usual...nothing close to reality from you. The forum was ruined by historical revisionists and agenda-loving mental midgets like you.
while you are correct in theory, my problem is that 2011 doesn't stack up favorably to any individual year for a good 60 year gap
I'm asking him because he is saying that this all just rose-colored glasses stuff, which is a shit argument If it were that, why would Jeff Chandler be much better than Vic Toweel? The exact same span of time -- 30 years -- 1951-1981... 1981-2011
But we are taking 2011 out of context, because 2012 hasn't happened yet. If Floyd and Manny fight in 2012, then all of a sudden the fights they had in 2011 take on a different hue. Right now, the interpretation is that Manny and Pac are doing fuck all. If they fight next year, then 2011 is the year that Manny and Pac geared up for their 2012 mega-fight.
no it isnt Im not saying to stop watching boxing, I'm saying the sport is shit compared to what it once was... two totally different things
Unlike BWJ who posted drivel and flamed, and unlike you who spouts some of the dumbest shit a white poster has ever put on here, I'm actually appreciative of all eras. Any non-faggot can see that Harry Greb would get barbecued by Sergio Martinez. I mean there's footage for fucks sake. But that doesn't mean you can't objectively praise a list like this for being a stellar time to be a boxing fan.
Yep. And again...this "huge" drop off that Irish alludes to doesn't actually exist. There were a multitude of quality fighters and fights during the entire 80's decade.
Irish, that's TWO guys... nowhere near enough to make it a good era... They could fight three times in 2012 alone and the fights could all be epic encounters and we'd still be looking at the same neghborhood full of burnt out shells of buildings where life once thrived (to use the Morrisania analogy again)
Thats because somehow you and BWJ have taken over for REED and Junior Witter fan as the authors of the dumbest fucking drivel to ever be said on here. I hate nobody. But you guys are what Karl would call major typists. And unlike the dumbfuck troll Sly, you guys actually believe the stupid shit that comes out of ur mouth, which is frankly terrifying.
It's amazing how some folks like to take what was said and twist it into something that suits their agendas. But it's not like Stafford cares a bit about the truth.
Unlike you, I actually have an accurate idea of the things you say you put words in my mouth WHere the FUCK did I ever pick Harry Greb to win anything ever? point it out why don't you read the things I have said to your brother, who has the same ass-backwards viewpoint of my so-called opinions that YOU do A guy who thinks Antonio Cervantes and Nicolino Locche were "poo" is giving me the "what for" go fuck yourself if all you are going to do is make shit up because every time you have directly debated me on anything you have been shat upon
Maybe, but my point was that what happens in 2012 burnishes 2011, who knows what happens in 2013?? I mean, how the fuck can boxing JUST DIE???
Nope. if you ever post something that isn't juvenile and actually resembles the truth it will be the very first time.
Even The Bronx wasn't technically "dead"... there were still gangs and derelicts and addicts squatting in the empty buildings::
false. you are a troll, unfortunately, the only posters left on here save a few isolated people are just dumb trolls. Its kinda sad reading the board 5 years ago then looking at this kinda dumbshit, at not having an agenda with this thread. I mean for fucks sake::
People in Britain say that boxing is stronger than ever, their amateurs are flying, their pro's are doing good, they have a rack of decent prospects, as they see it, guys like Fury, Frampton, Kell Brook etc.
Oh, fuck off Seriously, you don't know the first thing about my viewpoints you have taken the viewpoints of 10 different people and put them on me Seriously, find ONE POST where I say anybody from the 1920s wins a fight with anyone from the 40s or later, especially Greb, of whom NOT ONE SECOND of actual fight footage exists
Part of the problem here is the shit remedy we are offered. Rather than cut off the rotten bit of the plum, take the stone out and get a small bit of decent fruit, the TV people are sugar-coating the shit out of the product and hoping nobody notices the bad taste. Floyd should be fighting once every three months. Motion creates emotion. If ancient Bernard and Vitali can do it then so can Floyd. We don't need slick productions about Vitor Ortiz fatherless truck-driving siblings....if they put half that time and money into making FIGHTS and paying FIGHTERS we might be doing better.
Imagine YOU calling someone else a troll. That's all you ever do around here. You are nothing more than a immature punk who has nothing better to do than stir up shit on a message forum. Much like Neil...every time you post...the forum sucks a little more.