That's sad, sly. You're slightly shorter than me and you can't admit it. This calls for a Fightbeat North convention. Maybe we could unban Hanzy and get you two to carpool to Ottawa. Bring your winter jacket though. I know that even in Kingston, they have no snow, so you must have no snow whatsoever in Toronto. We have 2ft of snow here.
It's true though---sly's shorter. It might not be by a whole inch, but it seemed like it. Maybe he's 5ft5.14158 or so.
I'm actually about 5ft7 according to my doctor's height chart. He might have shrunk it for me out of sympathy though.
it was obviously a joke, an old joke about how this forum has only one member with multiple usernames. Give us a break Rydell. Bring Boss back.
You might be the perfect height for a man but if you can't afford shoes it still won't help you get laid!
He's slightly shorter than me. I don't know his exact height. It might be an inch or so, but I was wearing running shoes. He wasn't wearing platform shoes or anything. Just regular dress shoes. He's really in-shape and stronger than average. I think he was expecting a psycho based on some of my past posts, but I was pretty chill and came away thinking he's a really cool guy.
Yes, whenever Gatti posts, I think back to when he was posting about how he would let Penelope Cruz violate him anally with a strap-on. That's the AG legacy from my viewpoint. He was probably just young and curious. :love:
I should meet up with him and SD sometime, or we should organize a Fightbeat North weekend. SD can be the impartial judge. It might not even be an inch. Sly might be 5ft6, but I swear I'm taller than him. Anybody remember Everlast, the forum member? He was 5ft5 max. Sly's taller than him.
I propose a Meet and Greet with sly and SD sometime this year. Drinks, some type of boxing or UFC, and a bbq. I put on a big Canada Day celebration at my place every year, so they are welcome to come out. This'll be the fifth year that we've done fireworks.