Seems like these days every movie is having 2 versions: 2D and 3D. To me, 3D is a distraction, and the studios are overdoing it so they can milk more dough from higher ticket price. Take a look at the upcoming movies, the only one i may watch it in 3D is Cars 2, otherwise 2D will do. Do you think the audience are getting tired of these 3D movies?
There was also a study out there that many theaters are forgetting to remove the 3d lense from the projector before playing a 2d movie and the 2d movie comes out looking very dark and the color is diminished.
The only 3D movie that I have seen that actually made good use of the technology was Avatar. Every other one I've seen was very poorly done and should have just been 2D.
Does anyone else feel the difference is kind of marginal, rather than ground-breaking. I've seen a few in 3-D now (avoid it wherever I can), & I just am not seeing that much of a difference. Bring back sepia-tone.
It is very marginal when it's an afterthought or used as a gimmick to try and bring in viewers. In Avatar, however, for which they actually filmed the movie using state of the art 3D cameras it surely added to the atmosphere of the movie. I think most people avoid the 3D shows when possible. It definitely doesn't seem to be as popular with the public as they had anticipated. It doesn't help that many theaters charge a lot more money for their 3D offerings.