Bradley by UD or late TKO...Khan won't be able to use his reach/speed advantage...Bradley will be all over him every single round....
Bradley has pussied out again. Bigger fish to fry? Surely you'd want to come up against the next best opposition in your weight and see how you fare before moving up in weight to take on the best guys in the sport. What will happen if he moves up to 147, faces pac and floyd, gets beat then looks for khan? Fuck off Timothy Bradley.
y'all are some real dumbasses if you think bradley doesnt want to fight khan. anyways, i can see khan fighting prescott in england before having another significant bout here in the states.
“I have other interests I'm trying to get to. Khan is not in that plan,” Bradley told The Desert Sun. Call me crazy joony, but it sounds like he's leaning towards not wanting to fight Khan with that statement :dunno:
Bradley has explained why he doesn't wanna fight Khan. It's a risk reward money issue. He was brazenly honest about it. Fear doesn't come into the equation just self interest.
That word alone tells you theres concern in Bradley in not being able to beat Khan. Fuck Bradley! If he's just gonna sit on the shelf and wait for a Pac/Floyd payday than fuck him! I hope he never gets it vs either one.
Of course there's doubt, it's a close to 50/50 fight. Bradley was completely frank about that. Honesty > childish bravado. I liked his frankness. He isn't scared he's just aware that there's a fair chance Khan might beat him and wants paid more for taking on the risk than he already gets fighting guys he knows he'll beat. Anybody who says they'd do differently is lying.
He stands more chance of getting a fight with one of those two if he is the undisputed world champion at 140, plus he'll be getting a career high payday in the process too. Chickenshit.
Yawn. Would you take on a task in your work that left you with a 50/50% chance of a huge pay decrease when you could keep getting paid the same doing jobs that don't carry that risk? Of course not, Bradley isn't to blame here, it's the stupid incentive structure HBO have set up.
It's so frustrating for these kinda matchups to either not be made, or drawn out for so long before they eventually meet. The risk is worth taking to aim to prove yourself and if you fail, well hey, you hopefully gave it your best shot
Sorry Hut but I call bullshit, Bradley is in no position right now to get a Mayweather or Pacquiao fight. He is NOT the consensus number one at 140, that pretty little picture hasn't been cleared up yet. Like it or not, Khan is the star of that division. The ONLY way Bradley gets a fight with Floyd or Manny is if he brings something to the table, something is what he would have if he held a win over Khan and all of the belts. At this moment Khan is ahead of Bradley in the Mayweather queue, if Bradley wants the big fights he needs to grow some balls, end of.
I will give Bradley respect if he agrees to face khan, win or lose. This matchup imo has to be settled before either think of Floyd or Pac.
Floyd & Pac don't have very much to do with it (But lets not pretend Bradley's at the end of a long line to get a fight against one of those two, either, Ortiz & a Lightweight are next, for christ sake). The issue is that, behind fighting one of those two, Khan's the biggest and highest risk fight out there for Bradley. And a loss would flat out disqualify him from a Pac/Floyd pay rise & mean a comparable pay cut from where he is now. Yet there's NO reward to justify the risk. He can fight a number one contender or some other walk over opponent and get paid the same 1.5m odd that he's being offered to jeapordize his current earning status and the windfall at the end of his rainbow. You don't have to like it and I don't either but this 'Bradley is scared of Khan' stuff is flat out silly. HBO has made it so he'd be fucking dumb to take that fight on.
I don't think Bradley is too concerned about who he fights, more so than for whom he fights. He wants out of his contract with Shaw, so he can sign with Top Rank, plain and simple. I don't blame him. He signs with Top Rank, and they will more than likely actually promote any big fight he's in, which means he keeps his entire check. He stays with Shaw and Thompson for this one last fight, and he's giving up 20% of his check since they won't actually promote the fight but instead deliver him and stick their hands in his pocket. On the surface, he's turning down $1.4 million. But in his mind, he's disallowing Shaw and Thompson the dissatisfaction of splitting nearly $300,000 for doing absolutely nothing. He signs w/ Top Rank and they co-promote a Khan fight, or instead hold him for Pacquiao, he's clearing more in the end. As for this thread... I'm a fan of both and there's no doubt they are the best two in the division. I still lean towards Bradley, though less confident than was the case a year ago
I'm also a fan of both. Maidana might be the second best in the division, though. I have no problem with Bradley being ranked higher because he's earned it, but I'm not so confident that he would beat Maidana. I'd sure like to find out who would win between them.
This is true. In order for him to even establish himself for that type of fight, he'd have to clean out 140 completely and he hasn't done that. He has Khan, Maidana, and probably Bam Bam Rios moviing up to think about before he even begins to dream of Mayweather or Pacquiao.
bradley would absolutely dominate maidana. bradley and khan are both nobodies here who cant sell shit for tickets. if either one beat morales or marquez they'd be a lot more marketable for a pacquiao or mayweather jr opponent.
Much as I dislike Bradley, and am a BIG Maidana fan..... Bradley would indeed outbox Maidana. He'd do so alot more convincingly than Khan did. But still, Khan would beat Bradley.
I don't know that Bradley would have the nerve to really work his way inside and make it an inside fight (which Khan could not possibly win) ... He hasn't illustrated that type of desire to me... As long as Khan is able to keep the distance and throw 1-2s on the move, he would be able to win pretty comfortably... Bradley's power isn't all that terrific either, it's not like he is a one-shot guy who could nail Khan and turn the fight completely... I think Khan would win an clear cut decision and Bradley would probab ly complain that he forced the fight, he was the aggressor, all of that to mask the fact that he just wasn't willing to bull his way in and pay the price
defensively bradley is not the easiest fellow to hit consistently. he would get inside plenty against khan. and would also be able to land shots from the outside on khan.