You dont smack a dog on his ass for shitting on the carpet two years ago. The statute of limitations has passed on his banning.
You were the one who up and banned Irish out of the blue. He's a better forum member than BOSS. BOSS can cool off for a few days, but I guess I'm at the point where I just don't feel like taking shit off people anymore since I was the one who worked hard to keep this place open when Carlos wanted to shut it down. Life's too short for me to put up with people's bullshit---especially anonymous dickwads on the internet.
I say it hasn't passed. Kaliber was never brought back. He snuck back and was given leeway. If he wants to bother me, he can stay gone.
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Then why did you ask him to? you seemed confident he couldnt get under your skin and sure enough he did. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Sure it has. And you told him to bother you. You invited him to continue. Why didnt you close the thread if you didnt want to be bothered?
Very bizarre thread. I'm going to finish up a story. This place is all weird right now, like when everyone is kidding around and all of a sudden someone snaps and the air has been sucked outta the room. Catch you gents later tonight to talk some shit. :hammert:
Oh Dear...I see signs of weakening.... Ah...there's the power on display again. The conviction. The self-Belief. Better.
I was acting on what you said initially. Particularly when you say it with an emphatic FACT. Regardless, my decision's made. I'll bring him back in a day or two when I feel like it.
No mod or owner should have an ego on a messageboard. That is what brought places like and down. Having owners say I am the owner this and i am the owner that and i can do whatever i want. We have put special rules into place on this site to prevent things like that. Rules that all the owners agreed to. People on this site have called me every name in the book and i never abused my powers. Boss broke no rules. Even what he wrote in the training section isnt considered spam. It was actually just funny.
This must be a joke. I cant even think of it being real. Boss called buddy out (a normal thing done on this site) Buddy replied and actually engaged. Basically telling boss to try your hardest, your words wont affect me. Next thing we know, Boss is banned. I just cant imagine buddy being serious here. Obviously buddy has to realize how bad he is looking here.
Then you have the power to throw him away. Get rid of this upstart. He challenges your authority in front of the rest of the forum!
Boy, you're really having fun with this, aren't you? Nah. Anthony's cool. We just disagree sometimes.
Boss was warned in the other sub-forum that if he kept it up, he'd be gone, so he started a thread here. I was nice at first, and then I said fuck it.
Preach!! Amen Brother!!!:dancingBaby: He's funny, he's no worse on any of the no-no stuff than anyone else is. I say a temporary ban followed by an agreement he follows a strict code from there on out. Buddy isn't the sort who bans people on a whim, but he doesn't have to let him back on a whim, either. I say we need all the Boss's we can get.
You were more than nice. You told him to try and get under your skin and how it wouldnt work. He got under your skin and banned him. How is that even remotely fair?
:bears: Agreed. BOSS is part of the family for sure. Beware though, the precedent has been set... next time you piss me off, I'm gonna pretend it's not bothering then BAM!! You're gone.
word. You are the owner. If a man is challenging you in a smacktalk session you reserve the right to ban him. No justification needed. " want to diss me? I'm the owner and I just banned yo ass, that's what!"
A temporary ban for what? What the fuck did he do? We dont ban people here just because we feel like it. That is bullshit.