Here's the thread. Lets discuss. Where do you put him amongst the HW's in MMA? Regardless of what purists want to believe, the guy is a legit force. Can he beat the following? Tim Sylvia Arlovski Barnett Randy Fedor I think Barnett and Fedor take him. But I see him taking the other three.
he may have a shot against Sylvia and Arlovski.....probably not against Andrei though the other 3 would tap him in the first round lets not start prematurely ejaculating here...the guy beat fucking bo cantrell and a shell of Tank Abbott
funny you say that, I told some of my friends I'd take him against all the HW abc's except Wlad, and even then he's got a shot:: TFK, lets talk about this. What in Tim Sylvia's game do you see that would give him a definite lock to beat Kimbo.? I said yes on Arlovski just because of the china chin. I think Kimbo drops him if he touches it and I think he would at least once. Fourhooks, I aint shooting my load so no worries. Its just a fun discussion. But I agree with your entire post.
C'mon.... Kimbo has looked impressive, but he's fought a washed up 40+ boxer, a washed up 40+ one dimensional fighter, and a non skilled never was MMA ham and egger. I know people like to hate on Tim, and I can see why, but thinking Kimbo has a chance to beat him is ridiculous. In a year or two, that may change (probably not), but right now, it ain't happening. TFK
:dunno: I know what you mean, but absolutely nothing in Tim's game makes me think he could beat Kimbo. Kimbo may be a brawler, but his punches are short/crisp/and accurate. The exact opposite of Tim's. Tim has horrible takedown shots. He would definitely be looking to take this fight to the ground and look for a submission or just stink out a decision. But seriously, you really see that happening? Its not like Tim is some BJJ master and he's definitely not a world class wrestler. Entertain me, how would you see this fight playing out?:dunno:
What's Kimbo gonna do when Tim starts throwing high kicks. What's Kimbo gonna do if Tim gets him on his back? Sylvia would be smart enough to try and take the fight deep, and when Kimbo starts sucking wind, he's easy pickings. I know everyone hates Sylvia, but he's a 2 time UFC Champ, and was on his way to being a 3 time champ, dominating Nog when he got caught in a submission. He may not be as exciting as most people like, but like it or not, he's one of the best heavyweights out there. Let's see Kimbo beat someone who isn't in his 40's, washed up or scared to death before we start claiming he can beat Top 10 heavyweights. TFK
This discussion is stupid. Kimbo neds to PROVE himself first. He has been fighting bums lately who obviously have come to lay down. Let him get some more experience first, then we should have this discussion. Its not even fair. BTW all of these fighters beat him EASILY.
Kimbo has a punchers chance with anyone....his boxing is solid....He could catch Sylvia or Arlovski.... I honestly think he beats Sylvia....Tim has proven to be the most overrated thing since Paris Hilton's blowjob
These are my thoughts exactly, fourhooks. You are right, TFK. taking the fight deep would be Tim's strategy, and it will be Shamrock's strategy as well. But to do that you must be capable of imposing your will on Kimbo. Tim would have to force Kimbo to fight Tim's fight and I honestly see no way of that happening. You ask what happens when Tim gets him on his back, lets talk real. How? Tim is a wrestler, he isn't a great grappler, and Kimbo is stronger. Now guys, don't get me wrong I aint buying everything Kimbo is selling quite yet. He does have alot to prove. The best thing he has going for him is the HW division is probably the weakest in all of MMA. Time will tell with Kimbo.
Let's not go overboard about Slice. Yes, he has good boxing fundamentals, punches in combination and seems to have finishing power....EARLY. But I still cannot get the vision of him gettting taken into deep waters and drowned by the very average Sean Gannon even after his people stopped the fight several times every time Gannon had Slice beat. Sure, he is better now that he is training with Rutten...but Tank Abbott never was worth a fuck, and sure the hell isn't now. To suggest that Slice has anything but a very early punchers chance against anyone even close to the top MMA guys in the world is absurd. Can Slice make noise after some experience?? Sure, but he has a long way to go people.
How people have forgotten about Gannon :: Now people think he can take people like Arlovski and even Randy, fucking hell ::
I feel ya, BYG. And yes I remember, Gannon. To put this Kimbo as the same guy with the same skill set is rediculous. Kimbo is still a novice to MMA yet all he can do is improve. He has the right trainer, He (seems) to be dedicated to learning. I am not saying he can beat any of these guys(except Tim, just nothing about Sylvia's game shows me he could do shit here), but he has a punchers chance. Randy got KTFO by Chuck. If you don't think Kimbo hits harder than Chuck we might as well stop the thread. If I was Kimbo's trainer, I would mimick Chuck's style. Great takedown defense and try to ko everyone. He will end up losing eventually, but he will crack a few skulls along the wayopcorn:
I'm not hating on Kimbo. I find him entertaining and think he's got potential. But saying he could beat a top 10 heavyweight at this stage of his career is akin to saying Butterbean could've beaten Evander Holyfield for the Heavyweight Title when he was King of the 4 Rounders. I mean, Butterbean has a puncher's chance, right? I think this thread is actually an excuse to hate on Tim Sylvia, which is retarded. You don't have to like his style, his look, or his personality, but to claim that a 1 Dimensional MMA fighter with 2 wins (and an exhibition win) over less then stellar competition has a chance of beating a 6'8", 260 lb, 2 time UFC champ who has beaten Vera, Arlovski, Monson, Rothwell, Rodriguez, etc, and was dominating Nog, the number 2 Heavyweight in the world....well that's just asinine. Jarhead may not see anything in Sylvia's game that makes him think he can beat Kimbo. That doesn't mean it's not there, it just means his bias against Sylvia won't allow him to see it. TFK
maybe so, man. You are right, I am openly bias against Tim Sylvia just as I was against John Ruiz. They are both fucking cockroaches that stink out victories. It still doesn't mean they are great. Maybe I just want to see Tim vomiting in the middle of the cage after a monster hook from Kimbo left him unconscience and concussed on the floor. This thread was not a Sylvia hate thread, it was to openly discuss Kimbo Slice and his potential. But hey, I could hate on Sylvia in Vazquez/Marquez III thread and still stay on topic. Hey, TFK, the analogy of Butterbean on Evander was decent, I think I got owned in that sentence alone:: :kick: if I'm asinine for saying Kimbo can beat Sylvia, you're asenine for saying Ken and Tank are the same.:tease:
This is a thread started by asking how we all thought Kimbo Slice would do against five top MMA heavyweights. Now personally, at this point....I give Slice only a punchers chance against any of them, a slim one at that. But I will say that Slice would probably have his best chance against Randy and Arlovski out of that lot, because of a variety of obvious reasons. Couture is old and can be hurt with strikes,...and Arlovski's chin is questionable. Tim Sylvia would be the hardest guy for Slice to beat because of size. That is why Sylvia is a top guy,....HE IS HUGE. A guy that big with average skill and talent is just as tough as guys your size with great talent. I don't like Sylvia'[s style...but he would beat the hell outta a novice like Kimbo at this point.
Kimbo doesn't look much better than when he was beating up bums in his backyard. He'd get killed. Still, if he trains hard and is well managed he could be interesting.
I'm a fan, not hating.. just don't think he is ready for the guys listed.. he probably would beat one maybe 2 of them.. not sure.. I hope he does well, he's a likable guy
I don't know how Slice would do against any of the guys listed, but I know Gary Shaw has himself a money making fighter on his hands. Destructive KO's against a few more well-selected opponents and Kimbo might be the biggest draw in MMA. But getting back on the point of the thread, Explosivo hit the nail on the head about Tim Sylvia. The guy is huge and Kimbo would have to really expose himself to try and crack Tim on the chin. On top of that, I don't know if there is a tougher or harder to intimidate person on the face of the earth than Tim Sylvia. There would be no fear advantage for Kimbo versus big Tim.
He might not have beaten the guys mentioned but he did beat Houston Alexander by a controversial split decision and if beating a talented UFC fighter such as Houston counts for nothing then we have a problem.