It's interesting to consider what would've happened had these fighters refused to face each other. For example, consider if Spinks had refused to face Qawi. SRL and Hearns had not fought. Pryor and Arguello never faced off. There were no Edwards, Limon, Chacon match-ups. When you consider these fighters were known most of all for the fights they were in, it becomes clear the fights made the fighters, and not the other way around. And yet, HBO remains commited most of all to creating stars, with apparently less focus on making great fights - seemingly oblivious that great fights are the path to great fighters.
Its hard to define....they are either singing their own tune or one somebody wrote for them. They appeal to the public, people follow their tune, they have a lot of clout and influence beyond the fine print of their nominal contract of employment. Fuck it, if Liev Schreiber said "Fuck Vitor and his brother" and refused to do the 24/7, that would resonate with fans. When everyone bops merrily along with the tune, its hard to get the DJ to play something decent.
DeGale and Groves and that utter mattress, Tony Jeffries, are a poor poor replacement for the era of Benn, Collins and Eubank. Maybe if Darren Sutherland had, uh, hung around, we might have had something worth talking about. It goes beyond mere individual talent. For a guy like Angulo to turn down a $750,000 payday tells you a lot.
looked like a hunger striker near the very end, the heavy bag never moved... Sean McKenna with minutes to live packed a heavier wallop He also put up a video of himself dunking a basketball... on a LOWERED RIM, an activity I enjoyed at age 12
The status of the fights are the same, its how the status is created that differs. Some fights make themselves. Others need Liev Schreiber and Steven Spielberg working overtime.
Jaws seems cool, he just needs to understand the rest of us are trying our best with what our shitty genes burdened us with. It's hard to keep up.
he's the smartest person on Earth, clearly... no one can compete... Can you randomly call people morons and faggots and then scurry off, only to hit and run again a month later or so in another thread? Of course not, you lack the intelligence to do that. It takes a good man to intelligently debate the sport, but it takes a GREAT man to call that man a stupid homosexual and leave before the accusation can be argued against
It will be very tough to follow the footsteps of Eubank and Benn and excede them, through their personalities and boxing talent.
Hey that's messed up dawg. Jaws is a freakin' logical, statistical genius, yo. Voice of a boxing forum generation. You' just lucky he deigns to post at all.
i think he just flies over your head, mate. It isn't your fault tho, I wish he would go easier on you. We can't all be freakin' logical wordsmith geniuses like Jaws.
Yeah, I am just not smart enough to handle statements like "Antonio Cervantes and Nicolino Locche were poo" ... fucking brilliant
They were going to name a street after Jaws, but the idea was scrapped because nobody crosses Jaws and lives
To hith credit, he theemed genuinely thaddened by what happened to Michael Watthon... He helped him croth the finish line a few yearth ago when they took part in a marathon rathe
Groves fought on the backfoot the whole fight. DeGale didn't expect it. A horrible way to win a fight. He (Groves), knew that if stayed centre ring with DeGale he would have been comprehensively beaten. A horrible way to win a fight.
There was a documentary on Watson on sky sports a few weeks back. He was deeply saddened by what happened to Watson. They are good friends now.