I don't remember a Summer in a long time which has had so many big movie titles coming out... Thor Pirates of the Caribbean X-Men First Class Hangover II Super 8 Transformers III Green Lantern Captain America Rise of the Planet of the Apes Harry Potter Deathly Hallows II Cowboys and Aliens The Smurfs Conan the Barbarian Is this the biggest Summer ever for movies?
Of all those listed Rise of the Planet of the Apes is the only one that has me interested. Maybe Cowboys and Aliens a bit. I thought First Class would suck but was surprised at how good it turned out.
I've only seen the first 2 listed. Thor was surprisingly good. I plan to see Super 8 in the theater, maybe Captain America, and maybe Cowboys and Aliens. The rest I will probably wait for on disc.
The Smurfs? :: What's next...........a live action/cgi version of Yogi Bear and a movie about penguins in a guys house..................oh, wait. :shit::shit::shit:
Haven't seen X-Men yet, but Super 8 was definitely better than Thor which was a surprisingly good movie itself.
The only one i care to see is Super 8. I have no interest in comic book adaptations, remakes or sequels.
It must suck being such a negative person. Personally I love movie adaptations of the comics I used to read as a kid. Green Lantern, Thor, Captain America, X-Men... love them and hope they keep them coming. Sequels/Prequels are okay with me so long as they add to the story and/or provide entertainment and aren't just made for the point of cashing in on the original. From the reviews, Hangover II is the only one that falls into the latter category. I am not a Harry Potter fan and haven't seen any of the films, but I believe this is the last one and closes out the story. Didn't like the previous Pirates movies that I saw, but this latest one was good fun and is a decent movie for the whole family. Only two remakes (Planet of the Apes and Conan). Conan was due for a remake and this version of Planet of the Apes looks to have been completely rethought. It doesn't look anything like the originals or the Mark Wahlberg one of a few years ago. I have no problem with either.
I didn't really start to really read comics until I was an adult, so I'm generally only interested in comic book adaptations if they're on the more mature side and don't generally include Superheroes. Past examples included Constantine, From Hell, V for Vendetta, Sin City, Watchmen, 300, American Splendor, Ghost World, History of Violence, The Crow, Art School Confidential. Throw Hellboy in there to, though it sort of straddles the line for me. Whether these turned out good or not is another story, but that's the type of stuff I look forward to in that genre. In the future I'd love to see adaptations of: Maus, Sandman, Preacher, Stangers in Paradise, Concrete, Poison Elves, Moonshadow, Brooklyn Dreams, Stray Bullets and a few others.
The only one i truly want to see is Rise of the Planet of the Apes......I watched First Class..and i might get around to watching Hangover II... Green Lantern Captain America The Smurfs Conan the Barbarian WILL probably all be complete SHIT......Conan will just fucking fail....The Smurfs i like them as a kid..but a movie?? :doh: