RJJ vs. Tarver III Gainer vs. JMM Both represent attempts on the part of professional fighters to not fight.
Good topic. I was disgusted with both performances...for similar but slightly different reasons. Gainer just pretended from the beginning to be doing something..but all he was in reality doing was posing and just hitting the gloves of Marquez. Gainer was looking to get out of the fight. Gainer knew he couldn't win the fight. Roy was terrified of Tarver and was only in there to survive. The tragedy was that Roy still had enough left to beat Tarver...he only lacked self-belief. It was embarrassing that someone as great as Roy would celebrate just the fact that he went the distance. Gainer was slightly more disgraceful.
So you're saying Gainer was even more desperate than RJJ since he was looking for a way to get out of the fight? I agree. I too picked Gainer/JMM. It's beyond belief that a professional fighter, on TV no less, would go out there and perform as horribly as Gainer did that night. I want to point out: it's not like RJJ or Gainer just had bad outings that night. It's not that theire timing was inexplicably off, or they were sluggish from over-training. They simply went in there, and because they couldn't feel adequately confident they wouldn't get hit, they simply turned in non-performances. That's a disgrace.
Gainer clearly Jones had already written a large chapter for himself in the history books and was clearly past prime... did he go out like a Lion? no, but if he did or did not it wouldn't change what he once was: a dominant champion Gainer? please
Gainer had a history of shit. Roy did not. Gainer was shit. Roy was not. Gainer had his full strength and was not damaged goods. Roy did not, and was.
Yep, also Gainer didn't have any kind of past reputation to mitigate that "performance". Secondly Roy fought scared against a guy that turned his lights out before, not so against Marquez.
Yep. Gainer for the reasons already posted. Probably moreso than any fight I can remember, I genuinely feared for Roy's health going into that Tarver fight. He was so fucking finished/brutally knocked out by a nothing punch vs. Johnson.
Like already mentioned Roy had already been ko'd twice already so he had reason to doubt himself especially facing one of the guys who first ko'd him. Gainer on the other hand wasn't just feeling unconfident he was flat out scared of Marquez. To this day I can't recall another fighter showing such obvious fear of his opponent. So the answer is gainer by such a huge margin that the thread question itself seems moot. (No offense meant towards the thread starter).
The answer is the first one, I mean jesus fucking christ, Gainer threw 3 punches in 7 rounds and quit while running.
Gainer. Although Roy's performance was also ordinary. I think Haye, SSM & DLH deserve dishonorable mentions
Its a joke, has to be....some of Roys worst losses have more guts and effort in them than Gloria Gainers best wins.
Very true!! Believe it or not, I was at the post fight conference and was actually invited to the post fight party; it was like 2am and I had a 3 hour trip back to Jacksonville from Tampa. Anyway, I remember at the post fight conference how Roy said, "You're looking at the two greatest fighters in the world!". It surprised me considering he was the one who lost, so he conceded that Tarver was #1. Who would have ever thunk at the time, Roy would publicly admit that he was not #1 as he always claimed? Glenn Johnson, who just fought the previous night on friday night fights was in attendance along with Reggie Johnson and they were all calling Tarver out. P.S. I met Jake out there!
The poll has it right, but the landslide feels a bit misleading. Jones' age and the finish to the Gainer fight settle the argument, but for most of the action, Jones' performance was probably even more pathetic.
Of Course it's a JOKE, it's a Double L Thread...He's Looking for Another Way to KICK Roy Jones while he's "Down", so to Speak... Pretty Funny that he Made NO Mention of Dela's SHAMEFUL Quitjob vs. Bernard Hopkins OR the Embarrassing Final Rounds of his Bout w/Tito...Doub "Musta Forgot".... REED:dancingBaby:
Excuse me. Before editing it read 'the action during most stretches of their respective fights' or similar but I thought that a bit waffling & redundant when everybody reading knows exactly which fights we're talking about. But I'll be more precise in future that we might contain your adventures in (deliberate) wire crossing to your own posts.:dancingBaby::goingmad:::