You aint missing much. Bute had a better round there, his best so far. Nothing brilliant, mind. MTF
Johnson is old now. Really old. He just can't get his shots off properly and Bute knows it now. He's starting to throw a lot more because very little of note is coming back. He'll win handily from here. MTF
Bute should go on to stop Johnson now. Glen has been a real warrior over the years, but he is looking real old right now MTF
A better round for Johnson, I guess, and he might have nicked it out of sympathy on the card. At best, Johnson is 6-2 down. At best. MTF
Man, i'm back from a fantastic, fucking fantastic night out with the family and barneyboy has the last laugh :giggle::giggle:
Bute wins another round whilst doing nothing special. Seriously, what do people see about this guy? He's okay, sound enough but for fuck's sake... MTF