He's worked in the field. Ask him yourself. He's been through depression and knows all about it. He's not some cunt who gets his sh*t from books and then thinks he's educated on the topic just because he read some sh*t. He's actually been through it all in his life at a time when he had no family, no home, nothing. Living out of his car and off cans of spinach and tuna and went through years of depression. I respect LOK very much. His opinion is worth more than most on here because of his ordeals in life.
blahblahblah Depression is an extremely serious condition, it is very much medical, it is not merely a state of mind... end of discussion
Lol @ Hanzy I have said in the past my thoughts on depression and it is not exactly what Hanzy says All I said in regards to Mike is that he was on anti depressants and they had a major effect on him
Lol Hanzy It i true I lived out of my cAr... But depression is something that I did not experience. I just look at things a little differently
Yeah well Lennox's victory was still legit. How come Tyson's anti-depressants had no effect on him when he was bullcharging through Savarese, Francis, and shot Golota? But suddenly they had an effect when he finally stepped in with the best boxer in the world? ::
:bs:I'll cut and paste here: Depression is a state of mind where the person withdraws in to a shell, shuns the normal routine ways of life, gets irritated at every small things, refuses to face people and continues to remain alone and aloof. Depression is often caused by frequent failures in life, either small or large. Depression causes jealousy, sense of failure, dejection, a tendency for putting the blame on oneself, sleeplessness, unnecessary and unjustified fear, loss of confidence and many more symptoms. Depression is brought about by loneliness and a sense of failure. Every person goes through such periods of depression in life but the real test lies in how long the depression lasts. The longer it lasts the lesser the chances of getting back to normal ways of life. The best way to beat depression is to remain always engaged in some activity or the other . Never let the brain remain idle. Keep yourself engaged. Reading, Writing, or doing crossoword puzzles are some of the best ways to beat depression. A good company helps. But cannot be always taken for granted. Never think about the past or the future. Think about the present. Living in the present is the best way to ensure a restful life. Depression is not a good thing. It wreaks heave toll on the body as well as the mind. Never allow yourself to be depressed. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1237271
Mayweather for the number of top opponents he's failed to fight. I'm actually more critical of the way his career has went since the Hatton fight than what preceded that. Even fighting overmatched Bruseles and Gatti....he had to work his way into being a PPV attraction (the Tszyu fight was going to be very difficult to make anyway due to the cable networks), and eventually the DLH fight put him in a position where he can pretty much command any fight he wants because of his box office clout. What has he done since the end of 2007? Giving us his third fight in 45 months, and a second straight "consolation prize" with the Ortiz bout.
Fuck off, troll Here's an ACTUAL CREDIBLE SOURCE www.mayoclinic.com Definition By Mayo Clinic staff Depression is a medical illness that involves the mind and body. Also called major depression, major depressive disorder and clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave. Depression can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and depression may make you feel as if life isn't worth living. More than just a bout of the blues, depression isn't a weakness, nor is it something that you can simply "snap out" of. Depression is a chronic illness that usually requires long-term treatment, like diabetes or high blood pressure. But don't get discouraged. Most people with depression feel better with medication, psychological counseling or other treatment.
Jones/Tarver 3. When Roy mounted ANY offense he was effective against Tarver, almost lighting him up at times. Then he would stop, Tarver would get his rhythm back stick the jab and Roy would retreat. So frustrating to watch. You can clearly see the knockout loss in the previous fight affected him and he just didn't want to get to aggressive.
Cdogg.. I don't know if Hanzy was just trying to stir shit or what but what I had said in the past on this was all centered around my Zen practice. I never said it as Hanzy claimed I did but I do believe that depression can be cured without traditional western medicine methods
I'm not suggesting that mental illness is a myth. However, when reading this some questions do spring to mind Depression involves mind & body & is like diabetes or high blood pressure? How do diabetes or high blood pressure involve the mind? How are diabetes or high blood pressure diagnosed? How is Depression diagnosed? What is this "mind" anyway?
As far as the Lewis/Tyson debate,...personally I think that fight would probably go the way it did 8 outta 10 times, even at an earlier date. Tyson would have never been able to get into the head of Lewis and Lennox woulda never been scared. Mike relied on that alot more than he or his fans will admit.
The Brain, Pascals Why is it that people can accept that all of their bodily organs can be injured or malfunctioning or sick, but when it comes to the brain people don't want to admit it being possible? I can only say that anyone who has ever suffered from real Depression (ICD-9 code 311) would find it utterly ridiculous to suggest it's just some sort of mind-fuck and nothing more... it makes you feel physically sick
i dont think you can say it is simply a "mind fuck" but the difference in this and other bodily organs is the mind and affect the brain and the brain can affect the mind.
Seriously, anyone who doubts that Depression is a legitimate, devastating disease to suffer has never suffered it When people attempt to make it the fault of the sufferer, it makes my blood boil
YES, Mike was Aided by his Opponents APPREHENSION in Quite a Few Fights, but he ALSO Beat Plenty of Guys that WEREN'T Afraid of him Too...It's a MYTH to Suggest that Guys Could BEAT Mike Tyson by Merely "Standing Up" to him... Ruddock WASN'T Afraid in Either of their Fights...Berbick WASN'T Afraid...Tony Tucker WASN'T Afraid...Frank Bruno WASN'T Afraid in their 1st Bout...How Did Being BRAVE Work Out for Larry Holmes, when he Fought Tyson??? REED:Lok:
Hamed against Barrera, MAB would have won that night regardless but Naz didn't really take risks. There comes a point where you have to stop smiling and start fighting. Lewis against Rahman first time around. Chunky against Groves, he should have stepped on the gas more often and earlier, but I still thought he won fairly comfortably.
This is probably it for me, too. It became abundantly clear as the fight went on that Hamed hadn't trained, had no plan B, and had only chosen to fight Barrera because he thought Barrera was going to brawl with him and thus be an easy target. Even at that point, he could've taken chances and tried to land something, but instead he stood around making faces at Barrera in a futile attempt at luring him into an exchange.
Golota - his strong ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory was disappointing Pavlik - his personality is as disappointing as his effort against Hopkins was Castillo - in the second PBF fight ODH - his loss to Pacquiao and his performance against Trinidad Trinidad - his career, given he cheated for most of it Margarito - his career, given he cheated for most of it
Did you ever see the "Little Prince - Big Fight" documentary? The sparring scenes were shocking if you were a fan of Naz (which I was), he was getting caught repeatedly, and hard, by nobodies. I think they were naturally smaller fighters than him too. No one would have bet a penny on Hamed to win that fight if they had been privy to that footage beforehand.
It was a fantastic documentary, no doubt. The haircut scene was hilarious. Still, it showed that Naz had regressed substantially from his prime. Anyone who thinks that was a peak Naz in there needs to watch that programme.