I know this isn't what a lot of you shall want to hear, but I think if Buddy was let's say, 30, this never would have happened. Yes, unfortunately when people get to around 40ish they just become inherently uncool.
HEY!!!! I didnt fight for over 2 hours to get you back here for a lecture. Just keep the jokes coming okay.
It was about $230 bucks. Funny thing is, I just went back and looked at our PM's. January 24th of last year, through PM's I suggested to all the owners, we pull the money out of the Google Adsense account to give as a prize in the Prediction League. A week later I realized Cupey took the money out of the account after he had basically disappeared for over a year. I'd wager he used his access of the PM's to read our communications before he pulled it out himself before we could. He even changed the address on the Google account, from Buddy's back to his own address. Best off, I just realized just now, he took the money out of the Google account, the exact same day I suggested we take it out in a Private PM to Buddy, Punk and TKO. Coincidence???????
I haven't been in the Control Panel in a long time. I gave up tinkering with this place a long time ago. I think Super Admin status gets it, and we hadn't locked Cupey out yet at that time. Hell, I don't even know if they CAN be viewed by anybody else. Just seems real strange. I mention it in a PM, and zip......hours later, Cupey drains the account.
No, I'm quite active (I have to be). I've been having wicked headaches for the past 3 days though. I have one right now and I'm stuck at work til 3:00. It's just murder.
When I tried to add that T-Rex-armed bastard on facebook, he turned me down immediately. Remember around 2003 he was trying to charge people money to watch videos here??
I also forgot to add...........I deduced all of this because my cock is long in length and wide in girth. Not as long as my Boat or as wide as my 345" Plasma/LED/3D/IMAXVision Home Theater with Stadium Seating Vomitorium.................but it's pretty damn big. Obama.....................Ron Paul..................ketchup!!!!!!!
Trust me, we'd do it to if we could figure out our heads from our asses. :nono: This place runs on nothing but gumption and blind luck right now. Punk gets a tickle in his throat and this place comes down like a Transformer robot constructed of Jenga tiles.
Wait...you still think that I'm shorter than you? :: Dude you're no more than 5'6"! Anyway...if you want to believe that you're taller than me, it's all good. You are a little chubby though....your body could feed a small village in India.
Anyway buddy...just messing with ya. I'll stop and start picking on someone else. I need to find someone that's prone to having meltdowns. I need some fun.
Sly, You, my wife, and I all saw in 2008 that you were shorter than me. I was wearing running shoes. You've claimed to be 5ft10 here before, but you're 5ft5 at best and weigh about 160. If we're going to be honest, let's be totally honest. :)
I guess it is possible that you've grown taller in the 4 years since, but people don't usually grow much taller in their mid-30s unless we're talking about medieval times when people were stretched on the rack.
:: Why lie? 5'5? My Wife is 5'6" and even when she wears 3" heels I'm taller than her. But ok dude, have it your way.
You're trying anything now. But that's cool. Like I said, I wont pick on you anymore. You do resemble this dude though....
It's true folks---it's all true. In fact, I'm so fat and tired right now, I could rest my mantitties on sly's head since he is about that level.
Sly, it wasn't your limp that made you shorter than me. At the time we met, I was about 205, so ok, I was a bit chubby as I wasn't running as regularly then. If I recall correctly, you had a limp from a knee issue because you used to run track. You can't be honest about being shorter than me? Ok, that's cool. At least one of us can tell it the way it was. I had gone to the Eagles concert the night before with Natasha and really tied one on. We met up with you the next day to have lunch at that Asian restaurant, and you were indeed shorter than me. You were pretty muscular, and that's a compliment. I guess you can't own up to certain things. It's not like you're the mayor of Munchkin City or anything.