Well, that should give sly enough time to go to Switzerland and buy a pair of robotic legs. I'm off to buy anti-gravity boots, guys. ::
so from scrolling back what i can gather is that two canuck dwarves are going to measure each other barefoot. sounds kinky
Damn, sounds like we have a forum of giants here. I'm just under 5ft7, I think. I can't remember the last time I measured my height because I haven't had any growth spurts lately. LOL @ Neil. Even when I'm the one getting roasted, the guy comes out with a good line.
We had a party at my place last year on Canada Day during which 30 adults drank 600 beers in 3 days. We called it Leederpalooza. BBQ, fireworks, axethrowing, pool tournament, boat rides (We live next to a lake), and there's a beach down the road a ways.
I dont think you are getting roasted. you know your height and are comfortable with it. Unlike sly is clearly insecure about it.
And hard as fuck. Luck of the genetic draw. I'm shorter than average, but I'm also stronger than average. C'est la vie.
This is a great thread. It's just like Buddy at the buffet table, just as you think it's done it picked up steam!
Sure let's do it. I'm free around 8-9 pm. We can go to a local shoppers drug mart they have those height thingys I think.
Im not really at liberty to say much, but lets just say it involves sly's disdain for Alistar Overeem due to a certain diet.
Sly's the man. We'll meet up sooner or later. He's got a standing invite as we already met, and I know he's classy! artie: