Seriously. You are both acting like self-righteous cunts. Do I ask you to apologize every time Froch beats another world class fighter? Did I spam the forums like a childish fanboy when he won a fight, did I run from the boards when he lost? I´m really done with your childish fingerpointing garbage.
exactly... To make matters worse, the crowd was favorable to Abraham. It wasn't a home fight for Ward.
This is what you came back with, when I asked whether you think it is okay to break the rules as long as you are winning, which you implied in your post saying you can only complain, when you make a fight close: So maybe you answer the original question before you try to spin your way out of it.
Just as HOMOSEXUALITY is your Right, So is TROLLING...Continue to Do Both @ your LEISURE, Ugo.... REED
Fine...REED'll Join your LAME Little Reindeer Game...CLEARLY Re-State your Question & REED'll Most Certainly Answer it... REED
Wait are we actually debating weather or not Ward vs. Abraham would have a different outcome in Germany? :doh: half of the clinches were cause by Abraham leaping in with a wild left hook, and Ward ducking them....
Chill baby boy. You're being exceptionally arsey because you obviously have intimate feelings for The Ham of Arab. Look at objectively, and you'll see you're getting your knickers in a twist. I didn't even gloat or anything after the fight, because the fact is, pretty much everyone knew Arabham would get schooled again. All I said was "Do you realise now that Arabham is no good at world level?". It was a genuine question, because somehow you still seem blind to it.
I already asked the question twice. Your point was that Abraham has no right to complain about illegal tactics, because he was clearly losing the fight, so Are the rules the same for every fighter in every phase of a fight or not?
....and I answered it like an adult. My mistake. Won´t happen again. Next time I´ll save myself the time.
Actually you're right, your response was fine, I was working at the time and forgot to reply. But since then you seem to be getting arsey (with Steve at least, not me). Like he said, he's one of the people along with me and Ike etc that have been saying Arabham is obscenely overrated since day 1, so it seems a bit weird to pull the hindsight card on him.
Of Course the Rules are the SAME for Every Fighter in Every Phase of the Fight...If Fighter A is Presumably Getting Away w/Low Blows, Fighter B Should Complain &/or RETALIATE...If Ward was Clinching or Ducking Below the Waist Tooooo Much, Complain or RECIPROCATE... When a Guy LEANS IN w/his Head, he's Usually WIDEfuckingOPEN for an Uppercut...Do that OR Simply SIDESTEP & Watch him Lose his Balance, then JUMP On him as he Does So... YOU'RE Posting from the Perspective that Abraham & Others R HELPLESS when they Step in the Ring w/Andre Ward...They're NOT...They Can Fight Fire WITH Fire (as Bika ATTEMPTED, Unsuccessfully) or Complain...& Complain PRIOR to the Fight...If U Remind the Commission about Questionable Tactics, PRIOR to the Fight, there's a Good Chance they'll B Addressed in the Fight Itself... Now How Bout YOU Answer REED's Question...Did Abraham LOSE to Ward BECAUSE of these So-Called 'Tactics' OR was Ward Simply the BETTER Man that Night???... REED
No of course not. I never said he lost the fight, because of Ward´s tactics. That doesn´t change the fact, that Ward shouldn´t be allowed to get away with them. The playing field should be fair. I know it never is in boxing, because most judges and refs can be had. Doesn´t make it right. There are refs like Nady or Cortez that don´t even apply the same rules to each fight. One fight they always sperate fighters immediately, other times they let them work on the inside, depending on what the house fighter prefers. It´s simply not Abraham´s job to do the refs job. What would Abraham gain from ducking himself? If he had punched Ward low, Abraham would have been warned. The ref warned both fighters, when Ward ducked low, punched low and hit after the break. If there is no advantage for Ward, why didn´t he leave California for any S6 fight?
Blame Sauerland, Gary Shaw and Hennessy Sports for this. They all signed off on the deal and it was disclosed from the onset Ward wouldn't leave the States to fight. Those guys took more money to have their guy travel abroad. They only have themselves to blame. Goosen simply outslicked them. Plus...Ward has clearly won each of his fights. As REED said, the way he's won has nada to do about where the fights were held. Note: I didn't include DiBella seeing that he brought Taylor and Allan Green to the table.
Ward repeatedly intentionally headbutted Kessler, opening cuts above both eyes. Are you really telling me that should go unpunished or doesn´t influence a fight? It adds a dimension to the fight that Kessler certainly didn´t gameplan for. He simply focused on the difficult enough task to solve the problem of Ward´s two fists, not three. If Ward led with his head like that in Europe he gets at least a point deduction. If he continues he gets disqualified. Ward did nothing on that level against Abraham, because he didn´t have to, but he still bends the rules to the max required to win.
I guess it's kind of like Hatton against Floyd. Cortez was unquestionably on Floyd's side in that fight, but if the fight was in England, would the fight have been significantly different? No, there was a clear cut difference in ability, just like Arabham Vs Ward. Ward was actually not that bad Vs Arabham, he did more boxing than mauling and headbutting. Against Kessler I agree, that was pretty disgusting really, being able to get away with blatant butting etc. Still, in the early rounds, he was pretty much dominating Kessler without even getting dirty, didn't the butting start in the mid rounds? Ultimately, who would you pick in that fight if it was in Denmark?
Help me with this... Most guys hate ward because he mauls and fights on the inside...just like Hatton. And yet the ref didn't allow Hatton to maul Floyd and that's a problem. Secondly, Hatton's biggest win was against tszyu in England. I saw Ricky hit with a clean bodyshot where he should have been counted out...then came back and landed a deliberate full force low blow...which should have gotten him disqualified.... So under that're saying if Hatton were able to fight at home and fight dirty he would have beaten Floyd. Is it me or this contradictory?
Not necessarily responding to this or to MWS' post... but I will say that there is something to say about how Ward would react to different surroundings. I understand the point that if Floyd-Hatton took place somewhere else (or even if anyone other than Cortez were the ref), that it's a different fight. None of it is to say that Hatton beats Floyd - I'd pick Floyd 10 times out of nine in such a fight, regardless of location. Ditto for Ward-Kessler. Put Ward in a venue where a ref is up his ass the moment he even thinks about leading with his head, and who knows how that fucks with him mentally? Again, not to say that he didn't school Kessler; but a fair question to ask considering he hasn't left CA in two years. I don't include Ward-Abraham because I don't think Ward's mauling was anywhere nearly as extreme in this fight as in past bouts.
BULLSHIT... There's NOfuckingWAY of Saying w/Absolute CERTAINTY that Ward was "Intentionally" Headbutting Kessler...Hell, this Time LAST Year, Ward was Considered SOFT by Most Hardcore Boxing Fans, but NOW U're Telling REED he's the 2nd Coming of Holyfield or Casamayor???...Ward SWITCHES Stances Quite a Bit & Shit Sometimes Happens...Moreso, he Runs the Risk of Getting Cut HIMSELF by Intentionally Headbutting... Fuuuuurthermore, U're NEGLECTING to Point Out that 1 of the Cuts was Started by a PUNCH...If REED Isn't Mistaken, Kessler was Cut OVER Both Eyes & UNDER 1 of them...@ Least 1 of the EARLIER Cuts Resulted from a PUNCH... Kessler Got SCHOOLED...Bika was OUT Bika'ed...DEAL w/It.... REED
In the boxing section of Yahoo.... ELITE FEAT...... Andre Ward may not be exciting to watch – but as his defeat of Arthur Abraham showed, he's becoming one of the best fighters of his time. REALLY??? Really that is all it takes? A victory over Abraham and Kessler and he is on the way to becoming one of the best fighters of his time..? :shit::shit:
"Like I said before" Those guys have their promoters' to blame. They took extra cash to fight away. Goosen out slicked all of 'em.
I don't disagree... although the only one that could've taken place outside of the US was Ward-Kessler. He was set to fight Taylor and Dirrell in Stage Two and Three. Had Ward-Kessler taken place in Denmark, then Kessler would've wound up with three home fights. Kessler-Taylor was also slated for "EUROPE."