My point exactly. When you banned Irish for something similar, Buddy asked you about it didnt he? I even told buddy to bring it up to you because i thought it was a bullshit banning too. Now how the hell is buddy going to say something to you about it and do the same damn shit. If we let this go, there is no more rules. We can do what we want. We cant have that. We need to be able to control ourselves. That is why we have rules for banning on this board.
Buddy can though. That's the point. He owns this place. He can ban whoever he wants. the mods and admins are the ones that have to follow strict banning protocol.
Agreed. Maybe in support of BOSS we should all start a self imposed ban hammer for a few days? I look forward to BOSS's return, and whatever wisecracks he's currently conjuring up :bears:
Wrong he has to. He agreed to it. Now shut the fuck up before i ban you for getting under my skin. This is your warning.
All of the owners reserve the right to ban whomever they want whenever they want. Of course it means that if they abuse this power, the boards would eventually die. nevertheless it IS their's to wield.
Actually what's getting under my skin is you arguing with me about this after I've made my decision. I was a bit rankled when sly and SD started in, but like I said, I've been off a few days. It probably has me a bit cranky.
Yeah, for sure. There's no question it was a bullshit banning. Irish had it coming though, it wasn't some softy stuff like in here.
I would respond in kind but, out of respect for Hut's wishes, I won't bother. You have an unhealthy obsession with using my real name staf...D&M. Unfortunately for you, I'm not on the run from debtors/mad skanky ex/police/child support agency (delete as appropriate) so the use of my real name bothers me not a jot. It bothers you a lot, though, which is rather strange... MTF
:: No one bans the sly one. No one. :nono: "If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine"
So? Your decision has bigger consequences than you apparently realize. Again, you objected to Steve-Dave doing the exact same shit you just did. Your decision was irrational and emotional.
Buddy has it in his name and he pays the server bills monthly. Buddy gets a bit of leeway. You know, it's interesting. When steve_dave did the same thing to Irish, you didn't carry on for page after page, talking about how bad he looked.
He couldnt even tell Boss was fucking about. You think Boss was serious? :: That guys jokes all the time.
No, it was a little while after you and I discussed it by PM, whereas you're basically pestering me on the forum. Double standards.
That's rich coming from the guy who started a smack thread this afternoon and deleted everything after one response. MTF :laughing:
Very disappointing. It now seems as though you are owner in name only...puppet title. Anthony and Steve_Dave have the real power around here. You're the Queen of England (I like your skirts) and they are the Prime Minister and his Deputy. There's nothing to believe in anymore. It's a sad sad time....
At least anthony got to go on and on about how bad I look. That has to be mildly entertaining for the forum and liven up a slow day.
I had to wait for you to address it. When you finally addressed it, it happened quick. I am now addressing this with you and it's not happening quick. It was wrong then, it is wrong now. Owner or not, wrong is wrong.