Who Z?? Reed, I have Floyd down for the big win over the vaunted Micky Cotto and his Ironclad resume. Will you accept the bounty, or will you remain here on your E-street-corner, fapping dem lyrics? You know the court system, you been through it often enough, I am counting on your county ass to take up the sig-bet. Call it. You have Cotto for the big W, right? First it was a "couple" weeks, then it was "three" weeks, now its up to "nearly a month old post". Fuck me but you seem unsure of yourself. Backtracking. Cotto does nothing for Floyds reputation. AgREED????
Like a moth to a flame called fame.....why, it's steve_dave. :bears: Only faggots find cunts annoying. Just remember that son. COTTO!!!! RESUME!!! FLOYD!!!!! Oh how the dots join up.
:scared::scared: Glad to See that OBSESSIVE Paranoia has Resurfaced...Not Only R you THREAD Stalking, but you're FORUM Stalking...@ This Point, if REED Posted in a Basket Weaving Thread, YOU'D Be There PMSing Over your Klit Licking "Logic" Unloading a MONEY SHOT in your Face...It's NOT REED's Fault that you were 100% WRONG in his Motivations for Starting this Thread...& Other than "I Know REED Well", U've Done Absolutely NATHAN to PROVE your Half Assed (Actually 1/4th Assed) Point... Backtracking???...LOOK @ the Fucking DATE that REED Elaborated on Cotto's Resume...That REALLY Says it All...Right THEN & THERE is when YOU were KNOCKEDthefuckOUT of the Frame, Homegirl... Or in YOUR Terms, it's When Corrie Sanders Forgot he was More Golf Pro than Fighter & Beat the Shit Out of Wlad...Honestly, Pimps have Beaten Prostitutes LESS Comprehensively than Colonel Sanders (Who Likely "Trained" @ the Range, Eating Buckets of Chicken) Did Wlad...Or when Vitali TAPPED OUT Against the "Mighty" Chris Byrd...Or when his "Bleeder" Tendencies Got the BETTER of him vs. Lennox Lewis... The NEXT Time U Waste Bandwidth in Defending the Likes of Sosnowski, Briggs or Chisora, REMIND YOURSELF that you Actually Took Issue w/REED Posting Cotto's Resume...2 Fights to Beat LAMEon Brewskies???...A Successful Defense Against Eddie "Chris Byrd LITE" Chambers???... Get the Fuck Out of here w/your HYPOCRITICAL Conspiracies, Bitch...So Get Out your Seat & "Jump Around" THAT, Motherfucker... REED:mj:
:: You would love me if we met. Guarantee it. Now come on, who is fooling who here, this Cotto Resume BS is a prelude to more Floyd-Fappery, and you know it.
Your lack of education is surfacing. This Footlocker Rampage terminology is unfortunate. However, we shall keep trying. Klitschkos? Got nothing to do with any of this. Inferior white pussies who have flaunted their White Athletic Privilege for too long. Surely all can agree on this and move on?? Lets get back on track- nobody took issue with Cotto's stellar resume being posted. The issue here is why the sudden, Need-for-Reed?? Cos he's fighting Floyd. Awww. Well ain't dat dandy!!! COME ON FLOYD!!!! TAKE THIS VAUNTED KILLER!!!! :bears:
Right. And all the resume-posting in the World won't add a fucking jot to that salient, relevant point. Its good business for Floyd- the generous Floyd giving the work-a-day champ, the peoples favourite, a well-earned payday. Even I can tolerate a bit of spin, a bit of media fluff. But.....once again, we find ourselves pandering to Floyd and HBO's complicity. But that's OK. Cos Cotto has fought everybody. :wack:
He has a hell of a resume. Mostly it involves guys Floyd is waiting on to get old or even more busted up. With Floyds recent win over Pacquaio via Marquez, we can expect Floyd to beat Pacquaio again with an impressive win over Cotto.
Is it possible (let's hope) that PBF gets shit in jail for having obviously ducked Pacquiao? Or do you think the self-selected jail populations will skew on the side of full-of-shit believers of PBF's side of the story (which is that Pacquiao ducked him)?
Floyd will be, as Professor Houston Reed Baker has pointed out, a celebrity in Prison. He won't get any shit. He might get his existing shit pushed in, but he won't get any new shit. Besides, Population barely know who the fuck Manny Pac is. ::
In No Particular Order, REED's Favorite Cotto Fights are: vs Zab, vs Torres, vs Abdullaev, vs Mosley, vs Quintana... REED:mj:
Sly feels the only welterweights in history who could've beaten PBF are: Hearns, SRL and Robinson. Just saying. Keep that in mind before considering his opinions on anything.
"Fragile" in What Way, Exactly???... His 2 Losses were in the 11th & 12th Rounds of Bouts that he Absorbed ALOT of Punishment in...Margarita BASHED Cotto's Face in w/BRICKS for Hands & Pac Caught Cotto Early & OFTEN w/Hard, Well Placed Shots that he COULDN'T See or BRACE Himself for...Nonetheless, Each Bout Nearly Lasted the Distance... A "Fragile" Guy Gets STOPPED in 5 or Less by Pac... Cotto Can B BUZZED or even HURT, but his Recovery Powers R Topnotch...Zab, Corley & Clottey Accomplished this, yet COULDN'T Even Floor Cotto...Torres Did, yet Got his Ass Whipped in the End... Cotto ISN'T What he Used to Be, but he's Still TOUGH, BRAVE & DETERMINED..."Fragile" Suggests that he's EASILY Compromised in the Ring, which he ISn'T... REEDhno:
To STOP Cotto, Floyd's Gonna have to B More OFFENSIVE Minded that he Typically Is...We Saw TRACES of this in the Ortiz Fight, but Cotto AIN'T Ortiz...Other than that, it's Been Since the Hatton Fight that Floyd Exhibited a Real DESIRE to Stop a Guy... If Floyd STOPS Cotto, he CAN'T Coast in the Process... Floyd UD is the SAFE Bet, in REED's Opinion... REED:goodnews:
Depends on how Cotto fights. If Cotto fights to win and is agressive Floyd knocks him out, if Cotto fights to survive, no waywould Floyd be able to stop him.
Floyd is more agressive minded now that he's older and not as fleet of foot. We saw that against both Mosley and Ortiz. He'll be the same way against Cotto. Cotto will be the one running in this one, no doubt.
I don't know what that means....yo. Are you saying, I too have a inflated view of PBF's abilities, such that I can't imagine anyone except Hearns, SRL and Robinson beating him? And that this tendency to focus all my attention on one fighter and over-rate him to the point of attributing him super powers, is a ongoing feature of my fandom? And that this distinguishes me from actual boxing fans, who genuinely like the sport? And that I look to boxing as a way to carry on my childhood fantasies about super heroes? Uh, sorry. That's Sly. That's not me. My house isn't glass.
Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. You are the most biased, or anti-biased guy on this forum. Your hatred for "hippity hop" fighters is well documented on here and so it's laughable that you should suggest that people need to keep my biases in mind before considering my opinion on anything. You're basicaly being called a hypocrite and you're too dumb to realize this, sadly.