Instances where your favorite fighters dissapointed you. Maybe because they quit they didn't take on the best opposition didn't train hard whatever
Jones-Tarver III... It was Bad Enough that Roy was PETRIFIED of Tarver, but After the Fact, he was Actually PRAISING HIMSELF for Lasting the Distance...Aside from Floyd & the "Money May" Facade, it's THE MOST REED's Ever Been Disappointed in a Fighter he Likes... REED:hammert:
When Odlanier Solis fell apart against Vitali Klitschko. He was a Cuban amateur star, so I really thought he had a great chance.
Both those motherf*ckers were overpaid. Sh*t fight and Fraud F*ckweather shows he's barely able to score a win over a shot, inactive, aged DLH. That sums up Fraud's career. Fighting one-time stars at the tail end of their careers.
Nah, I just want to make sure that YOU realize that your hero Fraud F*ckweather has managed to make millions of dollars using a very safe approach. Carefully handpicking the right fights at the right time. What more proof do we need? -Beat DLH when DLH was already shot, inactive and a family man with no motivation to achieve anything more in boxing other than a few last paydays. -Beat a near 40 year old shot Mosley. Big f*cking deal. -Beat headcase Judah. Who hasn't already? -Beat a Hatton who couldn't do sh*t at 147 as Collazo proved. -Beat a Marquez who was 2 weightclasses above his best and even then, Fraud didn't come at the contracted weight. -Beat some bum named Baldomir. Who the f*ck is that? -Beat that dead bum Gatti and then broke down in the middle of the ring like he'd just beaten an all-time great or some sh*t.:: Mayweather = biggest fraud in boxing! Which great fighters did he beat in their primes? Ducked Pacquiao, ducked Margarito, ducked even Cotto. Now fighting some loser named Victor Ortiz who ain't done sh*t.
Answer my question first. Don't try to answer my question by changing the topic. As for who Lewis beat in their prime? Vitali Klitschko! How's that for you? 7th round TKO.:rock1: Now tell me which great fighters in their prime did Fraud F*ckweather beat?
Chavez after the first Randall fight... his lack of sportsmanship was appalling... After such a great run, to sully his reputation that way was despicable... he had a chance for redemption in the rematch but he looked for and found a way out... He could have lost with dignity, nobody would have begrudged him after a long career, he was getting old, he was bound to lose eventually Hopkins... I was a big Bernard fan over the years, loved his toughness, his desire, his old school trickery and smarts, the way he dominated with old school skills When he lost the first Taylor fight I was dissapointed... Taylor was essentially an athlete boxer with no real instincts and shaky punch resistance, a very typical 2000s type of fighter (though he did have heart) ... Hopkins treated him with far too much respect and let precious rounds slip by... when he finally started letting his hands go, he dominated, but he let that fight get away from him... So, naturally I expected him to learn from the experience and start quickly in the rematch... So what did he do? basically the same fucking thing again, I wound up scoring it for him by a point, but so little happened in some of the rounds, that I could understand those who had it for Taylor... at any rate, he could have and should have knocked him the hell out... there is no excuse for it, he simply did not take the risk, didn't take the chance Since then, he has had some nice wins, but he has developed a very negative style that makes him boring for long stretches, where once he was fascinating
A Slystaff expected when it comes to trying to make a case for Mayweather's sorry career against bums and shot fighters.::
i dont care to indulge your horse shit simply because you are bored and attempting to occupy your time while your revolting wife is busy getting skull fucked by three mounties.
Niel, you still make your living scalping tickets for Fraud F*ckweather fights? That and playing squash like a homo while jerking off to your Fraud posters.
Ban Hanzy, please he doesn't even believe the shit he's posting it's just saturating every thread with the same tired bullshit Hanz can be funny, and I even sort of like him but he has no concept of enough is enough and it just sucks having to browse around his bullshit posts, hoping to find a legit nugget dropped by a real poster
Fraud F*ckweather openly ducked Pacman and Cotto. He took a fight with Hatton at 147 knowing the little sh*t can't fight at 147. He took fights with a shot DLH and a shot Mosley. 2 old f*cking farts with nothing left. Fraud F*ckweather taking care of business in a sh*t filled era full of cans and has-beens. The only thing keeping his stardom alive is his whacked ass joke of a streak which IMO he already lost to Castillo. Funny enough, he barely edged out a shot, inactive Oscar.:laughing: Niel's beloved hero! Talk sh*t about Fraud F*ckweather and Niel's homo ass will come after you!:nana:
How so? I backed up my argument fully. I dissected Floyd's career completely. It's not my fault pussy Fraud F*ckweather lovers can't handle the truth about their beloved handpicking faggot hero.::
:: I can just see it, a bunch of college boys sat around in their Pakistani cricket tops, knocking back the non-alcoholic beers and telling each other about the hot slut they balled the night before, getting ready for their boy Solis to do the business. Oh, the heart-breaking, heart-rending disappointment of it all.::
Up to the Phillip N'dou fight, I was big a fan as any of Floyd Mayweather Jr. Prior to that, the immediate rematch he had with JL Castillo after a debatable first fight (which he arguably lost) gave me reassurance that he would take on the toughest available challenges and avoid noone. The way he went after N'dou was magnificent and I thought this was just the beginning of a legendary run beyond lightweight. Then he fought the likes of Bruseles, Gatti (a laughably one-sided win in which he even wept afterwards), Mitchell, Baldomir, shot Oscar... well, we all know everyone else he's fought since then. On top of that, he became even more arrogant, loud, obnoxious and unlikeable. He's a great fighter, but what a disappointment.
i really really REALLY believed.. i mean REALLY believed that Tyson would knock out Lennox in the first 30 seconds. I had money on it with one guy, that it would be over by the 30 second mark of the first round! LOL ! in hindsight, i just really underestimated the power of drugs and lack of training. Mike was actually denied a license in other states due to being on anti-depressants and i believe was denied for this one too but fought it and was allowed to fight i thought back then that even with the SERIOUS drug issues and the fact that he did NO training.. i still thought within the first 15-20 seconds he'd just LEVEL Lennox
I agree with this. PBF is for me, has the widest talent-dissapointment ratio out there. It really makes me appreciate fighters like Ali even more. He had the talent, he was a loud-mouth but he always backed it up, always willing to prove his greatness.
anti-depressants, LOK? All the while whenever I mention stress, you say stress is simply a state of mind and basically bitches are the ones who can't handle the stress of life. Tyson was depressed? People now using depression as an excuse when it's actually a mental state, not physical state? Maybe the guy just sucks and fought too many bums in his career and couldn't handle top guys.:dunno: He said he needed 2-3 more fights to prepare for Lennox but really, how much actual preparation do you get when you're fighting bums like Savarese who fall down in like 15 seconds. Waste of time really.
PBF isn't that talented. Talented people have the self confidence to fight the best. This cunt handpicks cans and fights shot-old men long past their best. Plus he's a boring f*ck riding off his streak.
the worst part of actual Clinical Depression is that it MANIFESTS ITSELF IN PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS... Honestly, if you don't know anything about the subject, about the illness, you should simply stop commenting on it