Wave your magic wand & make two things so in order to improve the sport. For me: 1) Belts being replaced with yearly championships like every other sport. Leagues of 5 with 4 fights each, fights held on a bi-monthly basis leaving a 4 month leeway to play out any matches postponed through injury. Each year the bottom 2 fighters drop out and are replaced by the top ranked contenders below them. Something has to be done to ensure the best fight the best and that champions fight regularly and I reserve the right to day dream. 2) A fighter gets 5 seconds to demonstrate a concerted effort to fight his way out of a clinch. 3 warnings = a deduction, 3 deductions = a DQ. Both doing it? Double DQ, fuckers, purses withheld. Simple and to the point.
I'd like for referee to let the boxers fight in the clinch more. Too many time, a runner/outside fighter will clinch his opponent gets close. The other guy try to dirty box him and the ref warns him... that's completely awfull imo. Another thing I'd like his for throw to be legalize from the clinch, like in muay thai. This way, stronger fighter would have more tools to deal with clincher Return to the original 8 weight class, the number of weight class we have now is simply ridiculous. I don't really care for multiple champs cause, if they win in style enough, the fight will eventually be made. But multiple weight class dilute the talent and make it easiser for fighters to duck each others ( plus, it's one of the main reason of why mandantory challenger are usually such a joke )
Get rid of the Heavyweight Division. Get the sports ministers from every country on the Planet to work yearly on determining who the pfp King is.
to compensate for a diminished talent pool, contraction is necessary... trim the field to around 10 weight classes and the quality would be instantly better, the sport far more compelling and a revival would then be a real possibility 15 round championship fights
I would have thought that those were priorities, judging from what I REED at this site, week in week out. Now, there is trash.
No more catch-weight title fights. No more cozy relationships between the TV guys, the Sanctioning bodies and the stables.
Catch-Weight is OK, but not for title fights. No more guys being asked to come down to 145 in order to fight for the Welterweight title. No more abuses of bargaining power to physically weaken opponents. By all means use bargaining power to out-earn your opponent, but not weaken them on the scales. What Alvarez does is nonsense. What Pacquaio does is nonsense. What Floyd does is nonsense. The weight is the weight is the weight. The division is the division is the division.
Floyd broke rules he had signed up to and offered cash to compensate. Thats nonsense. And it was not a title fight either. So...where is the contradiction???
Actually, it was a welterweight fight and the rules were that he'd have to pay 300k per lb he was over the catchweight. He weighed in at 146 (below the welterweight limit) and paid the requisite sum to Marquez. So he was perfectly within the rules.
No, you don't pay a penalty or honour a penalty clause and they say you were within the rules because you paid the penalty. Who the fuck pays a penalty when they were perfectly within the rules to begin with??? "I broke the rules and went to jail, I did my time, so I was within the rules" :atu::atu::atu: Steve_Dave made the mistake of assuming that the nonsense I accused Floyd of was entirely congruous with the nonsense I accused Canelo and Pac of. Its horseshit. The entire thing is so contrary to the spirit of any semblance of fair play. You cannot use fiscal might to make fights something they were never intended to be.
Well, technically the fight was a welterweight fight. So the "rules" were that they had to weigh in at 141-147 lbs. The "agreement" was that they would weigh in at 144, and each lb over would cost 300k. Floyd paid Marquez 600k. I dunno.. if I'm Marquez, I'd happily take 600k on top of my purse rather than have Floyd dry out an extra 2 lbs only to wind up losing in the exact same one-sided fashion. Sounds like quite a deal, actually.
Worst idea I've ever heard in all my years following the sport. Worse than even open scoring. Bad enough, in fact that I will not read the rest of your posts, leave this topic immediately and never return to it.
Okay then, for guys like Canelo, he's taken the 154lb title and he has people weighing in at 150lbs. In this instance, he is setting a limit within a limit. What Floyd did was somewhat different. It stands on its own facts, in that Floyd struck up an agreement he pretty much had no intention of keeping, and used his financial "might" to pretty much set things up in his own favour. Marquez, in this case, was not discomfited by being dragged down to a weight, rather he was discomfited by Floyd floating on up, via a cash payment, to a weight that suited him. It wasn't just a catch-weight. It was a catch-weight within a catch-weight where the "bigger-name" fighter did all the dictating. Suppose Mayweather is forced to hold to the original agreement? Suppose Mayweather had been forced to come in at 144, no ifs, buts or anything else. We might have had a fight. Its not limited to Floyd. Castillo was rightly fined after trying, not just once, but twice, to pay off Corrales at the scales and make a fight which Corrales basically had no chance of winning. They paid cash the first time and Corrales got iced off a single left hook. People were rightfully pissed off and even more rightfully pissed off when it {tried} to be done a second time. In Castillos defence, he couldn't make the weight, but thats besides the point. We have weight classes for a reason. It is beside the point to argue for the abolition of weight-classes and to tolerate this sort of abuse at the same time.
I don't think it's a fighter's responsibility to work out of a clinch. Rather, it's his responsibility (and that of his opponents) not to initiate clinches in the first place. Rules shouldn't be made to work around the fact there are clinches. We already have a rule stating that clinching is illegal. What we need (and this applies to many things in this world, not just boxing) is for people to start doing their jobs and enforcing the rules we already have in place.
I hear you. This might interfere with the antics of fighters like PBF who depend on everything except beating the best consistently to further their reputations.
Boxing isn't even a sport anymore. To be a sport, you would need some sort of structure, boxing has none. Promoters do what ever the hell they want, Sanctioning bodies do what ever the hell they want, boxers avoid challenges. in real sports, the best play the best. Boxing needs a world ranking system and ONE sanctioning body that dictates who fights who. To let the boxers/promoters choose who they fight is ridiculous.
Let HBO and Schaffer do that for you. Why bother your pretty head with things you can barely comprehend??
1. A boxing channel that would provide worldwide coverage of (at least) all title fights not currently televised. 2. Better commentators. 3. Less bitching and more comprehension from ignorant boxing fans.