When was that exactly? When I was 7 and first watched Stevenson-Bobick. Or when I was 13 and sat ringside for Ali-Spinks. Or was it when I was 17 and jammed into a crowded West Palm Beach auditorium to watch Cooney-Holmes on closed-circuit. Or maybe when I was 26 and was in Atlanta for Holyfield-Cooper? When exactly was it trendy again?
Boring fight as I said right after it happened. Again, that's the difference between us, I can call both sports exactly as I see them. By the way, as boring as GSP-Shields was, it was still more fun to watch than Shane-Manny. At least neither guy gave up.
The same could be said about Belfort-Silva or Machida-Couture. Does mean either was a good fight. Hopkins-Pascal II was simply not a great fight. Period. I liked both Ortiz-Berto and Maidana-Morales. However neither was considered a big bout. Unless of course there was a Ortiz-Berto 24/7 that I missed. :scratcher: Try again.
Yep, when you give up in boxing apparently you can still go 12 rounds with the best fighter on the planet.
It tickles me how threatened these guys are. LOL... It must hurt when an absolutely terrible MMA card does a $2.5 mil live gate and an expected 325K PPV buys.. Just embrace both sports and quit being so defensive. You'll sleep better. ****Edit---It's gotta to be even more difficult for RJJ given what his hero has become*****
I said Shane giving up against Manny. Not sure there's a single Martinez in that example. Keep digging pea brain.
If someone is a real fan of a sport it don't matter if it's a "big bout". I see time and time again when a UFC main event sucks, that the undercard saved the event. I don't argue with that because it's true. If you have top 10 boxers or champions fighting then the fight IS signifigant regardless of if it's a big mainstream bout. There has been a lot of those types of fights this year that have been very good or great.
Agree 100% which is exactly why watching UFC 130 doesn't make anyone stupid for doing so. Wouldn't you agree?
You said he went 12 rounds with the best fighter right now. Martinez just destroyed Dzin bro, that shit didn't go 12
Not stupid but not exactly a great judge of what would make a good card. I personally didn't buy it and apparently didn't miss much. This was a very poor card.
Threatened by what exactly? Only thing im threatened by this year is that Manny and Shane did 1.4 mil buys for a bullshit fight
If Manny was a natural 154 pounder he'd beat the absolute shit out of Martinez. I'm a big fan of Martinez, but he's not even close to being as good as Pacquiao to be honest. Donaire is also better than him. By the way Trpl, if someone REALLY doesn't want to get KO'd and fights as negatively as Shane, and has never been KO'd, it's pretty fucking hard to KO them, even if you're the best fighter on the planet.
I understand after all this time that you're a little slow so I'll help. Go back to the first page of this thread when MMA fans were called stupid for watching UFC 130. Then you will realize that I didn't 'bring it up'. Honestly are you really this stupid in day-to-day life? How do you even function? Are you suffering sympathy brain damage for the real RJJ? WTF?
But you've got to admit that it doesn't help when you're Manny and you literally fucking touch gloves after you knock Shane down.. Right????? And Shane was legitimately hurt. Come on. Someone be a little objective and admit that it was a lame display of boxing, combat, fighting or whatever you want to call it. Maybe it's just me but I don't want to see a friendly PPV sparring session.
You got on your high horse and said that the big fights were a bust this year, then one valdosta post later and it doesn't matter how big the fight is. Which is it.
Pac needs to up his comp to get ahead of Sergio as far as im concerned. While Martinez has been destroying prime killers, Pac has been fighting hand picking washed up guys.
Big fights were a bust. Undercard or lesser fights have been very good. It's both. Which is exactly the point of my entire argument here. It doesn't make a person stupid for watching a fight card just because the main events ends up being lame. There are always entertaining fights. Period. End of discussion.
Looks like a generalization but nobody on that page calling another poster who posts here slow,stupid,brain damaged or pea brained.
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong if you remember at the time I said it was fucking pathetic. And although mostly Shane's fault, it was partly Manny's fault for being suckered into a sparring session. My point is just that not KOing someone doesn't mean much. Look at GSP Vs Shields for example. Shields was being a safety first bitch, and as a result didn't come close to being KO'd.