The Moral of the story is don't fuck with the Site Owner! He be running shit around here and rules with an Iron Fist! Merciless dictator. He just E-Nuked BOSS Hiroshima style and shit.
Ok first what just happened? I never said boss was Hanz. And second, i hope boss was not just banned. We agreed to let him stay so his Kaliber banning has nothing to do with his Boss name.
You're being very uppity at the moment. Don't fuck with Buddy. He runs shit around here. You're just an appointed Admin...even low income Ricans get jobs around here. Be thankful for your employment and shut the fuck up.
I know you're being funny, but I told BOSS/Kaliber44 when he started spamming the Training and Conditioning thread that if he was going to do that, he didn't have to be here. He started here with you and steve_dave goading him on, so I didn't feel like reading it anymore. He was previously gone, and he can be gone again.
Beside if you own the site, you can ban whoever you want, whenever you want and you don't have to explain your decision to anyone.
LOL. I doubt that. As far as I saw, Anthony outted him a few weeks ago in that other thread, so when he started shitdisturbing in a few subforums, whether it be the MMA forum or the Training and Conditioning Forum, I figured he was just up to his old tricks. :dunno: I'm not going to be bothered with an argument or anything like that. If he wants to stir crap, he can do it elsewhere.
Seriously, jokes are over now. reinstate boss. He didnt break any rules. Remember our rules here buddy. You cant ban someone that you are in a personal beef with.
Sly....Sly..Sly.......not for nothing, but.....between you and me....fat is found just below the skin, so getting under the skin has got nothing to do with getting past fat. Sorry to, ahem, inject that biophysical reality into the debate, you can get back to fighting each other now, hopefully on medically correct, if not politically correct, terms.
Didn't look like a joke, and since you or SD took down the Mod Forum, we have nowhere else to discuss this stuff, so I made the call based on what I had read and seen.
He was spamming T&C so bad it was banhammer worthy? BOSS is entertaining, surely he should only be banned if he spamming important forums like the general boxing forum.
I'm not in a personal beef. I said I wasn't going to be, and since I'm an owner and not your moderator, my decision's been made and I'm comfortable with it.
Dude, you really don't have to justify your decision. You own this shit. Just be proud and sing the following: <IFRAME height=315 src="" frameBorder=0 width=420 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>
1 i never took down the mod forum. 2, it was clearly a joke. We were having a good time in that thread. If he was Hanz do you think i would let him stay? Him and hanz had epic fueds for days. Hanz wanted him banned for the longest. How could you think he is hanz?
Who knows? I've seen people start up different username accounts and then make it look like two people were arguing to deflect suspicion. 1. I said you or SD. 2. It wasn't clear it was a joke. It looked like he was joking when he responded, but that's that.
The real questions are these: Will Buddy wilt under the pressure being exerted by Anthony and reinstate BOSS? Or will Buddy be confident in his own Authority as ABSOLUTE RULER (no General Zod) and stick to his guns? the saga continues....
The real question is, why was BOSS banned? 1) Everyone knows he's Kaliber, not Hanz. 2) If you read the T&C thread in question, he was just fucking around as per usual, I'd hardly consider it spamming.
You're having fun with this one, eh. The way I see it, as soon as we saw that he was Kaliber44, he was ban fodder eventually. I don't care which he is, but I've been sick the past two days, just got better, and don't feel like being bothered. If he wants to spam, he can spam somewhere else.
Neither did I. I didn't touch the mod forum. For real though Buddy, BOSS is a pretty amusing poster. I vote to bring him back.
Dude, like I said before you don't need to bring up excuses to justify anything. You own this place. You can ban whoever you want, whenever you want and for no reason other than you just want to do it.
Well now you know it was a joke. Boss broke no rules in the training section. How was he wrote even considered spam? He needs to be unbanned. what happened to "You'll find it difficult to get under my skin, dude. Feel free to try.<LABEL for=rb_iconid_7>"</LABEL> <LABEL for=rb_iconid_7></LABEL> <LABEL for=rb_iconid_7>You invited this. You could have closed this thread. So he continued to try and get under your skin the way you asked him to and now he is banned? Come on buddy stop playing games. You cant be serious::</LABEL><!-- / message --><!-- sig -->