REED Posted this a Couple Weeks Ago: Cotto's been an UNDERappreciated Treasure over the Years, in REED's Opinion...He's CONSTANTLY Engaged in Meaningful Fights... Look @ this Resume: Pacquiao Mosley Margarito (2x) Judah Clottey Mayorga Quintana Urkal Foreman Malignaggi Corley Bailey Add in the Likes of Abdullaev, Kelson Pinto, Ricardo Torres, N'Dou, Sosa, Maussa...Hell, w/LESS than 15 Fights, Cotto had ALREADY Fought John Brown, Cesar Bazan, Justin Juuko & Ubaldo Hernandez... Dude's Fought Everybody!! REED
I respect Cotto a lot. He built up a resume of solid guys on the way up, although it took him awhile to start facing "e-light" fighters. Then the two year period from the Mosley to Pacquiao fight was a pretty impressive stretch of opposition faced. Plus he's given us some really entertaining fights. This was his best fight, IMO. The crowd and atmosphere didn't do it justice. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Great fight! That left hook to the body was devastating. Too bad Cotto doesn't use it as much anymore.
A game guy who has always been willing to fight whoever was out there, win or lose. And his wife makes me horny
His resume was garbage on the way up which is why I correctly picked Margarito in the first fight. He was very cleverly matched. I like him now though. Very solid fighter, not great, but solid and he never bores in the ring. He is an overachiever too.He fought a lot of names, but most were in decline on his way up.
I think if he tries it often against Floyd, Floyd will counter with the right uppercut. Cotto's always been a sucker for the uppercut.
I've always been a big Cotto fan, he's an awesome fighter. Solid to a tee, his only flaws being a lack of height/reach for his weight class, and so so ability to absorb punishment. And yeah, he'll fight anyone. He's very underrated and underappreciated, possibly because albeit solid and skilled, he's unspectular in the ring, and unassuming out of the ring.
I think juuko and others were garbage considering all those fights were televised. Otherwise though for as early in his career as those were, they were perfectly fine. Plus, only in hindsight were abdullaev, pinto and others not solid opponents.
I like Cotto he is a good solid fighter who always gives an honest effort. That's why I'm excited he's fighting Floyd because he will give an honest effort unlike that walking abortion that got away Victor Ortiz .
Let's remember though, we should really be giving Floyd less credit for Cotto than Ortiz, because according to Sly - Ortiz would stop Cotto.
Stop Cotto??? As in Cotto is walking and Ortiz says excuse me and Cotto stops and says can I help you?
No i don't think so...because even after Ortiz quit like a lil bitch in the Mayweather fight...Sly was still saying Ortiz would beat Cotto and Margarito...:giggle:
id still take ortiz over cotto at 147. dont like to see guys going down in weight toward the end of their career.
agREED... Considering WHEN Cotto Faced the Likes of Juuko, Bazan,etc., (Barely 15 Bouts Deeeeeeeeep Into his Career), that's a QUALITY Opponent...& Like U Said, Only in HINDSIGHT were Abdullaev & Pinto LESS than Quality...Each of them had BEATEN Cotto in the Ammy's, so there was CLEARLY a Degree of Risk Involved, @ the Time... REED:dancingBaby:
:boohoo: Riiiight...Hold your Breath while Searching for REED's "Victor Ortiz Appreciation Thread"....REED's Been FIRMLY Planted on Cotto's Bandwagon Since the Victoriano Sosa Fight... No Agenda Here OTHER than Giving an Undervalued Fighter his PROPER Respect...So Kindly Take your Laughing Smiley's, Shove them up your Shit Stirring Ass & Fuck Off, Por Favor???... REED:shit: