"Come to my place, i have a stocked liquor cabinet, piles of food, big screen tv to watch the fights ..." Hmmm
On a night when there will be fireworks hmmmmmm fireworks would cause a lot of noise hmmmmm a lot of noise that would make it impossible to hear someone scream hmmmmm
Keep in mind I'm much shorter than you and, according to some, 350lbs. All you have to do is take three steps backwards, and my twelves steps forwards will cause me to have an asthma attack and pass out. LOL.
When you say it that way, I do sound like the witch from the Hansel and Gretel Gingerbread House episode of Bugs Bunny.
Looks like it is time for a bet. How much would you like to wager? We need an impartial judge to call it in person and we can put a vid on youtube. :)
I'm pretty sure I'm taller, but now I'm wondering what angle you're playing. My guess is the "bet-big-and-don't-show-angle". I've never bet more than a couple of hundred on anything, but I'll bet $500. We need an impartial judge, so where do we meet? I came to Toronto for the Eagles. Is there anything you're thinking of heading to Ottawa for?
I don't have $5,000 in the bank, dude. I'm pretty sure I'm taller though, so I will bet $500. Who knows? Maybe you were slouching but you definitely looked shorter.
No, hardly a pussy, but who knows? Maybe my perception was wrong, but if I thought I was wrong, I wouldn't bet a cent.