He's a great guy and I like him but he's too damn fat. He needs to get his act together. One more loss and UFC will cut him watch. It was emberassing to watch. I bet Dana was really pissed off.
Hes had that for a long time. It makes the UFC look like a joke with a fatass like that in the co-main event.
Struve, Nelson and Hamill in the last three fights of a PPV. Amazing how dumb MMA fans are. These farmer boys really buy everything. :laugh11:
I think the UFC really needs to think about changing cards to Spike TV when they are hit with injuries. Remember this card was supposed to feature Edgar-Maynard III and Thiago Silva-Rampage. And I preface this next comment by saying that I only make it because of the MMA fan and farmer boy comment. I would rather sit thru UFC 130 a thousand times in a row as opposed to being forced to watch a replay of Manny-Shane. Think about that for a second. One of the shittiest MMA PPV cards and it was still 1000 times more entertaining than Manny-Shane.. Unless of course you enjoy watching a boxer give up after 2 rounds and then stink the joint out for the next 10 rounds. Or maybe you actually enjoy watching fighters kindly touch gloves after a knock down. Pathetic. Personally I think it's worthless. So basically a bunch of middle of the pack MMA fighters out shine a boxing match involving the best fighter on the planet. Yep, MMA fans are stupid. ::::::
Yep. There has never been a boring cage fighting main event. Good call, Trpl. I see the light. Arce/Vazquez Jr. was better than any cage fight, ever.
That's a very unfair comparison because Manny vs Shane was just unbelievably bad. Shane fought to survive and nothing more. It's really, really rare for a fight involving elite fighters to be that crap in boxing. It was a stupid fight to start with, but Pacquiao usually puts on a brilliant show, even against overmatched foes like Plasterito, you at least get to see an incredible beating.
I'm not making a generalization. I am just saying that boring fights or shitty cards happen. It doesn't make fans stupid for watching them. Keep in mind, I am only responding to the comment that MMA fans are stupid for watching last night's card. Applying that rationale, which is not my own, boxing fans would be stupid for watching Manny-Shane. It's ridiculous logic, don't you think?
Boring fights happen in both sports. Do you agree with the logic that it makes fans of either sport stupid for watching? Yeah, this will get answered.:doh:
Not every cage fighting fan, but it's true for the most part. Some of these dudes are fucking stupid.
So you back track from a generalization to 'some of these dudes'. I'm sure that 'some of these dudes' could apply to any sport. So we are in agreement.
As bad as Manny-Shane was i would still watch that before i watched all of ufc 130 again. Hell id watch Marquez-Gainer a couple of times as well.
I said in general, which obviously means there are exceptions. Boxing is, like, way more exciting than cage fighting and it isn't close. We do not agree.
Yeah i know, i am not talking about the ppv i am talking about 1 fight because you know how it is man. Boxing haters avoid anything good about boxing. In terms of quality fights this year boxing is destroying MMA.
Trpl just can't help himself. He loved boxing when it was trendy, he loves cage fighting now that it's trendy. He'll be on to the next one soon enough.
Well, we do agree. I find boxing, on the whole, more entertaining than MMA. Always have. That being said, recently I've leaned more toward MMA being more entertaining. The biggest boxing matches recently have been major disappointments. Nevertheless, I can't pick an MMA fight in history that I'd rather re-watch versus my favorite boxing matches. It's enlightening to be impartial and not threatened. You should try it.
:atu: Come on. I am a huge boxing fan and love the sport. But watching Bradley-Alexander; Shane-Manny; Ward-Abraham, etc were literally painful experiences. There have been good fights, but the marquee bouts have sucked balls without exception.
OK.. Then prove me wrong. List the 3 or 4 biggest recent boxing matches (individual fights) and tell me there were quality fights.... Hell, even Hopkins-Pascal II which I was completely looking forward to, literally was sleep inducing at moments.
I really enjoyed Hopkins/Pascal II. Berto/Ortiz was a very good fight. Donaire/Montiel featured one of the best single shot KOs I've ever seen. That's just off the top of my head in about 10 seconds of thinking about it.
That's the weird thing about MMA. I mean I really like it, always have done, I get excited for UFC cards, seen most of them, used to love Pride, lots of fighters I like in MMA, but for some reason I don't find MMA fights rewatchable. Often in boxing I feel quite compelled to watch the fight again, even soon after, in MMA not. Even MMA fights that seem good at the time somehow don't compel you to rewatch.