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i think at that point he was just proving he doesnt know shit about boxing. the guy claimed he hasnt even watched mayweather jr.'s last few fights, and that the last time he beat someone up was baldomir :notallthere:
Floyd Mayweather: Not once have I disrespected nobody from the radio. At the end of the day, I do what I do, you do what you do. The other day, I guess someone over there had something against me. I heard someone on there was talking (stuff) about me. DJ Rude Jude: “Nah, I said that you was afraid to fight Pacquiao, that you’ve been ducking Pacquiao.” FM: “So what makes you say that, because the media said that?” RJ: “Because you over here using steroids as an excuse. I’m saying you bigger than him anyway. You should be able to whoop his ass, steroids or not.” FM: “Can I ask you a question – have you ever heard me say that? Have you ever personally say it? RJ: “You allude to that shit. You allude to it A LOT.” FM: “What you say, I what? I allude – have you heard me say it?” RJ: “You allude to it.” FM: “But have you ever heard me say it? RJ: “I can read between the lines Floyd. C’mon man.” FM: “You can read between the lines. Are you a psychic? What you do for a living?” RJ: “You the one… I talk shit about you for a living. That’s what I do for a living. You beat up people.” FM: “So you ride my dick for a living?” RJ: “Yeah, I ride your dick for a living. Because we talk about you all the fuckin’ time.” FM: “I ain’t hard to find. I’m everywhere. RJ: “Why you so sensitive. You can’t be can’t be ducking fights and be sensitive at the same time. Either you ducking fights, or you sensitive. You can’t be both.” FM: “You said I’m ducking fights and facing tomato cans. All Pacquiao has done is fight my leftovers.” RJ: “And he beats them worse than you do.” FM: “Guess what, guess what? I guarantee that you ain’t black. RJ: “I know I’m black, because black people ride for you. I see the truth!” FM: “I can tell, I can tell. I knew you wasn’t black (repeat).” RJ: “What the fuck, Guess what, you … Why you sidebarring shit. What the fuck does… what does my color have to do with it. Why you trying to get racial?” FM: “I know what it is. I ain’t hard to fine. 50 gave me… as a matter of fact, give me your name.” RJ: “Jude Anthony Angelini (repeats). And you’re Floyd Mayweather.” FM: “Spanish, Latin, what are you? You’re a professional dick rider.” RJ: “Google me. You can fuckin’ Google me.” FM: “You a dickrider, that’s what you do.” RJ: “You beat up people for a living. Quit ducking people. You beat up Victor Ortiz. He’s outclassed. Juan Manuel Marquez, you didn’t even make the weight against his ass.” FM: “Who?” RJ: “Juan Manuel Marquez. You couldn’t make weight against his ass.” FM: “You know my whole background, huh? My weight class is 147!” RJ: “You beat Ricky Hatton. Ricky Hatton is a fuckin’ bum. The only reason y’all took that fight is because white people would buy that shit. Oscar de la Renta, or de la Hoya. Fuckin, he dresses like a woman, and you beat him when he was 50. C’mon dawg. The last cat you beat up was Carlos Baldomir.” FM: “How much you make for a living? You working at a radio station for real? This yo’ history – I work at a radio station and I ride Floyd Mayweather’s dick.” RJ: “You callin’ me up. You callin’ me up – butt hurt. Like I can help it if you mad! And I can’t help it that I’m not black.” FM: “50 Cent told me to call you (repeats).” RJ: “Good. Tell 50 I said what up. I can’t wait to sp…” FM: “50 said call the pussy direct, so I called the pussy direct so he can get fucked.” RJ: “All that little pussy tak, that shit doesn’t affect me because I’m not black. That shit don’t affect me. Call me what the fuck you want.” FM: “What do you do for a living? (repeat)” RJ: “The truth is the fuckin’ truth. The truth is the truth.” FM: “The truth is I just played yo’ ass! I’m undefeated!” RJ: “Yo, undefeated means dick. Muhammad Ali wasn’t undefeated and he’s 1,000 times the fighter you are.” FM: “What do you for a living?” RJ: “You doing it right now!” FM: “No, what do YOU do for a living.” RJ: “You doing it right now, Mayweather, you doing it right now. Why you so upset about shit? And you know what the funny thing is, I picked you win.” FM: “I’m comfortable.” RJ: “You sound insecure. You sound insecure and butt hurt, You sound insecure about things.” FM: “You know I’m getting it.” RJ: “You’re a boring offensive fighter, so you gotta talk a gang of shit to get people to give a fuck about you.” FM: “There’s only one problem here. You tune in to watch me.” RJ: “Your fights are boring, man. 24/7 is more interesting than your fights are, dawg, and that’s the long and the short of it.” FM: “There’s only one follower here. You tune in to watch me.” RJ: “I didn’t watch your last fight. I didn’t watch your last few fights ‘cause… because your fights are boring.” FM: “You’re a professional dickrider. I love doing 24/7, the show that I created, that a black man created.” RJ: “You had to do 24/7 because you’re not interesting in the ring.” FM: “OK, OK, so you do know who I am. I don’t know who the fuck you are.” RJ: “I know. You don’t know who I am and I’m still getting on your nerves. Why does that… why do I bother you, man?” FM: “After this interview, you will get famous now.” RJ: “Mayweather, the funny thing is I don’t even got nothing against you. I don’t even understand this shit.” FM: “We already know you’re racial profiling.” RJ: “Yeah that’s what the fuck it is. When in doubt, play the race card (repeats).” FM: “I’m a winner in life. Like I said before, Black man always getting it the hardest. Everybody been knocking us from the beginning. We always gonna rise to the occasion. We always rise to the top.” RJ: “Man, listen. You not Muhammad Ali, and Muhammad Ali took fights.” FM: “You know what, this bitch needs to get a gossip site. Get a bitch gossip site. Because all you doing is gossiping, getting on my dick. Get off my dick and get a new job, you faggot.” RJ: “Alright bro. Good luck to you man. Stay ducking. Floyd Mayweather… ladies and gentlemen.”
I love how mayweather claims he never said Pac uses steroids. Then calls the guy a nobody after calling into HIS show.
Agreed, he could have done real good by staying on the subject of boxing but he let Floyd steer in him into a street fight. He's a retard too. BIG UP JAKE FOR POSTING THE TRANSCRIPT FOR THOSE OF US WHO COULDN"T GET THE VIDEO. 'PRECIATE THAT
'Help, I'm stuck down a well!' 'Hey you all following me, I'm comfortable. You just people with jobs' 'Hey who's this talking to me? You ain't black is you? I know what it is'. '50 told me to fall down here! He told me how it is' 'Allude? What the fuck's this white boy talk?' 'Hey where's everybody going? Hey I'm still interesting, I throwing fake money about down here and shit.....come back!'
The "only" reason I did it was because our site owner wanted to see if there was anything in there worth making it an article. There wasn't but I threw a lead blurb in front of it, and turned out to be a huge "hit" http://www.boxingscene.com/mayweather-blasts-away-radio-war-words-erupts--45645
word Dude hardly gave Floyd a chance to defend himself...just kept talking over him. Floyd talks all kindsa shit but the Dj is a tool
Yeah I didn't even get the sense that the DJ is a knowledgeable hip hop head, much less any kind of authority on boxing. That said, Floyd went out of his way to call them. He basically pulled the reverse of what happened w/ RA The Rugged Man a couple of years ago. At best, this was RA-lite but even that is giving too much credit. The hosts and Floyd all sounded like jackassess at the end of the day. Floyd is just really, really bad at smack talk. And I don't get how these guys have what is claimed by Sirius as the most popular satellite hip hop talk show
And its so obvious whats going on. He wants PUBLICITY for his station and all that. Its just really lame. I don't know why Floyd even wastes time with those clowns.
Yeah lets slag off people who take 10m out their day for the benefit of their fellow posters. Great way to improve the site, people
How so? Floyd was the one that called him. And apparently, his station is only right behind Howard Stern and someone else whose name escapes me for satellite radio shows with the highest number of call-in traffic. I don't think he needs Floyd to bolster his numbers any.
He is. He's not as confident as he tries to portray...hence the meltdowns with larry Merchant. A guy like Ali (or Hamed) was genuinely arrogant.