with your legs. When the two are used together, it straight sucks the life out of you.
Yeah but if you are on your side, it could be difficult. You have to make sure the guy is in between your legs.